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Can we get the trackable shorebird connector shuttles in gbus? I always seem to hit the donut hole at 10 and end up waiting 20 minutes. (I saw 4 quad busses during this time) oof..


Coffee produceCoffee(@Node @HalfnHalf MilkProduct milkProduct) {


Latest one that popped up:

-    float circleWidth = (float) Math.sqrt(
-        canvas.getWidth() * canvas.getWidth()
-        + canvas.getHeight() * canvas.getHeight()
-    )  - innerRadius;
+    float circleWidth = (float) Math.hypot(canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()) - innerRadius;



Shout out to @110664632946820915121 in the new Doomtree track in the 2nd verse.

_Ay, I’m pushing up on your tempo_
_She too stoned Nintendo_
_I’m Vint Cerf, she Pink Floyd_
_I’m jumpin out the window_

Also a damn fine track.


TiL M-x google-compile


Old standards don't die they just fade away in a W3C working group.


Where do Beekeeper and Groups intersect?  They seem to fulfill the same basic user need.  (And only one has full email integration.)



My script

This contains anything that accepts a changelist in the form of -c XXXXXX

I just run this thing before I mail out CLs and has made my life easier.  Anything else safe that can be added here?  Next step I should add some kind of g4 mail trigger to just run this thing automatically......

buildifier -a -v
/google/src/head/depot/google3/tools/java/ --fix


Okay, here's an old one.

I actually interviewed with a towing company that became AutoReturn in 2001.  When I expressed concern about their business model the recruiter said: *we have an unfair advantage due to our relationships with people on the board of supervisors*.

I passed.


*Human Factors Design Handbook - 1981*

One can learn a lot by looking into how real Architects design things.  Airports, Parking Garages, Bathrooms, Missile Control Systems, Furniture, you name it, it's in there.  It also includes things highly relevant to our field like accessibility, design for failure, and social factors and privacy:

_Personal space factors are important in establishing the privacy requirements for architectural design._

Currently residing at the desk of @102103132265474854376   -- Check it out!


Here's my slides talking about SEO for Google+

Email me at and I will gladly add you to the webmaster tools for to see all the cool graphs.


Subscribe to and you too can learn about papers like this:



 - what feature would make it easier to help you share something?


1 Direction Hangout had visible effect in search queries to  (Blue is impressions, red clicks.)





_Add support for [deprecated = true] on all types of definitions_

Fixed in 2.6.0

There was much rejoicing..


*Beware the killer submit click*

- Accidentally click Submit on an approved CL in Critique
- Not knowing this edit said CL
- After tests pass, whatever is in client is submitted.
- See email, go WTF?!  Rollback
- .... 2 hours pass
- TAP catches up.
- Accept breakage reports for hours.


If we're doing interest based stuff we're definitely going to need a killfile.  In fact I'd say that it's more important than expressing interests.

We already support per-user and per-post ignoring.  Why not per-interest ignoring?


So it appears that Pages that restrict visibility from the US will not get indexed in search.  I just checked this using webmaster tools and things don't show up.

I doubt that's what these page owners expect...

@107119856398345819723 / @106642279061626308531 - thoughts?

@102583327817215270776  I know we allow webmasters to geotarget whole domains, do we allow for a way to do it on a page-by-page basis using magic markup?


K release name write in.

Endorsed by Chris DiBona -- worldwide rap connoisseur with his posse of commenters.


If you have an org devoted to supporting power/'head" users I'd love to hear about it...  [post a comment or message me]

Looks like Youtube has this with real metrics and OKRs which is cool.


Bing Rewards are pushing this link on their crowd.  I earned 1 point for checking it out.


cc: @109983414620974200462


Managed to get OpenVPN-ng working.  Recommended if you live in Chrome Canary, like I do...


Interesting take on Email based sharing for photos.

.. rewind : we were talking with Yahoo about supporting this use case a few years ago.  Not much came of it.



Search the html, not the content.  I can think of a bunch of ways that this is useful...


IMO we need *Public* to be different from *Publicized*.  There are people that want stuff to be out there, but not promoted.  Give the user a choice here..

We've been through this hell many times.  User thinks their audience is small.  We blow it up big time:

- Google+ Shares of Youtube videos
- Photos on a Map
- next?

I've told this story many times, but when I was at hi5 we analyzed why people deleted their accounts.  A big percentage were people with photos that appeared in the hi5 version of 'What's Hot'.


Heard most of this on the drive home yesterday on KZSU.  A great discussion of how technology mediated experiences affects our humanity.

Sometimes the bridge traffic backups are good for something.


*This is how Googlebot fetched the page*

So my  with SEO got the shout out, so I guess I should tell you more...  I learned a few things about driving search traffic at some startups and at LinkedIn which really mastered the practice. When Authorship was unlaunched I noticed that we did quite poorly in this area.

So I got our sites verified on Google Webmaster tools and started going through a few checklists.  Bushels of low hanging fruit.  Many issues have been fixed, but there are many more to go.  I'm collecting resources on this sites page:

And here's a cover bug that lists many of the problems found:

Also if you're interested in these issues I can add you to the webmaster tools sites.  You can see what people are searching for and what your pages look like to Googlebot.  And hopefully it's not like the /explore page (which is fixed in http://cr/75340820)

[we now return you to your I release code freeze scramble]


*going to mow the new kia*

Hangouts/GV needs a share button...

_Yay. G. Any has called Smart day event for Thursday. September 11th 2014. For your residence asked. 2. So record, press 1 to continue this message in English. Hope you guys do. But I just could you estimate so I can explain yours. Bye. Yay. G. Any has called Smart day event for Thursday. September 11th 2014. For your residence asked. 2. So record. But I spend your in 5 order monday newsreel a lenient. Remember to reduce your energy use between 2 PM and 7 PM Yes 8 energy point electric rates are high. S. Yeah for more information. Your update your notification preferences. Yeah, including our new S M S text notification message. Yeah, please visit, your B M W W dot T T E dot com. Yeah forward slash your mate your call. 1. Yeah 866. Yeah 743. Yeah, 0263 P. G. N. T. I've heard of them out a living, but I just wanted to do 818 point base 6 PM at a home signals me got going to see. Hey, this is a me see if you those, that'll be cool with bye. But according to the refusal going to mow the new kia and they love those we may see if you gave me. But I was gonna that he One of the study for the legs, we got some. S. S. S. By opening a messing from a few. And ohh but I thought you said listening to The know if you got to you and your trouble, B, C, D Yeah, we will go to the renewal. Yeah, so yay. She E yo dot com. Yeah bad. After Tomorrow. Great. Based on your yo Jeremy, irons, ohh no your toes face face. Yeah see if they go out of the days. Yeah fatal dose face to face. Thank you. Bye bye._


Anyone on photos team working with twitpic to get their stuff into G+ photos?

Would be interesting to create an appengine application that could serve and redirect and keep those permalinks active.


From the ever entertaining CompeteWatch community...


My canary's got a regression! And the only prescription.. is more @Nullable!


FYI -  Search is unlaunching social features today: (Authorship) (SpYW)

This is a reactive release, so no explicit comms will go out.  If anyone asks you should escalate through PR.  There will be a public post about some of this by John Mueller.

Sad to see it go, but I do understand the reasons why.


You can now donate and gift-match via payroll deductions.


*One simple trick that simplifies JS Loading!*

@103532563190745371016 has delved deep into script loading and found that it's better to  just use a regular script tag to load many resources.  The key is to use the async and defer attributes.

It turns out that preload scanners work better than the gobs of script-tag-injecting js code, even on older mobile browsers.

If you're targeting IE9 and above you can also use the _onload_ attribute on your script tag to trigger execution when the script is async loaded.

Work is ongoing to update our docs and existing uses in google3.


Worth re-reading every now and again...

And since this was in 7/2012 many new folks may have never seen it..



Gaia engineers, avert your gaze.

Imagine the logic needed to implement that...

Nebraska: age 19 (or upon marriage) huh?


Some days I wish we could apply machine learning to TAP...

For example, run this small set of tests first, because if they fail, then all these other ones will fail too.



Google Health...  For dogs

Just had to deal with medical records for my dog's chemo treatments.  Very suboptimal.  I was able to get PDFs (instead of fax) and some digital x-rays.

However to make sense of this I had to manually plug in blood test results into a sheet.  Each of these data points had differing error-ranges. etc.

There's a long history of animal based science being applied to humans.  If we could solve the Vet problem we could move on to Humans.....


I don't think that's what we meant by "name shaped".

@102143528674197588447 @103643500382916616176


This following comment makes me wonder...  when will HTML not make up the majority of our search corpus?

_They've already been using their ranking system to encourage HTTP and HTML. Think of all the poor BBSs and gopher servers they've been discriminating against!_


Big congrats to the G+ signin team for getting integrated with mixi.  Wow.


_"embedded restaurants and taxis"_

This is why I think we need to do more, not less with live content, especially on mobile....