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New comment by lindner in "OpenSocial Specification"

So many thoughts about OpenSocial and the reference implementation, Shindig. I have it thank for my time at hi5, LinkedIn and then Google.

Some little known facts about OpenSocial

- Hangouts Apps (remember those?) were based on OpenSocial containers.

- OpenSocial powered the LinkedIn Apps Platform and Labs for a number of years. The team built Rails and Node apps and deployed on Joyent.

- Eric Schmidt gave a pep talk to the working group pre-launch and mentioned about how open always wins in the end...

- MySpace was concerned about the attack surface of 3p apps running in iframes. They toyed with the idea of requiring a webkit browser plugin to run apps (!). It did lead to Caja* as a project.

- The work on OpenSocial led in small part to the Activity Streams spec which led to ActivityPub and thus the latest Fediverse protocols. I like to think of OpenSocial as dead, but a good organ donor.

Fun times...


Patchwork 2.0 - 2010

While not strictly social, this did use the underlying Shindig code based used for social gadgets. It also allowed for Cooperating Gadgets in the browser via gadgets.pubsub and distributed Prefs system using gadgets.prefs

In fact one of the use cases was 'add the Google Gadget to your container' so your other gadgets could have enhanced functionality. The only thing missing is a user-owned, portable data store. We're seeing a return to this model in ARCS and Fuchsia.



I'm sure this will make some people nostalgic..

_Our October board report will be due in a couple days (Oct 7th) and due to the lack of activity with the project over the past few quarters (and general decline for even longer than that) I think it is time Shindig gets moved to the attic.  Please respond with your vote, thanks!_



I don't have my  - but I do have the email that started the ball rolling towards my eventual employment.  Seven weeks later I started at Google.

*Date*: 8/7/10
*Subject*: Interesting moves

_I'm intrigued the recent social moves coming out of Google and wonder if there's some part for me in all of this, either from the inside or from the outside._

_Truth be told, I'm not getting my "change the internet for the better" satisfaction at the moment even with the independent time I spend on Opensocial/Shindig/OAuth._

_Would you like to have a short chat in the next week or two?_


Pour one out for Apache Wave. Everyone's moving to share.js

Sad to see this happen, but somewhat expected given the complex code base and lack of institutional support.

Reminds me that I should push some Apache Shindig changes to keep that on life support...


In Portland?  Tonight you can network with people working on OpenSocial, Shindig and Rave.

In Portland?  Tonight you can network with people working on OpenSocial, Shindig and Rave.

Sadly I won't be able to make this or the OpenSocial State of the Union.  Have fun folks!

Originally shared by Mark W.

Please join @ApacheRave, @ApacheShindig, on Tues night @OSCON& celebrate another year of open source!


Going to OSCON?  Check out this event plus the OpenSocial State of the Union.

Going to OSCON?  Check out this event plus the OpenSocial State of the Union.

Originally shared by Mark W.


Here's a fun visualization I made last year for the Apache Shindig project using Gource.

Here's a fun visualization I made last year for the Apache Shindig project using Gource. Learn how to make your own at


There's some interesting things going on behind the scenes here. Some of this will find it's way back to shindig.

There's some interesting things going on behind the scenes here. Some of this will find it's way back to shindig.

In any case it's a generalized solution for calling JSON-RPC endpoints with postMessage flow using OAuth2.

Originally shared by Mano Marks

Pretty cool, a new way to access many of Google's APIs, though not Maps at the moment. In particular, Google+, Freebase, Contacts, Latitude, and a host of other APIs. And it'll handle the authentication for you.


Answer by Paul Lindner for Building Shindig locally


Apache Invites.. Looking forward to connecting with more people here.

Apache Invites.. Looking forward to connecting with more people here.

[email protected]

VP Apache Shindig


Hi Opensocial folks.

Hi Opensocial folks. As you may have noticed that I'm a bit busy lately. Tonight I'm going to catch up on shindig/spec work.

Thanks to everyone in this community for making Opensocial a success!


lindner commented on pull request 1 on apache/shindig


Check this video out -- Apache Shindig Commits via @youtube


Learn more about OpenSocial at Duboce Tech Talk right now!

Activity Streams, Oauth, Shindig, enterprise apps and more....

At the very least come by at 5pm for beer&wine!



@atrachtenberg @ramsey. Can you send info to [email protected] Thanks!


Comment by Paul Lindner on Is Apache Shindig 100% compatible with iGoogle implementation


Shindig security tokens can be made into bearer tokens without much difficulty re:


lindner created branch connect at lindner/shindig


lindner forked apache/shindig


Apache Shindig has graduated and is now an official Apache top level project. Thanks to everyone that made it possible!


released shindig-1.1-BETA5-incubating after two successful votes.


Prepping shindig-1.1-BETA5


Paul is finishing up his Shindig Presentation for ApacheCon -


@ssethi For you'll find that hyves, netlog and other sites in europe are adopters, plus there are some shindig devs in EU


voted +1 for shindig 1.0 release, the first official incubating release


Checking in fixes for shindig to deal with the OAuth vulnerability