Human, Dustcake, Engineer
Doing my best to make the world a little better every day.
❤️ J9
Just for fun I thought I'd see what impact css-dashes have on the Google+ base-page.
So we start with a 312k base page:
*% wc Google+.html*
1341 17301 312802 Google+.html
If we grab id/class attributes (just the stuff in quotes) we see:
*% cat Google+.html | perl -nse 'while (m,(id|class)="([^"]+)",sig) { print ""}'| wc*
0 1773 50420
Whoa.. 1/6th of the bytes are class/id names! (see http://
If you just remove the dashes from the class names you save 13k. In practice you can gain more since the css obfuscator will choose a smaller identifier..