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Oz Monolith

*An Update on the Oz Monolith*

So it's a little over been two weeks since we turned down most of Oz for frontends. Project Death Star removed most Google+ traffic. Purple Hummus removed Project Falcon got iOS G+ on FEDS. And the OneGoogle Notifications Widget is now exiting too.

There's still much more to do, Apiary APIs, widgets and more need to go. And lots of code to delete as you can see in the Rise and Fall of Oz by # of files below.

Thanks to everyone that removed services/code, and let me know if you're missing a killoz teams badge.


Looking for funky, but Wahlberg's not your style? Here you go.

Sadly it'll probably be taken down before I get off this shuttle. Sorely tempted.


I wonder if there's a professional version of this? Interesting idea..

I wonder if there's a professional version of this? Interesting idea..

Originally shared by Guy Kawasaki

(Wed04) Was getting in touch with my metrosexual side on Pinterest and came across this pin:

Which lead me to this:

Which is something to buy for sure! You can get it here for $34.95, but all the colors are sold out except purple.


Julie needs a new pair of Shoes....

So Julie found these very snazzy shoes in Japan, however the American counterpart to this company can't seem to order them for us.  The web site is at  I stumbled throught the Japanese purchase forms, but it appears that this company is only set up to do local deliveries.

I'm looking for a size 24cm purple-esque as pictured below...  Contact me at [email protected] if you can help me out.