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Fun to be oncall for services that page when twitter goes down...

Received response 1:\nHTTP/1.1 504\r\n\r\nDate: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 22:21:02 GMT\r\n\r\n\r\n\n


Spotted -- the rarely seen MySpaceID login widget.... Federated login done wrong.

Found on the company that just acquired hi5:

Beware the ghosts of connect buttons past...


tmux FTW

If you're still using screen or byobu you might want to take a look at tmux. I finally took the plunge after some weird screen session deaths.
Anyone have some googler tmux.conf's? Mine is still pretty bare bones so far -- I'm going cold turkey tmux (except for my prefix key which I've always set to C-z)


Orkut contact import for Google+ was soft-launched this week for people in India and Brazil.

We're not promoting this externally, but I feel the need to give big props to Michael Sindelar, Eduardo Thuler , Victor Ribeiro , Paulo Golgher, and Diego Fernandes for making this happen.


Do you participate in the mediawiki open source project and want to help authorship at Google? Let me or @102662722116509970382 know, we'd appreciate any assistance.


This is the proposed new Opensocial Mission statement. What do you think? Let me know by wednesday's Opensocial Board meeting.

_Believing that people are the bond of interactions on the Web, the mission of the OpenSocial Foundation is resolved to fundamentally changing and advancing the social Web. We aim to foster a dynamic, participatory ecosystem that is open to all, ensuring the free and transparent development of a diverse set of community driven specifications and an honest and open exchange of ideas._


Anyone have a spare tenergy charger + batteries they'd want to part with? They're backorderd till January!


Grab your seatbelts..

I've been lucky enough to live through spikes like this. At Typepad we had cuteoverload, and gofugyourself, at hi5 we had the Romanian DJ phenomenon which resulted in 20% penetration in a months time...

In both cases the small teams had to scramble to deal with the load and focus on features was suspended.

I'm so stoked to see what we can do with the infrastructure of Google behind us.


Bye bye OAuth-Wrap!

The Hotmail account feature in Google+ now uses OAuth 2.0 to fetch your contacts. Looking forward to talking to more OAuth 2.0 enabled endpoints (ToS/BD willing!)

Congrats to Yaniv Shuba and the rest of the team!


byobu as my login shell is getting weird on me now... I suspect kinit/nfs oddities..

Anyone seeing this? Or are all the cool kids using tmux these days?



Can you guess the top goog.require() calls in google3? Comment below (no peeking!) (props to @103827306991532885669 for the idea)
*Edit* - new list by using new custom closure gsearch

9069 'goog.dom'
5440 'goog.array'
5364 ''
3887 ''
3762 'goog.string'
3337 'goog.dom.classes'
3119 ''
2661 'goog.debug.Logger'
2625 'goog.ui.Component'
2573 ''
2424 'goog.object'
2160 'goog.testing.asserts'
2113 'goog.testing.jsunit'
1968 ''
1929 'goog.asserts'
1920 'goog.testing.MockControl'
1845 'goog.Uri'
1717 'goog.Disposable'
1693 ''
1657 'goog.json'
1460 'goog.userAgent'
1328 'goog.Timer'
1184 'goog.structs.Map'
1139 ''
1131 'fava.delegate.Delegate'
1028 'goog.dom.TagName'

909 'goog.ui.Dialog'
841 'fava.component.DomServices'
792 'goog.ui.Component.EventType'
791 'goog.testing.mockmatchers'
779 ''
749 ''
715 'goog.testing.PropertyReplacer'
690 'goog.functions'
648 'goog.math.Size'
605 'goog.math.Coordinate'
596 ''
588 'goog.async.Deferred'
557 'goog.structs.Set'

530 'goog.ui.MenuItem'
495 'goog.Uri.QueryData'
472 'goog.dom.DomHelper'
468 'goog.uri.utils'
468 'goog.math'
462 'goog.dom.forms'
453 'fava.extension'
423 'fava.AppContext'
421 'fava.dom.SoyRenderer'
408 'goog.string.StringBuffer'
399 'goog.math.Rect'
397 'goog.module.ModuleManager'
395 'goog.ui.Button'
378 'soy'
378 'goog.positioning.Corner'
372 'ga.Component'
364 'goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat'
353 'crm.testing'
349 'pinto.core.Url'
348 ''
337 'jfk.Button'
329 ''
322 'goog.debug'
320 'goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet'
319 'goog.math.Range'
316 ''

306 'goog.ui.CustomButton'
301 'goog.testing.MockClock'
301 'goog.debug.LogManager'
Do it yourself:
/home/build/google3/javascript/closure/bin/gsearch goog.require | grep .js: out| ^Crl -pe 's/^.*\((.*)\).*$//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn


Lost in the noise today --> Import your photos from Orkut. Congrats Orkuteers on the launch!


Testing out a sweet new integration. (no, this did not get shared from youtube :)


Well played, very well played.

Now please request that they send invites to all their fans _using the product_.

This has the potential to be a major traffic mover.

And Google Korea -- see if SNSD will do the same!


So it was recently password change time. I estimate that I spend 4 hours a year typing passwords (240 days per year, 1 minute of typing a password per day).

So.. what better thing to optimize! Here's what I came up with:
* one hand typability.
* minimize the amount of 'finger seek' latency.
* Made sure there was an appropriate 'stride' to ensure that typing is easy.

For once I'm happy to change my password.


I think we need a borgmon graph of Louis Gray's +1s.. He's everywhere.....


We recently started importing Orkut friends for new Google+ signups in India and Brazil. Orkut friends show up as Google+ contacts in the circle editor.

We will be offering an upgrade path for existing users soon. However if you'd like this for your own Google+ account you follow these steps:

1) Use a Brazil or India proxy: go/ganon for the firefox or chrome extension.
2) Visit the following URL:



Wow, we're connecting a lot of accounts today.

Between new Youtube and the son-of-the-blue arrow sandbar promotion we're 10x..


ugh, if there was ever a reason to deref URL shorteners

Starting to see spammers using this on G+..


Curious if anyone else was invited to this? Anyone interested in going with me?

*Pandora Listener Town Hall*
I'm writing to invite you to a Pandora Listener Town Hall meet-up in Oakland on Thursday, December 8th at 7:00 PM at Preservation Park on 13th Street. The get-together will be very informal. I'll share some Pandora history, some background on the Music Genome Project and talk about Pandora today. I also want to hear what's on your mind—questions, complaints, ideas—everything is fair game.
To RSVP, just reply to this email (ideally before Wednesday evening on 12/7). If you plan to bring guests just let us know how many and their names.
It should be a fun evening, complete with some Pandora swag!

Hope to see you soon.
– Tim (Founder)
WHAT: Pandora Listener Town Hall
WHEN: Thursday, December 8th at 7:00 PM
WHERE: Nine Hall at Preservation Park
668 13th Street
Oakland, CA 94612
Click here for map and directions
RSVP: Reply to this email with your name plus the name(s) of your guests


Success! now sports shiny new rel="me" attributes on profile links and I convinced them to add more and author markup..



Hancock -- might use.



This basic appeal seems to be working....



seeing if some of my old vmware tricks can speed up my ubiquity instance.. Wish me luck!

Testing some of these mods:
* swappiness
* blockdev readahead
* ext4 with nobarriers
* noop io scheduler


curious as to why there was a globe favicon next to Merc news articles I viewed the page source..

<script language="JavaScript">
document.write('<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">');
document.write('<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">');

Why oh why.....


ugh.. protip for protesters @google-- have data to back up your claims.

Right now there's a grim reaper effigy and carpenter union folks handing out flyers. Flyer is hyperbolic to the extreme and doesn't have any real data other than that a specific contractor used by google pays below the prevailing union wage. The only action requested is to email REWS.

So I ask the person there: does this apply to projects at Google or is this just a problem with this contractor in general? How many companies employ this contractor? How many people are being paid below wage? What other actions have you taken, if any?

No effing clue on any of those questions nor any passion.

I never thought I'd say it, but it made me nostalgic for eng-misc.


Is it possible to requisition an SSD for an eng workstation?

blaze builds get stuck in i/o with high await times and things get slowww... (and not to mention poky Intellij indexing performance..)

Switching to ext4 with writeback and no barriers has helped somewhat... And the new kernel has help too..

As it is I fear for my karma in the next life due to how brutally I've tortured this poor drive..


Doubt many people noticed -- but Yahoo Pulse is now Yahoo Profiles... They still have that lamer exclamation point generic profile pic...

Time to update a few igraph rules...



Unofficial Google phone support today:

* GTV Music app (won't play an album, only plays first song.)
* Picasa Multiple account + dasher fun (uploads going to wrong account, looks broken because both accounts have same name/profile photo) Figured it out by comparing obfuscated gaia IDs..

Lots of "Open Link in Incognito Window" required, sadly :(



Jacking in...

I don't think this is what William Gibson meant when he coined the term _jacking in_...

In any case it makes OTP'ing easier :) Just stop by your techstop and get a USB extension cable.


Austin Chang, Joseph Smarr

For warm-welcome celebrity lists we should boost celebs that actually comment on their posts and respond to users...


How is gmemcached related to the open source version?

latest release looks quite impressive!

Check out the release notes for 1.4.10


This one's for you Brad Fitzpatrick.

Not sure who came up with opensocial's Drinker data type. Maybe Louis Ryan, Dan Peterson or Cassie Doll?


Hey Sam Goto -- here's another worthy oEmbed partner...

I'm skeptical that we can support generic players for all these partners unless we don't give them a way to surface the amazon/itunes links that fund 'em.



dogfooding corp Lion. Complete wipe required, and some quirks found; but so far working quite well.


This WebRep stuff *must* be stopped!

Terrible, terrible thing...


If you have time on your hands try this:

1) Find spam comment on G+
2) Real time search for spam comment text
3) press report abuse as the spammer posts 'em.

(and then notify




Random thought of the day.. Let the reviewer correct stupid whitespace in the code review tool directly.


USB extension cord makes the Yubi-key even better for OTPs. No need to reach for the side of the laptop or monitor.

I just need to mount it to the front of my desk so I don't get up with it still attached!


I just turned on all the GPU option flags on chrome dev channel. (about:flags)

Down from 35% cpu to 8% cpu while playing vids..

When I have more time I'll do a flag bisect to find out which combo did it. For now I'm just happy that my desk is no longer a fire hazard...


Congrats to PSO team for 18 new igraph domains! And 30+ more in the pipeline

Weirdest one so far? -- where you don't have friends you have *tastebuds* (*groan*)


damn, missed out on Cake -- guess I need to circle more people...


You may have seen standing desks..

But have you experienced standing shuttle :)

Always an adventure!

In any case could you imagine a shuttle with standing desks, that'd be something, maybe build in the USB keyboard into the deck itself?


search quality peeps:

Can you autocomplete proper names that have stop-characters in them? Maybe pull them from freebase or something?

cla4514war -- a book
ke -- a musical artist
3oh!3 -- another musical artist

Even odder is the prompt 'Search instead for cla4514war'

Note that that Youtube executes these searches properly. And an unreleased music product fails badly here (which was how I found this issue in the first place.)