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Now we know why all the Noogler Helium balloons were replaced with pinwheels!

Congrats @105461895807395473744!

Couple of little things:
- Can you spec a better image for the snippet?
- Perhaps add more detail in your title?
- Add a rel="publisher" attribute to your Google+ page link.


Back in 1999 I worked with to provide a 1-900 service for linux support.  Today?  Well, just look at the snippet below..



g4 rollforward

-- like rollback, but formats the text so the original description appears in emails with

ORIGINAL LINE#1 (rollforward of cl/X)


Any guess on buganizer category for this FR?


Paul WFH - Work from Hospital

Unlikely I'll be @standup. Will be in office at ~11:30 if all goes to plan.

Standup Update
- Say hello to Rhidhima as you welcome her aboard as +1 2013 TL.
- Working on getting some SocialGraph CLs through the oz queue
- Followup on +1 deletion issues.


 boilerplate reduction:

@107106902560384103150 submitted  http://cr/47565620 , which allows goog.ui.Components to do this:


Also goog.ui.Component has a domhelper.  You can get rid of your local domHelper_ vars in most cases and use this.getDomHelper() (and other dom helpers in goog.ui.Component) instead..


_No Cellular Phones in the hospital reception area_

has xfinitywifi...


Warning, once seen, cannot be unseen.

Go to your profile.  Notice that your +1 tab is *+1's* instead of *+1s*.

Maybe we should rename the other tabs to:




Do you send out emails with a noreply address?
Do you have a plus page?

Then you should consider getting your mappings added to the following bug so people can follow your page when they're reading your email updates.


An API generator with shades of Apiary being used by my former coworkers at LinkedIn..


And more from James..  Seems like it's moving in a good direction..


Was listening to Kreayshawn's Gucci Gucci, heard the shout out to Google Maps and got curious...


Actual subject line:

_Subject: traceroute Square, Inc_

Got me thinking about what unix commands one could prepend in front of a company name. Bonus points if they actually execute :)

Subject: mount /home
Subject: echo "curl" | at teatime


Sprint K nominations anyone?

If not it will be *K-car*.  And if you know what a K-car is, you know we don't want it.


Care about standards? From my comment from Jeff Dean's post at

Here's some things you can do to support standards at Google:

-- Look at the pages your team generates the way Googlebot does:

Add standard and html5 markup.

-- Discuss standards with the scant 200 other Googlers at  http://g/standards-discuss

-- Participate in a standards mailing list/group.  Plenty available for individuals at IETF or W3C.  See standards-discuss if you want to participate as a Googler on corp-oriented bodies.  Standards often suck because they're written by the standards/industrial complex instead of actual implementors.

-- Participate in an open-source project that implements a standard.  These reference implementations are often poorly or insecurely coded.  (For example a few people contributing to Apache Oltu would make Java OAuth that much better)

-- Consider exposing your amazing well-crafted stubby API via Apiary.  Be extra careful to not break compatibility for a whole year.   Write lots of integration and conformance tests.

-- Be like Vint.  Suit up.

-- Above all have fun!


This is a new community that will allow us to coordinate with folks that are using our widgets.  Please invite anyone that  you know that's involved.



It's search actions.  Any idea where we are with that project?  Hopefully we can converge on a syntax that works for everyone.


Broadening distribution.  Syncing up the Moments API (aka History API) with actions and the recent changes for inbox activities would benefit us all.


I highly recommend taking some time to set up your own Adwords campaign.  It's eye-opening.

There are things I like.  [targeted emails are genuinely helpful and intelligent based on your situation]

And things that are not so great.  [some confusing web UI for newbies, some difficulty getting keyword/landing page quality matched to bids]


Interested in standardizing and coordination of Google's vocabulary and markup efforts?  Join here!

 <div itemscope
   <span itemprop=”name”>Join</span> the
   <a itemprop=”url”



Buganizer, buga-buganizer, you're a buganizer
Oh, buganizer, oh, you’re a buganizer baby
You, you-you are, you, you-you are
Buganizer, buganizer, buganizer

_cannot unhear_


Anyone interested in a structured data/markup/schema group to coordinate external facing efforts?

It seems that we're moving in the same directions:

- Publisher Markup (authorship/schema)
- Interactive Posts for Google+
- Moments API
- Inbox Actions (JSON-LD)
- Tools (SDTT, markup helper)

If interested you can plus people into this thread and I'll create a G+ community with these people as seed members...


Boswell relevant....

@103827306991532885669  -- just had a chat with the CTO of vizify where I explained authorship.


Feedback from my wife who doesn't follow many people.

- didn't like having followers show up in the list of people.  She had created circles for design/art/music but they were not set to 'Following'.  I think we should ask users to check this on startup.  (I'm assuming that following-only circles are not used for hangouts)

- She saw someone she didn't recognize and from a following circle.  Her first choice was to remove the person from her circles.  That did not remove the person from the chat roster. How does Babel sync circle members and the chat roster?  ANything I can tell her? (She reloaded, logged-out, logged-in) etc...


chromebook with verizon 3g is the only thing that has decent ping @I/O.



Have to give props to the people that go through all the effort to place ads on our site.

Finicky finicky.  Or is just that we internally outbid everything with the word 'google' in it?


Somewhat surprised that Adwords doesn't use Google Wallet.....



Leafletting a Googler parking lot for low-end android phones?

Hope they're not on commission.




Animated GIF of a webpage with animated GIFs, which will go into a slides preso that will be recorded on Youtube.

I'm all out of encapsulations..


My I/O talk authorship document (pending legal approval)  Improvements welcome.

*Like an H6*

Popping nodes in the dom, like a blizzard
When we code we do it right gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my box, like 6 px
Now I'm feeling so small like a H6
Like a H6, Like a H6
Now I'm feeling so small like a H6
Like a H6, Like a H6
Now I'm feeling so small like a H6

Gimme that See-SeeEssEss
Gimme that Duh-Duh-OM
Browsers love my style, and my tables gettin wild
Get them browsers scaling, we get that class and that prop
Now give me 2 more nodes cause you know it don't stop


Looks like Vimeo embeds are working correctly in v2 now!


Compiler experts:

The JS style guide mentions that UPPER_CASE implies @const-- however when I try compiling this code using

  /**  @type{number}
  var FOO = 1;
  FOO = 2;

it fails, but

  /**@type{number} */
  var FOO = 1;
  FOO = 2;


Oddly enough this succeeds as well, which I would expect to work..
  var FOO = 1;
  FOO = 2;

Any ideas?  These tests were done with -- I have not tested using google3 (yet)  Just wanted to make sure that the style guide meshes with the way the compiler treats things..


Achievement Unlocked - deleted top-level google3 directory.

I think we need a code janitors badge on moma.  Suggested inspiration below: needs to learn
- that they have a URL
- use rel="publisher" in their page markup instead of using

Anyone have time to reach out?



@111466602600743594987 for the homebrew fork/follow buttons

Everyone else for the font loading technique and IE support



Can we get Google+ comments activated for the Google+ developers blog?


Achievement unlocked -- a bug I filed make the Wonder Bug list.


Can you guess the theme of this playlist which ranges from pop to metalcore?

Also this contains a song that is not in Google Play (Erykah Badu)  What do you see?  Is it playable?  (Hope not, that would put us on par with Grooveshark...)


Anyone have contacts in Argentina? Teleshow (  is sending about 3m malformed +1 button requests/day.  They just need to change

  annotation="medium "



I'll personally send the person that helps fixes this a Google+ t-shirt and a kudo.


Haven't used chrome jank tools for a while, wow.  Loving the paint and compositing feedback.

Replacing goog-inline-block with 'display: inline-block' is helping.  Removing useless positioning helps too.  Have a few CLs out to get rid of some of the boxes below...


Appengine naked domains still not supported?  Comments disabled too?


Going to have to host my I/O examples elsewhere -- the extra _www._ makes a difference..


Looks like we're not quite   for image filtering.

TL;DR -- SIte displays porn content from freebase/knowledge graph that violates AdSense ToS.

_A quite strange thing happened recently. I have a news website and I'm using Freebase API to provide readers for more in depth information about the content of news articles.  The site runs Google's AdSense ads._

_Following the publication of a local news, on the sidebar containing text and images downloaded through Freebase API, an image of a woman with her bare breasts was displayed._

_Well, that image, made available by Freebase, which is a Google product, was considered obscene by the team of AdSense (also a Google product), which decided to suspend the service. A sort of vicious circle of Google, exercising a censorship on itself._

_Given the impossibility to make Google people understand that the visualization of such kind of images was occasional and not intentional, I'd prefer to avoid such problems in the future. Hence, I'd like to know whether there's some way, when using Freebase API, to filter out images considered obscene by the AdSense team._


Is there anything we can do to help hacked Wordpress installations that have pharma ads?  As you can see below it's impacting sharing to G+:!s=d070e83cd3d49444

This has been going on for *years*, I've personally had to burn down and rebuild many WP blogs for friends.  (and multiple times due to backdoors).   (Read more about it at

What can we do?  Are we still running netagent to detect spam cloaking?  Can we detect spammy links/text and refetch?  Should Google+ ignore spore and just refetch using it's own user-agent (ick!)?


Can GFEs do more than basic redirects?  Like mod_rewrite?  It seems like it'd be super useful.  For example:

could be redirected to

It appears the the path_redirects only allow for path->absolute redirections..  Happy to be proven wrong.


Someone needs to convert to Google+ sign-in...