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Grab your seatbelts..

I've been lucky enough to live through spikes like this. At Typepad we had cuteoverload, and gofugyourself, at hi5 we had the Romanian DJ phenomenon which resulted in 20% penetration in a months time...

In both cases the small teams had to scramble to deal with the load and focus on features was suspended.

I'm so stoked to see what we can do with the infrastructure of Google behind us.


I just realized how much working on Google+ has exposed me to popular culture.

I just realized how much working on Google+ has exposed me to popular culture. Youtube integration exposed me to todays pop music. Celebrity endorsements exposed me to the whole Kardashian thing (which I was blissfully unaware of!).

And now I get to understand how they do things in Japan.

Originally shared by Bradley Horowitz

Here's the big news... We're delighted to welcome the entirety of AKB48 onto Google+...

If you don't know AKB48, you don't live in Japan (or in fact, many other parts of Asia.) They are phenomenon that might be equivalent to the Beatles + American Idol + the Spice Girls + Justin Timberlake... They are a roster of more than 200 hand-selected performers who are the subject of huge media attention, and support from millions of devoted fans.

One of the philosophies around their stardom was to preserve meaningful interaction with, and access to their fans. They used to do "handshake events." As their stardom grew, this method of interaction wasn't scalable... Google+ is going to allow them to reconnect to their fans in an intimate, authentic way.

They'll be using Hangouts on Air to broadcast their concerts... they'll be regularly scheduling Hangouts to interact with their fans. Each of the stars will have their own profile, and AKB48 themselves will have a +Page...

I actually haven't yet heard them, and I'm apparently the only one presently in Japan now who hasn't. I can't yet say if AKB48 is personally for me... But I am thrilled at their adoption of our service, and they're committed to pushing the envelope of what is possible in terms of artist-fan relationship. And that's a plus.


Infocom should be a good steward of the former Six Apart assets.

Infocom should be a good steward of the former Six Apart assets.

Though the weird part is when you go to Typepad the footer says:

Copyright © 2011, TypePad, Inc. All rights reserved.

Typepad, Inc?

Originally shared by Brad Fitzpatrick


Julie needs a new pair of Shoes....

So Julie found these very snazzy shoes in Japan, however the American counterpart to this company can't seem to order them for us.  The web site is at  I stumbled throught the Japanese purchase forms, but it appears that this company is only set up to do local deliveries.

I'm looking for a size 24cm purple-esque as pictured below...  Contact me at [email protected] if you can help me out.