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Reposting this writeup from Peiran Guo on the google groups list.

Reposting this writeup from Peiran Guo on the google groups list.  It is so true.  I deployed 40 resonators on 1950 Charleston a couple of days ago.  Could've kept going if it wasn't for a meeting.

Bonus: you can piss off TheCurmudgeon.  I hope for the sake of his career that he's hitting his OKRs since it seems like he's playing all the time and all over campus.

I wonder if there's any players in this area who are looking to level up. The resistance at Googleplex is oncall 9-5 on workdays and they respond with an SLA of less than 5 minutes to several of the portals on campus.

If you have a few hours to kill and want some easy AP, then bring about 200-500 resonators of any level, blow up one portal, stand back  about 20-30 meters and tap the deploy button as fast as you can. I've seen people come running out of the buildings to clear your resonators for you like it's some sort of emergency or something. You'll get as much AP as you have resonators. If you find you can't keep up, you may need to slap a bunch of shields on the portal. You might want to find a bench in the shade in case you get tired. You might want to double check that your gps isn't floating too much before you begin. Maybe bring a sandwich or a drink if you think you might get peckish and don't forget to use the restroom before you start.


I'm a bit worried that some Googlers are getting a little obsessive with this game.  Not to name names but there are some people that have portals all throughout the googleplex in Mountain View and will take back anything that gets blown up in the matter of minutes.

I suppose it doesn't matter much now that the Resistance has taken over almost everything.  I'm not going to bother and channel my obsessive-compulsiveness into my job instead...


Lessons learned taking down a dozen L8 portals.

Lessons learned taking down a dozen L8 portals.

SYB King organized an attack on the L8 portal farm in Jack London Square this monday.  We had 2 L6s and ~4 lower level players. Some things I learned

- Planning helps.  Know your targets and your XM spread.  Scan the area for portals with closely spaced resonators.

- Stock up big time.  We collected all the L8 items.  Also bring low level stuff for the players that are just getting going.

- Move fast, 2 resistance were on site within 30m

- Attack from a single direction if you can.  Make sure no one's sucking down XM ahead of your attacks.

- New client allows you to rapid fire many XMPs.  You're likely not going to waste those on a L8 portal.

- Have a parallel XM source.  We attacked the waterfront but could move two blocks up to enemy portals we were not attacking and move back.

- Have a "Medic" driving a car that can move people to nearby portals with lots of XM and bring them back to the battlefield all charged up.

- Open a 2nd front.  When resistance arrived I took out a bunch of control fields nearby while I recharged.  It seems that it would be a decent tactic to cycle people in and out quickly between the two attack areas.

- Have lower level people to hold the portals you claim since there will be counterattacks.  They can get big AP placing res on portals being counterattacked.

At the end of the day they only retained 2 L8 portals.  We knocked down over a dozen and farmed them dry.  They sent in reinforcements and took them back.  However it'll take them a while to get them back to L8.


Grrr..  Too many Googlers with too much time on their hands.  Where do they find the time?

Grrr..  Too many Googlers with too much time on their hands.  Where do they find the time?

It hurts east bay since these guys take their farm yields back with them on the shuttle and cause trouble..

Originally shared by Ingress South Bay Area Resistance

[AAR] Operation: All your GOOG belong to SMURF!

Executive Summary:  Operation commenced at 1255 PST (2055 GMT) 17 Jan 2013.  A team of 9xL8 "Some Modestly Under-inventory Resistance Fighters" (SMURF) Agents executed a successful  "flashmob" build of 7xL8 Portals on the GOOG Mountain View campus.  SMURF Agents present were able to Hack-Farm to full Burn-Out in approximately 30-45 minutes Mission-Elapsed Time (MET).

Mission Cover Objective: How awesome would it be to drop a L8 Portal farm in the midst of perhaps the most highly-churned Ingress Portal area on the entire planet? 


Primary Mission Objective: Have a Freakin’ UNreal (FUN) time. 

Agents Present (9xL8):  josh, gosha, lipko, TheCurmudgeon, sleepy, MrAnalytical, tanzanite, raptor, scootle

Reference: Pre-operation planning/mission map procured by SMURF josh and initial L8 Portal deployment confirmation.  Area of Operation (AO) outlined in red attached.

[Special Advisory:  Given minimal prior operational notification, strict pre-operational blackout conditions, and short mission duration parameters, no viable damage-assessment imagery of the Global Intel map with 7xL8 Portals intact are available... SMURF Agent assets fully engaged with Mission Objectives.... Request additional AO surveillance resources via NianticOps.]

Real-time AO Global Intel Overview:

Mission Timeline:

1255 PST - SMURF advance element completes AO sweep and assessment of field objectives.

1300 PST - Mission execution order issue and confirmation by deployed field SMURF Agents.

1315 PST - initial Hack of fully-powered L8 SMURF Portal

1317 PST - 9x L8 SMURF Agents commence dispersed Hack-Farm Operations

1342 PST - initial SMURF Agents begin Ex-Fil after successful Burn-Out

1355 PST - initial field report of hostile Booger Agent Reaction Force (BARF) assault on B1225 Portal cluster (3x)

~2x SMURF Agents immediately initiate Attack-Containment (AC) by inducing BARF XM-deficit.  Defense-Control (DC) provided via Deploy-Defense (DD) Procedure #36 on B1225 farm core

Field surveillance of BARF reveals 2x Booger Agents designated Alpha and Beta

Additional 2x SMURF Agents arrive on-scene to initiate Cheesy-Conversational-Countermeasure Protocol (CCCP) on BARF (i.e. Inquire regarding general consensus about current meteorological conditions, local recreational competitive activity results, state of domestic welfare, offers for battery containment and/or signal assistance, etc.)

Remaining operational SMURF Agents continue Hack-Farm Op concurrent w/ AC/DC 36DD and CCCP Ops

~1400 PST - initial B1225 Portal cluster destroyed beyond defensible threshold due to insurmountable XM-deficit.  AC/DC and 36DD terminated.

BARF Oscar-Mike and executes scissor-maneuver to the North (Alpha) and West (Beta).

CCCP Team unable to maintain lock on Booger Beta.  2x SMURF Agents maintain positive CCCP lock on Booger Alpha

~1404 PST - collateral XMP damage to “1200 Charleston Fountain” by Booger Alpha degrades hack output levels below acceptable threshold (L6).  2x SMURF Agents escape BARF detection in final attempt to complete Hack-Farm Op at “Three Yellow Umbrellas.  Burn-Out is confirmed.

“Three Yellow Umbrellas” Portal degrades within the next 10 minutes.

~1408 PST - Booger Beta successfully disables “Water Fountain” (West) and is Oscar-Mike to final “Wooden Archway”

~1411 PST - Booger Beta successfully disables “Wooden Archway”

~1415 PST - 1x SMURF Agent successfully transitions CCCP to Useful-intel Gathering/Hospitality (UGH) Op, 1x SMURF Agent initiates emergency Ex-Fil

1x addditional SMURF Agent provides UGH cover before initiating high-stealth Ex-Fil 

8xL8 SMURF agents confirm successful Ex-Fil from AO with zero casualties

~1500 PST - UGH  is terminated and remaining 1x SMURF Agent Ex-Fil is successful via Big Motorized Wheels (BMW)

1515 -  Operation Complete... remote SMURF Debrief commences

Net SMURF L8 Inventory Assessment:  Positive

Mission Cover Objective Assessment: TRIUMPH

Primary Mission Objective Assessment: HUGE SUCCESS

Special kudos to SMURF josh for the pre-planning effort:   CAKE

Strategic Assessment:

Transmission via SMURF scootle / Leeep ster 

Ingress South Bay Area Resistance 

Distribution:  Brandon Badger Joe Philley Brian Rose 





Forget  vs  ..

we have robots vs gfs

And the robots are going to win
