What would you like to see show up when you search?
Originally shared by Chris Messina
Today at #TCDisrupt , Seth Sternberg and Ardan Arac announced that we'll soon be integrating Google+ Platform app activities [1] into Google Search.
Soon, if you search for a site or app on Google.com (and that app has integrated with Google+ Sign-In app activities), you'll see popular and aggregate user activity next to search results. For example, searching for Fandango will show the top movies among Google+ users. And when you click on a movie, you’ll go directly to its page on Fandango.
Learn more here and be sure to follow Google+ Developers :
[1] https://developers.google.com/+/features/app-activities
#googleplusplatformupdate #activitystreams
#activitystreams #googleplusplatformupdate #gplus #tcdisrupt