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Happy that I was finally able to donate some vacation time. [Of course between the time I applied and the time it was used I was no longer maxed out...]


Take Care

CW: health, cancer, stuff like that.

So yeah, I've spent the past 5 days living at Kaiser Hospital in Oakland. I spent my waking hours caring for my wife's basic needs as she recovers from an infection and progression of bone mets that caused much pain and suffering. We have a plan forward and are headed home today.

But that's neither here nor there. I don't want sympathy or anything like that; I post these updates to normalize and make visible the caretaker role that we all assume. Please use your sick leave, vacation, vacation donation time and finally short-term/long-term disability to care for your loved ones. You've earned it (and in the case of disability you're even paying premiums for it.)

I'll have a few more stories to share later on once I get caught-up. But for now behold the disco-light aesthetic of the Stanley Healthcare Bed-Check®. (It's basically a bed sensor and an alarm used to prevent people from falling). I highly doubt that it uses a cloud based TensorFlow prediction model.




Caregiving support

Just a reminder that if you're faced with the task of caring for a loved one at Google I am available to talk.

Also I signed up to donate my excess vacation but I've yet to participate.


Dealing with the _"Help me with my website"_ question...

When people find out you're a Googler they often ask _"can you help me with my site"_?  I mostly give some simple advice and leave it at that.  This time is different.

But first..  a story.

My wife, Julie, fears dentists due to unfortunate childhood events.  While on vacation she had some gum bleeding.  Using Google Search I found Maisy, an oral surgeon, and her husband, Amir, an anesthesiologist.  Together they did the impossible and got Julie the dental care she needed.  She went above and beyond in so many ways.

Alas, there were complications on discharge.  Despite a blood test only 10 days earlier her levels had dropped really low.  Maisy and I talked a lot while we waited for the transfusion to complete in the ER.  We spoke about how she and her husband started their practice and how they wanted to grow it.  Many questions about online marketing came up.  I said I would see what I could do.  After everything I'd walk over glass for Maisy.


*What's the best way to help?*  I'm no expert, but I am acquainted with some non-google consultants I could engage.  Looking for any advice or referrals, especially for people that deal with local.

Oh and if you need a dentist, it's well worth the trip.  Great people, dog friendly, pleasant surroundings, and the most advanced dental technology.


The gods are trying to force me to take a vacation.

Rental cable internet is inoperable. Time Warner are clueless. Don't expect me to respond quickly to anything. ssh over tethering is painful.


Back from Vacation

Thanks to all the folks who looked after things while I was out.