link previews now available
Googlers sharing to G+ with googleplex URLs will see much improved previews. And yes, that means you can now start a G+ Collection of favorite Memegen links .
But it also means that many other internal sites support better sharing. For example, the staging site you see below allows for testing G+ web integration before a prod deploy. It also means Teams, Ariane, EasyOKRs, YAQs and more don't generate random login.corp page previews.
That said, note that not all googleplex sites are supported. The default acl for Googleplex requires a Machine Cert, which G+ doesn't have. If you want your googleplex web app to work well with this new feature you can follow the guidelines here:
Once that's done you should follow the G+ Snippet guidelines below to generates awesome preview titles/descriptions and images.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about this feature. Happy Sharing!