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Never thought you'd see the day..

Oh and for those unfamiliar - the trippy logo is Camelia. Can you see the P6? Now you can...



I'm sure this will make some people nostalgic..

_Our October board report will be due in a couple days (Oct 7th) and due to the lack of activity with the project over the past few quarters (and general decline for even longer than that) I think it is time Shindig gets moved to the attic.  Please respond with your vote, thanks!_


Blast from the past..

- "Who gets to see this" was a much better way of telling people what's going on. (Even if 'Twitter' wasn't really a thing.
- Google Me? Google You?


Juror PII in Alameda County is at risk from POODLE, FREAK, and LOGJAM attacks.

Chrome and Firefox refuse to connect. Safari is A-OK.

Of course this blacklisting is causing IT Admins grief. Glad I don't have to admin crap products with embedded ssl stacks..!topic/chrome/o3vZD-Mg2Ic


*Faster than the speed of TAP*

Fixing a breakage before TAP found it....

I'd say something about the TAP Barrier....



Whenever I do nasty Infrastructure work I repeat a BASF mantra about making the products that you use better...

Stronger, tougher, more durable, and yes, more colorful.


Glad to see a new major tenant in Oakland. Still think it would've been a super place for Google. Alas alas..




Today's inspiration: *Thunderball* by the Man in Black.

h/t to the CBC's Day 6 which covers rare Bond theme songs and likes SEO'd URLs.


*Own goal*

Happy to see our passionate users take things into their own hands, but the writing is on the wall...

I guess I shouldn't be surprised we never really gave Anne Beuttenmueller and the rest of the Ingress team a reason to stay. Ingress users are super passionate G+ addicts. I don't want to lose them.


Nest Support Kudos

I had a support call last night and it went really well.

Thermostat displayed E24 error code. The diagnostic tool on the web site was well done. I got to the end where a support ticket was opened. Called in and went through diagnosing the faceplate. At the end it wasn't the thermostat, the furnace had a faulty safety sensor that caused the fan to run and cut the voltage to 1v.

- The clunkiest part of the process was telling the rep my email address. Also the email I entered in the ticket was different than my Nest account email.
- Could we surface the diagnostic tools on the Nest App? Tried on mobile web and it wasn't working well so then I was running between my desktop and the Nest.
- There's a good opportunity to refer to HVAC repair technicians (Nest Pros?). I spent an hour calling around to find someone that would come out at 9pm in the evening. [Of course this is hard in general; Google search really failed here too. Yelp at least had an 'open now' filter on their business listings.]

In any case thanks again for the good support experience - I hope other teams can learn from it.


Let's see if changing the lights will make our workplace more efficient... Oh wait.


Memegen Distiller-like integration?  No.


Googleplex link previews now available

Googlers sharing to G+ with googleplex URLs will see much improved previews. And yes, that means you can now start a G+ Collection of favorite Memegen links .

But it also means that many other internal sites support better sharing. For example, the staging site you see below allows for testing G+ web integration before a prod deploy. It also means Teams, Ariane, EasyOKRs, YAQs and more don't generate random login.corp page previews.

That said, note that not all googleplex sites are supported. The default acl for Googleplex requires a Machine Cert, which G+ doesn't have. If you want your googleplex web app to work well with this new feature you can follow the guidelines here:

Once that's done you should follow the G+ Snippet guidelines below to generates awesome preview titles/descriptions and images.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about this feature. Happy Sharing!


A QA engineer walks into a bar and orders a beer. Orders a beer. Orders 2147483647 beers. Orders -1 beers. Orders no beers. Orders a lizard. Orders '); DROP TABLE orders;. Orders sfdelknesv. Orders.

I rarely go to the DNA Lounge these days, but I happily receive their weekly newsletter just for the bad jokes.


Installed the OnHub with it's quite large -wallwart- power supply.

The Airport Extreme I replaced had this built-in and had an AC power cord.

I have mixed feelings

- Wall warts are ugly and don't play well with power strips.


- I can probably use a passive PoE injector/splitter to run everything over a single cable.

Anyone tried this? Especially with a teeny splitter that could squeeze into the enclosure?

[And then I just need a power strip with 12v and 5v outputs....]


Is there an internal tool that analyzes http logs? Referers, IPs, query terms, all that?

Sure I can set up a bunch of dremel queries and contour reports. But it's gotten to the point where I'm feeling nostalgic for WebTrends. That's saying a lot since I remember that WebTrends sucked pretty bad...


Pinterest inbound traffic

Yesterday 165 people clicked through to G+ from just from this Pin.

According to referrer analysis Pinterest traffic to G+ is starting to overtake Twitter traffic.


Today's inspiration honors the end of Malika's internship on the ZikZak project.

For your weekend perfcrastinating you'll find the original dystopian, cyberpunk pilot for _20 Minutes into the Future_ aired on Channel 4 in 1985.


Facebook - House of Pain - TV Commercial

[Note: I dare you to find this video using Google Search. I used to find this]

This is a new Facebook TV Commercial set to House of Pain's Jump Around. Of interest:

- square aspect ratio (on tv it's on a seamless white background)
- there is no opengraph markup on this page. No markup at all really.
- Except for meta tags for: which I did not realize existed.
- It makes me want to see if it's possible to animate our own app UI at 60fps.


Has anyone written personal puppet configs?

I'm about to the point where it might be useful what with openvpn, bagpipe, sshfs, prodaccess, autossh, adb port forwarding and a bazillion gnubby touches.


*An update on UrlBuilder*

It's finally gone. The effort to remove UrlBuilder started 8 years ago. I started migrating the last remaining bits in June. 43 CLs later and the task is complete.


Share Link stats - Week

50% increase in sharing actions.

Share link replaced Copy Link in the Y release. The chart below shows both actions and the the combined activity.


Android Police noticed.

It's launched at 100% so I'm not sure why they say it's only on for a certain users. Will investigate.


Today's inspiration is brought to you by the Nintendo Power Glove


+1 SVG size. Now smaller.

The +1 button uses SVG to render the G+1 you see on the button. When I was adding the new logo I could tell that it was going to be much smaller. Turns out you can actually see the effects in our graphs. Over 512 bytes per response savings, which adds up at 100kqps. That's 50Mbps transit. [Can someone translate that to milliSWEs for me?]


*Share all the G+ Post Links on Android*

A long time ago the deciders decided that G+ would *not* share Google+ post links the standard Android way. Instead you got a Copy Link menu item which required you to manually switch apps, often killing off the G+ app on low memory devices.

So we fixed the glitch.

As of yesterday 'Share link' replaces 'Link' when viewing a post. Share to Facebook, Twitter, Pocket, Hangouts, Flipboard or Keep. Share a link from consumer G+ to Corp G+. Or even launch Barcode reader and make a QR code. And when you're done, press the back button and you'll return to where you started.

Moral of the story: don't fight the platform. Use it. Rely on what people know instead of substituting your own custom thing. Ecosystems > Walled Gardens.


Looking for funky, but Wahlberg's not your style? Here you go.

Sadly it'll probably be taken down before I get off this shuttle. Sorely tempted.


500k Zombie Slayer badge achieved.

While refactoring some code I came across the remnants of the Mercury Chat project. 60k LoC and a dozen CLs later....


Who's responsible for updating Android Support libraries in google3? There are a bunch that are missing (customtabs, recommendation-app, percent, etc.)

Would be nice to have this as part of the release process. It also would be good to get the naming sync'd up...


Tree rings on the web

In the future web-archeologists will analyze html to identify the age of a page by the widgets they include.

Here you have a web site built circa 2012 with the very rare plusone button with a G+ on a grey background.


Bay Area Funk

Today's Inspiration: Bay Area Funk Compilations

If you're a Bay Area transplant like me you owe it to yourself to learn a little of the musical history of the place you live. I bought these on CD a while back and it had very educational liner notes. I wish we could get that into digital form somehow.

Sadly volume 1 is not available on Play Music. Volume II is. Recommended.

And here's some details on volume 1...

_On this first volume of Bay Area Funk 16 tracks represent the best of the infamous Bay Area scene. Ranging from the boogaloo and shing-a-ling sound of Marvin Holmes and the Uptights to the psychedelic funk-jazz of P-I-R-Square. The compilation covers the period from 1967 to 1976 and is packed with music from the key originators and characters including a 12 year old Little Denice produced by blues legend Jimmy McCracklin, rhythm and blues hero Rodger Collins, KSOL radio station director "Hard Punching" Herm Henry, and Sugar Pie Desanto, former opening act for James Brown who is still pulling back-flips on-stage even in her late 60s._


Today's inspiration prompted by +115146860555867196292 / +100847248655489858102 / +118393036391325867874

Click click click click click!


Technology Adoption Curves, then and now.

There's a fascinating out of print book called *Forecasting the Telephone* that I happen to own. It's amazing that many of the things that we use today were predicted over 100 years ago.

If you search you can find pdf excerpts. Here's the growth of telephones year over year. Note that it omits the first 20 years of growth, when phone wires needed to be 1/8" thick.

It might be interesting to chart Google Fiber deployments against this.


TiL the definition of p-hacking. Sadly I've seen instances of it here; more along the lines of '''the experiment dashboard doesn't make any sense, what'd we do wrong?'''


What's the best way to help a temp?

New guy on the shuttle is on a 3m contract as a Production Designer. He was told "You're doing so well we might have to cut off your contract early." which just seems wrong on so many levels.

I guess part of the problem is that he's overqualified for the position, and he has more experience.

What's the ethical and decent thing to do in this situation?


One of these days I'm going to create


OnHub is from Access and Energy (an Alphabet Company)

Why is it launching as

2nd HN comment has _ Do we trust Google not to monitor our traffic though?_

le sigh...


I'm replacing myself with a very small shell script.

Things are still a little rough but I'm finding value in the reports and the cleanup CLs it helps me generate.  See the doc below if you want to play.

You can see an ugly sample report at


and here's a partial list of CLs that Cargocult generated:


2 years later. Still resonates. When I get overly nostalgic I reread this.

[And I bet Clay still has hidden pharma ads on his blog..]


So I guess we need proper Dasher Support for conglomerates now.

Might finally need to use multiple ou= entries in LDAP....



There are people out there that like to argue. To be pedantic. And who trot out every logical fallacy in the book while not even realizing it (or caring.)

It's gotten so bad that +116478487531429494919 proposed sending Harry Potter fanfic to such people to give them something to argue about.

However we're Google and we know that won't scale. Instead of letting these people harm our discussions I propose a new AAaS (Arguments as a Service) product that will keep these arguers busy.

- Arguers can find other arguers using a smart phone app.
- We'll match argument styles and positions. Ad Hominem vs Strawman, Android vs iPhone. You name it.
- Want to argue face-to-face? Our Uber integration will get you both to a bar of your choice where you can argue the merits of a sports team or anything else.

And coming in 2016 we'll offer AAaS Pro:
- Design your own Oxford style debates or Presidential fora.
- Adds Abuse and Hit-on-the-Head APIs.



Learned about how lifeline service operates these days.. Rep said he'd signed up 30 people today.


Everyone's posting Ben Evans blog posts these days.. I always take them with a grain of salt given his coverage of G+ over the years...

_So, my more-or-less serious theory (based on absolutely no chats with actual real Google employees) is that Google will never make a decent social product, nor any other product for which the engineering is generic and success depends on judgement calls around the UX, because Google’s culture does not appear to respect skills needed for such products._


We could've launched this with G+.... So sad.


I wonder if we could:
- correctly implement canonicalized URL search in G+ Search
- expose that via the existing G+ Search APIs....

+106931094502616873058 / +106433955572999345226


Didn't see that coming...

Also Polyvore is an interesting case study for collections....


Today's Inspiration: Before there was Lindsey Stirling: *Rasputina*

Playing tonight in SF if you're into Steampunk Cello music.


Who's responsible for the screens on our GBUS fleet? I have some interesting ideas on how we could use them to good effect.

For everyone else: What would you like to see on these screens?