Reminder that SoCal wildfire donations are being matched.
There's a tile memorial at Rockridge Bart for the Oakland Firestorm. Gets me every time.
Reminder that SoCal wildfire donations are being matched.
There's a tile memorial at Rockridge Bart for the Oakland Firestorm. Gets me every time.
Looks like G+ sharing was added to gThanks in
But the shares it creates now are pretty bare-bones and you have to really hunt down that G+ share button...
Oh and big congrats to all the people getting Kudos and PBs lately. Y'all are awesome!
#til that Google Voice voicemail bytes are stored as Photos...
The .io domain is an abbreviation of Indian Ocean. #til
We play both kinds of Javascript here: Fast and Precise
Paging +116010686905328984286
Interesting stat:
_The main internal repository at Facebook contains around 13M LoC of JavaScript, spanning about 122K files._
It took a bit of searching to figure out why I received a check for 8. But if you get one here's why:
This is a wage and hour PAGA action arising from Defendant's failure to pay wages in a timely manner at the end of each pay period. Labor Code § 204( d) requires employees to be paid out by the seventh (ih) day following the closing of the pay period if employees are paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Defendant, who paid its employees on a bi-weekly basis, had a consistent policy of paying the wages of its employees on the eighth (8t11) day or later following the close of the respective pay period, and thus, beyond the time periods as allowed pursum1t to Labor Code § 204. This PAGA action is being sought on behalf of Defendant's other aggrieved employees.
In addition to the PAGA action, Plaintiff also asserts individual claims for wrongful termination in violation of public policy. Specifically, Plaintiff engaged in protected activity by removing alcohol from the workplace (due to fear for her personal safety and the safety of co-workers), and to prevent sexual harassment. However, by exercising such rights, Plaintiff was terminated from her employment.
Defendant's Position
Plaintiff was employed by Defendant from approximately January 27, 2015 to April 12, 2016 as a Program Manager. In late March 2016, a Google employee reported that several personal items had gone missing. Google's asset investigations team confirmed through video evidence that Plaintiff had taken the reported items. During its investigation, Plaintiff provided inconsistent accounts of her actions, which Google deemed to lack credibility. As a result, Google terminated Plaintiffs employment for violation of company policy and the dishonest conduct she exhibited.
Google denies that its payroll schedule was inconsistent with section 204 of the Labor Code. Moreover, Plaintiff cannot show that she or any of the members of the group she seeks to represent were aggrieved. An award of civil penalties under PAGA would result in an award that is unjust, arbitrary, and oppressive
Have you heard of NetzDG? Here's some really good background on why we're working so hard.
Aaron Swartz day is upon us... Looking forward to this panel.
Imagine a PBS version of Black Mirror.
Oh wait, there is..
Happy Friday everyone... and back to the GDPR grind..
Starting a GDPR Playlist
Suggestions welcome. So far I have:
- Der Kommissar
- The Pink Panther Theme
- The Final Countdown
- URL Badman
- Private Eyes
Oh hi Epona...
I wonder if there's a canonical source that describes every single state an account can be in?
The fact that our systems are not tested against the full set of account variations scares me.
Adding new Account Variants that means that every single system needs to be adjusted to handle it. This is just not scalable.
This way leads to madness.
What next?
brb need to find an ethernet cable...
Name your band *P.O.P.* - confusion galore results.
- Bunch of sites drop the final dot *.* (dos based web server?)
- Youtube and Tunecore groups this with an older group named Pop! from Australia
- Play Music groups a bunch of stuff into Pop, Indonesian Pop, Rap etc.
- Amazon does the worst. Click through on P.O.P. and they serve up groups starting P.O, like P.O.D. etc.
Luckily a fave of mine named *P.O.S.* has managed to cross the SEO chasm.
Two new local charities available for gift match for California Wildfires so it's not just the Red Cross now:
Still *0k* to match.
Also I learned that Google Docs has a 'mobilebasic' suffix which generates a simple lightweight doc. Many of the emergency resource docs are using this:
Librem 5 met it's funding goal with 12 days to spare. Also built on Matrix which makes me happy.
Anything Google specific going on to support people affected by Wildfires in Northern California? Facebook has already pledged m. Where we at?
I've only begun support:
- Already donated to various animal shelters in the area.
- Going to drop off supplies at 1-2-3-4 Go Records tonight, they're sending critical items to victims.
[Part of a new Collection for Cybernetics as I explore this fascinating discipline..]
Hey there, it's the trolly problem again...
_Ethics modules can be treated like *ethical device drivers*, so that to be fully operational, a hypothetical gun-carrying, tax-advising robot that can drive on roads requires valid ethics modules for gun-law, tax-code, and traffic-rules. Without all necessary modules for the appropriate legal jurisdiction, the robot’s gun, tax advising, or driving capabilities are automatically disabled._
Not strictly "social" per-se, but there were a number of cross overs from iGoogle. Also relevant as Now is undergoing some historical changes of it's own..
- Pixie Labs ended up moving their games to Google+ Games (remember Farmville?)
- The gadget infrastructure from iGoogle (GGS) was used heavily for the +1 button, OpenSocial, PeopleSense and others. +103390686048441232976 might even still carry a pager for this old infrastructure...
Interesting update on the situation in Catalonia plus some dodgy crypto.
Better than replacing Cloud with Butt.
I had forgotten how I signed up for eMarketer which actually dumps some useful analysis in your inbox. I didn't find the original eMarketer info but I did find this roundup of valuable external data sources (which does include eMarketer)
Maps and GBUS work pretty well split-screen, especially useful to know if you're going to get to the stop on time.
Hired to work on web protocols. Immediately detoured to the needful work of building a social network. Learned a lot along the way.
I don't have a lot of sage wisdom to offer other than be humble, humane, and empathic. That goes a long way.
That and banjo. Always have banjo.
Looking forward to 7 more years of causing trouble with you.
Maps and GBUS work pretty well split-screen, especially useful to know if you're going to get to the stop on time.
Curious if our sales teams pitched Walmart?
In any case keep an eye on FB. We should be aware of their moves. A lot of it is more in the Slack/Dynamite area, but there are significant crossovers into Plus.
We should all be up on
Google Assistant as envisioned from 1973's "Designing Freedom"
Much of what we implement today was predicted then. We also forget that people once derided and feared "The Computer".
This work is quite accessible and reading it gave me a better understanding of complex dynamic systems, relaxation time, variety, Ashby's Law and the nature of bureaucracy. Also originally broadcast on the CBC as a lecture series:
Everything you ever wanted to know about robots.txt and then some.
_Then in 2007, they announced that all three of them would support the Sitemap directive in robots.txt files. And yes, that important piece of internet history from the blog of a formerly 125 Billion dollar company now only exists because it was archived by
I ordered the _"Designing for Trust: The Data Transparency Playbook"_ ebook..
Gives me hope that all this GDPR work will pay off.
It's such a simple concept that makes sense.
_...for every factor outside of your own control that can have a positive or negative influence on your ability to meet your goals, you need to put a compensatory control in place to allow you to respond._
Gaia service bits, D3 policies, gSuite vs Identity only -- the number of states for an account is dizzying. But by Ashby's law if we don't have mechanisms to absorb that variety bad things will befall the control software and we'll be unable to achieve homeostatis or even viability.
World's worst SEO choice for a band name. Second only to the musician named dash-M-dash -M- which g+ cannot even render.
I guess I'm supposed to use Archie to find this...
Found some research around measuring User-Trust.
• First, developers can learn that trust concepts can be operationalized into specific attributes or questions that can be examined in research and designs.
• Second, one of the key findings is that trust seems to be related to beliefs about another’s ability, integrity, and benevolence.
• Third, trust and risk are related concepts, and factors that reduce risk perceptions, such as reducing uncertainty, can be beneficial for increasing trust or decreasing the need for trust.
• Fourth, ease-of-use characteristics, such as the ease of finding information and completing transactions, can affect trust.
• Fifth, external factors or context that may seem to be unrelated to the situation can affect trust, such as the characteristics of the truster and the type of risk involved in the transaction.
• Finally, trust probably develops in stages. In the first stage, superficial interface properties, such as colors and designs, can have a large effect on initial trust decisions. Later, users may make trust decisions based on more reasoned analysis of information. Eventually, long-term trust decisions are based on direct experience and personal service.
Surprised it took this long for an article about this to come out...
Looks like we once had an Ethnographer on staff. This is the only notable mention of Complex Adaptive Systems I found. But it is interesting reading back from 2011....
Doing Perf and listening to some lectures on VSM and it finally all starts to make sense.
I can see organizational patterns now in ways I could not before. Still grappling with the math though.
Greetings Area 120. Google Forever has also made it to the final pitch round.
We have plenty of opportunities for people to pitch in on sustainable bizdev models, decentralized engineering and more. But one role we'd love to fill is a UX/Design/Frontend leader. Here's our job listing. Please reach out if you're interested!
Are you interested in building user experiences and critical user journeys that work for generations? Do you want to help people preserve their most important digital memories?
Consider joining the Google Forever Project. We're a proposed Area 120 project that's already made it to the final pitch round and we need you!
Our project is creating the software that will power a business and ecosystem that will last for decades and centuries. We're starting with a way to preserve the world's most valued Photos in an easy, simple sustainable way.
As a lead/founding frontend member of the team you will have considerably freedom to set the direction and tech stack while working with our passionate engineering and business teams. You will also be able to explore experimental user interfaces and user experiences that might be used in the far future.
If accepted to Area 120 you will have the chance to work on this full time. We also will accept any and all people who want to help us achieve our vision!
See http://go/google-forever or contact Paul Lindner to discuss how you can contribute.
Aaron Swartz Day 2017 has a nice lineup of speakers.
Also watch this if you haven't already:
Public profile, private profile actually map pretty well to human psychology, at least to non-millenials...