Would be nice if all of our products supported Alt text as well as Mastodon does...
And if sharing with Louis Gray I'd say "Image of a rack mount server with long fsck times"
Would be nice if all of our products supported Alt text as well as Mastodon does...
And if sharing with Louis Gray I'd say "Image of a rack mount server with long fsck times"
Red Hat turns 20 so they asked former folks for their memories. Here's something I dug up that might be of interest to folks 'round these parts..
... I never got a response on this email; but that might be because Red Hat was always late paying Google Invoices..
Looks like Joan is still here. Ray does not show up in Epitaphs.
Before we bury G+ it might be worthwhile to collect some memorabilia...
Marc Weber from the Computer History Museum asked if we wanted to contribute Google+ artifacts to CHM. They don't care about swag, but I could think of a few things that they might be interested in:
- The Obama + Dalai Lama framed print.
- The Buffalo? (Too big?)
- The Emerald Sea painting (did anyone save it?)
Open to suggestions....
[Too bad the Apiary whiteboard is long gone....]
CW: health, cancer, stuff like that.
So yeah, I've spent the past 5 days living at Kaiser Hospital in Oakland. I spent my waking hours caring for my wife's basic needs as she recovers from an infection and progression of bone mets that caused much pain and suffering. We have a plan forward and are headed home today.
But that's neither here nor there. I don't want sympathy or anything like that; I post these updates to normalize and make visible the caretaker role that we all assume. Please use your sick leave, vacation, vacation donation time and finally short-term/long-term disability to care for your loved ones. You've earned it (and in the case of disability you're even paying premiums for it.)
I'll have a few more stories to share later on once I get caught-up. But for now behold the disco-light aesthetic of the Stanley Healthcare Bed-Check®. (It's basically a bed sensor and an alarm used to prevent people from falling). I highly doubt that it uses a cloud based TensorFlow prediction model.
The human body is more varied and complex than even the largest metro cell.
This Philips IntelliVue MP50 has graphs that are butterfly smooth, multi layer alerts, trending, color coded heads up display and much more. Whatever is the latest replacement for BorgMon would do well to learn from this adjacent field ..
Removed a New Tab Page Extension and some other junk. Which led to a bad set of search results that led to this modal that blocked the entire browser..
- Force Quit, restart Chrome
- Remove shitty extensions
- Install uBlock Origin
- Add site to custom blocklist
- Restore Tabs
- Cry a little.
To the top of the reading/study list...
This paper describes something I've known in my gut, especially as someone that can remember the pre-internet analog world, and wonders if we've though through the knock-on effects of the technology we are creating....
Businesses also optimize: a business as a whole optimizes marginal revenue, data science finds best-fit models, and websites iteratively improve
click counts by random A/B testing. Unfortunately, optimizing a business
goal often involves sculpting customer perceptions and behaviors, thereby
reducing the entropy of human behavior, choice, and autonomy. In short,
to calibrate our brains, we need autonomy; to submit it to organized optimization, we must forgo it.
Add in G+ logo choice and you can probably identify when the last refresh was..
(As seen on ticketfly.com)
I've kept a Webvan pen in my bag as a reminder to never get too comfortable. And a reminder to never pay Bechtel a billion dollars to build warehouse infrastructure...
Move into new office space -- find DoubleClick Posters that go against YSW training...
[see official logo in the lower right corner]
Gave a talk about Perkeep at the Decentralized Web conference this week. Very happy that I was finally able to re-use my "confused developer" slide from OpenSocial in a new way...
At my desk you can read the paper version of "The Best of Creative Computing" v1/v2. What's really eye-opening is the large amount of privacy related articles that were published in the mid 70s, post Watergate era.
Here's one about logs processing. Maybe we can use this for the next BYCTWD...
Stop by or you can read volume 1 here:
This.. this is good stuff.
One guest, after spending time at Dynamicland, held up his smartphone and shouted, “This thing is a prison!”
Removing 120k directories on CNS for a xoogler should be easy, right? Well, it is if you're using GNU parallel
parallel --bar -n 1 fileutil --gfs_user=distiller-yt-pii rm -f -R < /tmp/top-dirs.txt .... 35% 5974:10984=4225s /cns/pc-d/home/mlei/rockers_squared_nm/Models/Experiment-model0_no_crosses/Version-00119720-Created-20140613-21s5936
googlegroups.com == dogfood history
I counted 44 dogfood google groups (!) including these classics:
butterandcream-prod (wha?)
Enjoy it while you can, GDPR will probably force the cleanup of all these...
Online Communities. Corp Culture. Headcount. Machine Resources. These and much more can also be considered _"The Commons"_. (As in the "tragedy of the...")
If the commons are failing you should look to Ostrom's design principles to understand why. Christopher Allen's adaptation of these principles is a good intro.
Googlers, don't be smug, doesn't look like Google Express supports Food Stamps either..
[And at least Amazon offers discounted Prime membership to people with EBT cards.]
That said if you don't have the learned experience of being poor you might want to check out today's talk "Growing Up Poor In America" - Lisa 'Tiny' Garcia at 11am PT
Livestream at http://go/tiny-kim
[original image sourced from https://imgur.com/MUuZ9sr]
So one more Nexus 6p / Android post.
A teammate offered me a 6p test device as a loaner. Has the asset tag and everything. *Yay!*
Turns out it was factory reset with a test account on it. *Uhoh!*
But no worries there's an internal unlock tool. (http://go/androidunlock) *Yay*
Ugh it's broken for some odd reason:
Techstop basically gives up at this point and say try out http://go/skylab -- basically saying that the device is a paperweight.
If we can't manage a shared pool of devices I fear what hell our enterprise customers go through. Also imagine if a fired employee Factory Resets their phone before they leave. Instant brick...
Anyway, enough ranting for today. I need to save my energy to deal with my wife's repeated question: "let's just go buy iPhones -- Are you some kind of masochist or what?"...
Google Store, please take my money :(
- FWIW this is the chrome bug where time goes backwards
- And to add insult to injury I now have 4 pending charges for the failed orders.... At least having my card declined let me know that this was the case
- Filed http://b/72589737
Yegge's post was weird. He chastises Google for me-too-ism, but then goes on to talk about a war with Uber.
Here's your periodic repost of the http://go/ortelius video, which most Googlers never see.
I'll keep posting it until we get a new Creative Labs concept video that can replace it..
WebSub/ActivityPub are now both W3C standards.
I find it really weird that no-one at Google actually was involved with this since it's in our interests for web crawl, publisher support etal..
Even the Economist is piling on the #techlash of 2018...
I didn't have time to write up my 2018 predictions, but this is right in line with what I was expecting this year. Expect more payback for excessive hubris.
Given recent Inbox instability I decided to try out some native mac email apps.
- Airmail 3
- Spark
So far so good. These apps both have snoozing and pinning. Folder support is still a bit off; but nothing too difficult. Might as well start getting used to no Inbox now.
[And sadly I can run two native apps in the memory used by inbox on chrome..
*And you may ask yourself, well*
*How did I get here?*
_The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project (SIDLP) - is to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and "universal" library, proving uniform access to the large number of emerging networked information sources and collections. These include both on-line versions of pre-existing works and new works and media of all kinds that will be available on the globally interlinked computer networks of the future. The Integrated Digital Library is broadly defined to include everything from personal information collections, to the collections that one finds today in conventional libraries, to the large data collections shared by scientists. The technology developed in this project will provide the "glue" that will make this worldwide collection usable as a unified entity, in a scalable and economically viable fashion._
plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose....
But seriously -- I'll see if I can find out what happened with ES. It was quite a thing a few years ago...
So what phone should I buy now that Nexus Support has basically told me to pound sand and I'm off the Nexus/Pixel train? Had every phone since the G1.
I think of the amount of money spent on wall-to-wall Pixel TV ads and wonder how a small amount of that would have helped placate our most loyal customers...
Pour one out for Apache Wave...
Nexus 6p Bootloop :(
And we're not making it right for users and sending people to Huawei, who are now closed. And all my spare phones are micro-sim.
The playbook for the people on the phone is a depressing read:
We have a huge hoard of cash, surely we could do right by our users?
Oh and this is my 4th 6p...
Jeff Dean's Britney Spears wonderbug:
[Also check out the hotlist this is on for other amazing bugs.
I'm supporting Perkeep on OpenCollective.
I'm especially excited about using this for infrastructure libraries since we now have a way for project-to-project contributions to flow down the dependency tree.
Well worth watching. The blog->book is an interesting thing I didn't know about and I found the email -> blog solution for communicating with her future grown-up children clever.
Slides are here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14fAzIdLrfKt6K313UraEJATFsjFsqTEumNun4ufhtiU/edit?usp=sharing
Nicky did a great talk at Long Now called Seeing Whole Systems. Would anyone be interested in screening it here?
But for now revel in visualizing the prisoner's dilemma. Also check out loopy http://ncase.me/loopy/