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Greetings Plussers!

Paul here from the Superfund Squad, where we're getting rid of the infrastructure you love to hate and paying off unfunded mandates with technical debt. And digging up the History of Google's Social Efforts in the attached collection.

I've been cranking at this social thing for almost 7 years at Google on Google+ and a long time before that at places Six Apart (home of Typepad and Livejournal), hi5 and LinkedIn. I did a lot of work on OpenSocial and other standards back then which is a big reason I'm here today.

Oh and this enterprise thing isn't my first rodeo. Way back at Critical Path we provided hosted email, calendar and tasks for Italian Telecoms, Major Universities *and* the Kiss Army. And at Red Hat we sold shrink wrap and services to all sales channels.

But I'm most proud of the work I did at the UN on telecom standards, relief efforts and publishing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 500 languages. (And the site is still standing to this day!)

And finally before that was the Internet Gopher.. Me, with Heavy Metal hair:

Beyond all this tech I enjoy life in Oakland with my fabulous wife Julie and our Great Pyrenees Gus. You'll find us exploring the parks of the East Bay, checking out obscure music or cruising the rapidly gentrifying Valencia street in the Mission. I'm also heavily interested in building software and systems that last the long term. I'm a member of the Long Now ( and I have a 20% project called Digital Vellum (http://go/digitalvellum)

Happy to be here with y'all and looking forward to our next adventures!


Plusones to

A reminder that +1s *for web sites* are going away. You *can* export them to other places. I chose to move mine to Pinboard. One nice thing Pinboard does is archive the pages you bookmark, so now the content I +1'd is more stable long term.

In the process I found and fixed a bug where the timestamps on the plusones takeout export were wrong. It was broken for about 5 years and no one noticed :(

If you want a proper export file you can use for now. Prod push should be sometime this week...


Subject: My Final Attempt - Uber

Never send a bill collector to do a recruiters job...


_I wanted to follow up on two emails I sent over the past couple months, this will be my final attempt to connect in the best interest of our time. I came across your background and wanted to see if you'd be open to confidentially explore opportunities at Uber._

_Director, Payments_



Rack and Stack

SVL-MP5 has a stack of hardware in the lobby. Scary how many of these I've racked...

PowerEdge 2850, 2950
Sun Ultra 1, T1000,
Sun Storage Array
HP DL360, Procurve
Dell Powerconnect




Something to keep in mind: fingerprints can be ephemeral too..

Latest _Healthy Stuff_ update: Julie only got 6 months off Pfizer's 0k/month wonder drug before progression. So we'll see if Xeloda will work next. Crazy side effects though.

Luckily there's a half dozen other treatments available and more coming.

As always props to my supportive coworkers and to our flexibility policies that make it possible to balance caregiver obligations with work obligations. And if anyone finds themselves in a similar situation I'm here for you too.



I have a mechanism that has enough crypto-theater to make me happier than just drawing numbers out of a hat and having someone pinky-swear that the process is legit

It uses a Random Beacon to seed a random number generator, which then chooses 5 winners from the 73 entrants. It's a silly perl script (might rewrite it in go if I
have time...)


5 winners will be chosen on June 15th at noon Pacific Standard Time.

Read on to find out how winners will be chosen.

- Each of the 73 entrants is given a 'lot number', which is emailed to them.
- The file lot_to_username.txt maps the number to a hashed version of your username.
- You can verify that your lot is listed correctly. For example:

# Verify if your lot number is 12
sudo apt-get install apache2-tools
htpasswd -v -b /google/data/rw/users/pl/plindner/www/survey-drawing 12 lindner

- The script chooses 5 random winners with a random seed.
- The random seed will be generated by the NIST random beacon on June 15th Noon Pacific Standard time. Results will be visible here:

- The seed value will be written to seed.xml at that point and winners will be


- The original names are stored one username-per-line in names.txt
- The lot_to_username.txt file containing bcrypt hashed usernames was generated using this command:

cat -n /tmp/names.txt | xargs -n 2 htpasswd -b -B -C 20 ~/contest.file

- Note that you could brute-force the usernames with moderate compute capacity. Please be polite and don't do that.


You can verify that the usernames, script, and contest draw date have not been modified by verifying the PGP signature of the date and sums.

You can verify this message by using keybase or looking up my PGP key

Hash: SHA256

sha256sum lot_to_username.txt

6a86aadf90310cb83b2cadcf820d3b3a0ea0bfbd175822ebcfb44a55a1fc1e0f lot_to_username.txt

Contest Seed:




"Heirloom" [1] - you keep using that word, I don't think you know what that means.

The sad thing is these folks are pivoting to an Alexa Task product. It tries to create a spoken story based on a set of photographs. Least compelling product ever...

At some point we're going to need to find a way to allow people to use new products without losing data.




I spend the weekends pruning tabs..

There must be a better way.


Help me award some contest winners! -- securely

Okay, I have 72 submissions to my photo backup survey. And I promised prizes, so I need to give out prizes. But you shouldn't trust me since I might be evil. Of course I'd like to preserve the privacy of individuals, yet allow anyone to verify that I didn't give someone a prize. Help!

Some things I've thought of:
- Create 1-72 buckets.
- Use the NIST random beacon to pick random bits at a specified, agreed upon time in the future.
- Use reservoir sampling to use those random bits to pick 5 items from the 72 total.

Now the question is can we mask the participants in the survey yet have everyone know with accuracy that the above is on the up-and-up.

- I could just publish a signed document with the number->ldap mappings, but that reveals everyone who participated.
- I could send each participant their participant number. However then how would anyone know that I had awarded the prizes?

Might need to read up on secure election protocols to make this happen.

Suggestions welcome!


Sound Search

I didn't find my sound search within Google Play Music, but it appears that my 91 year old future self is still using GPM..



Good news: Monoliths can be eliminated. Bad news: it took over 10 years...


Digital Vellum Photos

Digital Vellum is working on a project to help people store Photos for 100+ years.

That means I'm thinking about how to build a long-term, stable, resilient systems and business. I'd also love to see this applied to Google so it too can be a very very long term entity.

So I'm not an expert in this area but it seems that there are some ways that we can focus the business on long term value. Some are structural, others based on rethinking existing systems. I'm not an economist or an MBA by any stretch, but here goes:

- Sell annuities that pay out in storage/access "dividends" spread out over a long time.
- Create a wholly owned Mutual Society to manage storage and serving. Google can then become a Lloyds of London-stye "Name". [This entity could sell long-term/perpetual bonds that also have storage dividends]
- Create a customer-owned collective to manage long-term assets. Think of it as "Vanguard for Storage".
- We already store Photos for iPhone users, why not have each company back each other up and come up with coordinated storage systems with rights of survivorship.
- For the crytpocurrency angle use something like Streem ( or Storj ( Allow anyone to participate in a long-term storage system. This might be more adaptable.

And also remember to take our Photo Preservation Survey if you haven't already:



We have what, three or more internal Kanban tools? go/kanban, go/plananizer, and now go/scrumboard

None of them really do everything I want.. Trello or Jira+Grasshopper both worked better in the past, and I'm sure they're even better now.

I wish we could merge all three internal projects and then add the UI from this simple opensource sandstorm app WeKan.


Mosh to cloudtop from laptop

- you have a jump host (existing ubiquity works fine)
- beyondcorp is disabled on laptop/jumphost

On jumphost
sudo apt-get install dtach

On laptop
ssh cloudtophost
# copy the value of that environment variable
# create a new shell on your laptop and continue:
mosh --port=60000 jumphost
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK={pasted filename}
dtach -Ez -r winch -c ~/.cloudtop-session ssh cloudtophost
tmx # or screen or whatever you prefer

This setup leaves your mosh session active when putting the laptop to sleep, network changes, etc.

Every morning you will need to use go/auth-refresh to get fresh tokens.

If you have to reboot your laptop you can get back to your previous state by executing:

mosh --port=60000 jumphost
dtach -a ~/.cloudtop-session



Finally can use GCP instances to replace Ubiquity.

Also so very happy that I put my dotfiles in git so I can get this rig the way I like it quickly...



The Bay Bridge wishes it was built this tough. I wonder how much this chunk of steel costs in SWEh...



The new Moffet Place campus is guilty here too... No Daycare to be found.

Daycare seems like such a no-brainer *investment*. Every parent that never comes back after maternity/paternity leave is another one we have to spend money hiring...


Google+ Buttons...

*The +1 button for web sites is now the G+ button*

Hey Googlers - get ready to dogfood the new G+ button! It's an evolution of the existing +1 and +Share buttons you see across the web. It's leaner, faster and much less expensive to operate. Instead the world's most costly-click-counter you'll share directly to G+, which is what most users wanted anyway.

You can see the G+ button at various places such as:

- Blogspot blogs like or
- The Chrome Web store
- And sites from a-to-z

Want to give feedback? There's a handy link in the pop-up sharebox to do so.

Big kudos to +106053902024703312631 / +110610523830483756510 / +104802479551695111660 and the cast of characters that have helped us get this far.


Whose Global Village?

*Whose Global Village?* added to reading list.

I do know one thing -- the Global Village as envisioned decades ago by Marshall McLuhan sure isn't what we have today.



Unsearchable and Daily Inspiration for a TGIF..

The following *delightful* Google Play Playlist is a comprehensive collection of music from Watch Dogs 2:

Digdug doesn't know anything about it.

And yes, that's a base-64 encoded proto you're seeing! [and Let's hope that adding a new message to that proto doesn't rewrite all the permalinks....]

I was able to find the link to this in some disqus comments with a bit of search tweaking, but I couldn't get an actual link surfaced for a playlist in our own product. The original Spotify playlist does show up.


Checking out SAFe

Looks like there was an internal presentation that I missed:

It gives names to processes that I recognize, so it seems like it might be a useful model..


Slick as Vic

*SocialExperienceLevel.SLICK_AS_VIC* -- some documentation may be out of date...


cc @ebarn


Emerald Sea Protocols

*Emerald Sea Protocols* - October 2010

_Make open protocols the "default choice" and the "easy choice"_ -- me

And 6 years later some of this stuff is finally taking off....


Red Pill

This will be hilarious for people who know what webfinger is. For the rest get ready for chat bots that auto-create memes...


Google+ Commercials and Promos

*Various Dates* - Various Google+ Commercials and Promos

In order of appearance with some notes on when they aired.

Introducing the +1 Button
Google+: Circles
Google+: Sparks
Google+: Instant Upload
Google+: Explore Circles
Google+: Explore Settings
Google+: Explore Hangouts
Google+: Explore Games
Welcome to Google+
Google+: A quick look
Google+: Messenger
Google+: Pages
Google+: Search
Google+: Sharing but like real life
Google+: Circles Love Story
Introducing the new Google bar
Google+: Say more with Hangouts
Muppets Google+ Hangout (featuring the Muppets).mp4
Search, plus Your World
Google+: New Dad
Google+ Nina
Google+: Daria Musk
Google+: Tom
Google+ Local: Places you'll love, from people you trust
Google+ Events: Share event photos instantly with Party Mode
Introducing Google+ Events
Connect with friends the way you want with Google+ in Gmail
Google+ for Android
College Football on Google+
Google+ 2012
Google+ Communities: A place for whatever you're into
Google+ Events: Introducing a new way to get together
Google+: Public Squares
Google+: Beautiful movies, made Auto Awesomely
Google+: Media



_People long to be treated as co-creators. Not cattle._

[pulled from the massive Google+ feedback thread...]


Roborecruiter to lindner

Roborecruiter to lindner
3:01 PM

Hi. I'm Robo from Robo Recruiter. I am a recruitment bot connecting Blockchain rockstars like yourself to projects that need help. I have project roles in London and San Francisco today and will have plenty more needs in the future. Can you register with us and at the same time let us know if you would have any interest in these roles we have available now. Thanks Robo! P.S. Hope this is a cool way to check out new jobs…

Chat with RoboRecruiter about these and other roles

© 2017 Robo Recruiter, 660 22nd Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94107

To unsubscribe, please click here.

Robo Recruiter


Donate for Yemen now

*Donate for Yemen now* Only 4k to go!

Get your extra disaster relief match here:

A very very long time ago I helped launch on the the brand-new ".int" tld using Lotus Notes Domino. The site is still awesome and makes it possible for WFP field workers to help millions.



Testing une clip filmé en mode téléphone sur G+

YouTube app supports it quite nicely....


Google+ Features vs Oz Bulk

Finally figured out how to get Charts to overlay labels on the vertical...

Oh for the record, Peak Oz:

28151 files
330MB of Code/Resources
125 Backends
1525 HTTP Paths
673 Stubby Endpoints
3 binaries (widgetbe, widgetfe, frontend)
Lots and lots of qps, much 4514$


Social Multiplier

*The Social Multiplier for Google+* April 2011

A Social Multiplier applies to Googlers’ 2011 bonuses. It measures and recognizes the impact each team has on the success of Google+ and building meaningful relationships, sharing, and identity across all our products.

More details


Emerald Sea Mobile Update

*Emerald Sea Mobile Update* - 2010 Q3

by Punit Soni

- We've come full circle on Location Sharing. +111280803752736822602
- Making phone calls on profiles never happened, and the CallMeMaybe project 5 years later never launched.


Bitcoin Lightning

Bitcoin Lightning talk today:

_Come learn about the bitcoin Lightning Network! The Lightning Network is a "layer 2" bitcoin protocol designed to address some of bitcoin’s technical limitations in regards to scaling. Compared to on chain bitcoin payments, it promises instant payment speed measured in milliseconds to seconds, scalability capable of millions to billions of transactions per second across the network, lower cost and improved anonymity. Olaoluwa Osuntokun (aka roastbeef) is a former Google intern and currently works on Lightning Network at Lightning Labs. He will give a deep dive into latest developments in the implementation of Lightning Network._

More info:,


Oz Monolith

*An Update on the Oz Monolith*

So it's a little over been two weeks since we turned down most of Oz for frontends. Project Death Star removed most Google+ traffic. Purple Hummus removed Project Falcon got iOS G+ on FEDS. And the OneGoogle Notifications Widget is now exiting too.

There's still much more to do, Apiary APIs, widgets and more need to go. And lots of code to delete as you can see in the Rise and Fall of Oz by # of files below.

Thanks to everyone that removed services/code, and let me know if you're missing a killoz teams badge.



I guess just in case I was running some perl script I downloaded off of Matt's Script Archive on port 7888

plindner@arcwelder:[beaker]/google3$ host domain name pointer

But it appears I can't make it stop :(

05:52:51.515942 IP > Flags [P.], seq 0:432, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 1188697399 ecr 2097041011], length 432
        0x0000:  4560 01e4 1784 4000 3b06 ccee ac19 413a  E.....@.;.....A:
        0x0010:  646d 0781 aa39 1ed0 c325 02b0 5897 25e2  dm...9...%..X.%.
        0x0020:  8018 00e5 069a 0000 0101 080a 46da 1537  ............F..7
        0x0030:  7cfe 4e73 4745 5420 2f66 6f72 6d2f 6175  |.NsGET./form/au
        0x0040:  6b74 696f 6e2e 6367 693f 6d65 6e75 653d  ktion.cgi?menue=
        0x0050:  2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f2e  ../../../../../.
        0x0060:  2e2f 2e2e 2f2e 2e2f 2e2e 2f65 7463 2f70  ./../../../etc/p
        0x0070:  6173 7377 6420 4854 5450 2f31 2e31 0d0a  asswd.HTTP/1.1..
        0x0080:  486f 7374 3a20 6172 6377 656c 6465 722e  Host:.arcwelder.
        0x0090:  6d74 762e 636f 7270 2e67 6f6f 676c 652e
        0x00a0:  636f 6d3a 3738 3838 0d0a 4163 6365 7074  com:7888..Accept
        0x00b0:  2d43 6861 7273 6574 3a20 6973 6f2d 3838  -Charset:.iso-88
        0x00c0:  3539 2d31 2c75 7466 2d38 3b71 3d30 2e39  59-1,utf-8;q=0.9
        0x00d0:  2c2a 3b71 3d30 2e31 0d0a 4163 6365 7074  ,*;q=0.1..Accept
        0x00e0:  2d4c 616e 6775 6167 653a 2065 6e0d 0a43  -Language:.en..C



Need an ML algorithm to detect sleep-typing and sound a wake up alarm. Then I can:

M-x drowsiness-mode


Tap Tap Tap

*Needed: Tap Counter Job Ladder*

[Posting since most people had not heard of this...]

_"Thank you. What do you do here?" He said, "I'm a tap counter." I'm like, "You're a what?" He goes, "Well Jeff Hawkins, the CEO, says, 'If any task on the Palm Pilot takes more than three taps of the stylus, it's too long, and it has to be redesigned.' So I'm the tap counter."_



Achievement unlocked. Google Now tells me about my own posts on my own site.



No, please no. Treating omnipresent surveillance as normal at an early impressionable age feels like a step too far.

As such, there are some cringe-worthy quotes in this one...

"custom built AI with baby-centric features"

_"Aristotle was specifically designed to grow up with a child"_ -- [does anyone seriously believe that someone will be running this device 10 years from now?]

_"E-commerce functionality tied directly to key retail partners will enable Aristotle to automatically reorder or look for deals and coupons on baby consumables, formula and other baby products when it detects you are likely running low on the specific item."_



Looks like I'm the latest to suffer from the 6p rapid battery drain hardware defect... :(



Sad that they didn't call it G-Love and Special Sauce


Specialty Pharmacy Pfizer Farce

Still riding the blindfolded roller coaster with my wife and her metastatic breast cancer. We got a good 18 months from the 1st treatment. Fingers crossed that this new wonder drug will be even better.

I had a whole rant queued up about cancer drugs, Google's specialty pharmacy and Pfizer pricing Ibrance at 0k/month. Alas, MacOS+Chrome ate it.

Instead you can read this article and understand how we end up with ridiculous 80 monthly ransom payments copays. (Seriously life-and-death isn't subject to price elasticity of demand!)


The early bird gets the worm

Subject: Greetings from Dropbox; Yes, I'm working on a weeknight :)

Hi Paul,

They say, "The early bird gets the worm," well this early worm would really enjoy a conversation about your skills, goals, and interest. To be brief, you have an excellent educational and technical background and I'd enjoy the opportunity to discuss your expertise a bit further (Not tonight of course).




Defense against the digital dark ages

Vint Cerf speaks today at noon! Via VC or in MTV-1950

_We create digital content in enormous and growing quantities every day. Much of this content requires software to be displayed (images, videos) or manipulated (e.g. spreadsheets and text documents) or executed (e.g. video games). In some cases, specific operating systems and hardware are needed for support. We face a challenge to preserve digital content over periods of hundreds or years because the software and associated hardware may no longer exist. There are legal issues associated with copyright of content and licensing of software as well as business models that must somehow be sustained for long periods of time. This talk will outline some of the challenges and possible solutions._

Location: MTV-1950-1-Bodega Bay Tech Talk

Reserved VC rooms:

RES-EXPL-10-Mount Rogers
NYC-9TH-15A239-Raft of Otters
This talk will be recorded


Long Now

Would people be interested in attending a *Google Talk* about the *Long Now* projects 10,000 year clock[1] and Rosetta disk[2]? I'm in touch with their staff and they expressed interest and I'd like to know if it's worth my time to organize the event...

Also I recommend joining and attending their events. Lots of interesting people and viewpoints that you normally don't get inside the tech bubble. Plus it feels like you're a member of a secret society and their bar _The Interval_[3] serves up damn fine cocktails.



1m LoC deleted!

Of course I couldn't have done it without the entire teams that wrote the code and these specific products:

Firefox Toolbars
Google Gadgets, iGoogle, and OpenSocial
Google Buzz and the entire Focus Frontend
... and Oz

And big shout outs to abandoned experiments, never completed features and my agent, Klippy.!cdd



Chat bugs

Reported a bug in Matrix chat. Bug filed.... Via chat.

Wish Hangouts group chat had this...

Of course we could do this for G+ too. Plus mention a magic page named +Buganizer on a post and you'll get a bug filed.. Problem is that syntax errors are harder to process...