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Defense against the digital dark ages

Vint Cerf speaks today at noon! Via VC or in MTV-1950

_We create digital content in enormous and growing quantities every day. Much of this content requires software to be displayed (images, videos) or manipulated (e.g. spreadsheets and text documents) or executed (e.g. video games). In some cases, specific operating systems and hardware are needed for support. We face a challenge to preserve digital content over periods of hundreds or years because the software and associated hardware may no longer exist. There are legal issues associated with copyright of content and licensing of software as well as business models that must somehow be sustained for long periods of time. This talk will outline some of the challenges and possible solutions._

Location: MTV-1950-1-Bodega Bay Tech Talk

Reserved VC rooms:

RES-EXPL-10-Mount Rogers
NYC-9TH-15A239-Raft of Otters
This talk will be recorded