It's Oakland's time to shine.
This is like complaining that you can't buy a car without airbags...
*Wanted*: Location start and end in Calendar
I think we can do a better job of mapping travel in Calendar if we allowed Events to have *begin* and *end* locations.
For example, I have a GBUS entry in my calendar. Part way through my ride I'm getting cards telling me time to the start point.
I quickly scanned buganizer and didn't see an FR there -- but I think this would really help for happy hour.
Another crazy idea -- according to the location could reference a URI. Imagine if the URI referenced a moving object, like a bus, plane or other trackable object.] If we had that then we could support navigation to any stop along the path, support timed transfers and other cool stuff....
Seeing this error when launching the extension:
Chrome Canary and Chrome Beta channel. (Haven't tried stable yet...)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'id' of null colorpicker.min.js:1
ColorPicker colorpicker.min.js:1
ColorPicker colorpicker.min.js:1
setColourPicker reader.min.js:1
init reader.min.js:1
Consider using 'dppx' units instead of 'dpi', as in CSS 'dpi' means dots-per-CSS-inch, not dots-per-physical-inch, so does not correspond to the actual 'dpi' of a screen. In media query expression: (min-resolution: 144dpi), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5)
Google Now is doing a killer job identifying people and songs during the Oscars
Protip: pull down to refresh and get up-to-date info!
If you see a "low battery" or "offline" warnings on your Nest thermostat check if you have a "C" wire. I was lucky, there was an unused wire that I was able to easily attach on both ends.
The power stealing from the control wiring is a neat technique, but direct power is better.
Check out the BD doodle on today.
Originally shared by Google France
M'enfin ?! C'est quoi ce Doodle ?
Le 28 février 1957 apparaissait pour la première fois Gaston Lagaffe, nouvelle recrue de la rédaction du Journal de Spirou telle qu'imaginée par André Franquin.
Aujourd'hui, Gaston fait un stage chez Google France et arrive en trombe sur notre page d'accueil, accompagné de son chat-dingue et de sa mouette rieuse.
Si contrairement à ses collègues Prunelle, Spirou et Fantasio ou à nous même qui l'avons au bureau aujourd'hui, vous ne connaissez pas Gaston :
• Découvrez comment un Doodle est réalisé grace à ce GIF
• Apprenez en plus sur Gaston avec Google : ou sur son site officiel
Nous nous excusons par avance pour tout bug causé par l'une de ses gaffes.
Some perfect rainy day beats..
Further blurring the boundaries between electronic music and rock, Ratatat's self-titled debut album mixes Evan Mast's fractured but propulsive beats and woozy analog synths with Mike Stroud's loud, yet somehow subtle, guitars.
Thunderbirds meets the Thorn Birds.
Finally finished this series recently, highly recommended...
Listening to this new Information Society release while upgrading all iOS devices to 7.0.6. Hack, hack, hack.
Originally shared by Information Society
Baked fresh today! Get your full-quality music here:
Listening to some UK Garage today. Altavista reference made me smile.
You won't find us on Alta Vista
Cult classic not bestseller, you're gonna need more power
Plug in the free phase and the generator, crank it up to gigawatts
I'm hopeful that the San Jose deployment has a halo effect throughout the Bay Area. Your move Comcast.
Originally shared by Google
Today we’ve invited 34 cities in nine metro areas around the U.S. to work with us to explore what it would take to bring them Google Fiber. In the coming months, we'll work with each city's leaders on a joint planning process to map out a Google Fiber network in detail and assess potential challenges to bringing 100x faster Internet to these communities. We aim to provide updates about which of these cities will be getting Google Fiber at the end of the year. Learn more:
Are any of our politicians even trying to get inward investment of this type? Twitter moved into a neighborhood (SF mid-market) that's worse than most areas of Oakland. It would only take a few companies to change hearts and minds...
Can we learn from the last Comcast Merger? I hope we can. This recent NPR interview with Susan Crawford goes into the details.
The big risk here is a larger Comcast can leverage Content to keep new entrants out of the market.
That new entrant has to enter on two levels. It has to build communications infrastructure. But it also has to get access to programming, because 91 percent of Americans have paid TV prescriptions, as well as high-speed Internet access subscriptions. They want both. So Comcast pays much less for programming - because it has so many subscribers, and because it owns one of the big players - than any new entrant would. This is yet another cudgel, another sledgehammer that Comcast can use to keep any potential alternative network competition at bay.
Finally some positive news for the stray dogs in Sochi.
If anyone can find a way to monetarily support their work please let me know. In the meantime I'm donating to the Detroit Dog Rescue, which is facing a similar stray dogs problem.
Had a Google Now card for the album so I'd say it is available
Daft Punk may have won some Grammys last night - but when I wanted retro electronic/synth I was pleasantly surprised to discover Psykosonik via Google Play
Cyberpunk themes, Nintendo SNES ties-ins and beats reminiscent of Crystal Method The make this some great coding music. They'll also be my soundtrack of choice if I ever make another ray-traced 3-D demo.
Anil Dash - I'm saddened that someone that I worked with and respect wrote something so out of touch with the situation that's going on here in the Bay Area. You seem to believe the media hype that the "techies" are elitist and out of touch and that better "marketing" will help win hearts and minds.
The reality is that tech companies and employees are already doing much of what you advocate for, and doing more of it, or marketing it, won't change the situation. Avatars, Logos, and signs won't help. Helping people afford housing will.
Using Voices
Employees and company leaders already advocate for better housing and infrastructure. Google has succeeded[1] and failed[2] to build housing in Mountain View near it's campus. Facebook too[3].
Volunteering and Civic Initiatives
Google (and other companies) match donations 1:1 and encourage their employees to give. There's also the following
- Google for Nonprofits
- Supporting local communities via GoogleServe[5]
- Google sponsored a huge push to fund Kiva loans last year via their own and employees giving.
I am very proud of what's been done here and how Google has made me a better donator and volunteer.
Community Involvement
Extending benefits like food and day care to people in the community is an interesting idea. There are problems however -- employee services are at the work places, not in the neighborhood where people's rent are going up.
Plus there are often better ways for employees to engage with the community. I've met and talked to plenty of people while picking up trash in West Oakland. Plenty of other people are already very active in their churches, schools and communities.
In Closing...
If every shuttle was banned the problem would still remain. In the past 10 years San Francisco has built 17k new units of housing while adding 75k residents[6]. This is a complex issue that's not going away soon. Marketing isn't going to change it. Getting more housing and helping people worried about paying rent will, even while many are directly benefitting[7].
I'll leave you with the conclusions from Elias Levy's in-depth data based analysis[8] of the situation:
In the end, tech workers are simply a convenient straw man for folks to direct their anger at high rents, which are simply the result of a strong economy, the anti-development history of San Francisco, the city’s limited geography, and market forces. In a slightly different scenario, the vilified workers could have been in biotech, aerospace, or finance. So long as the local economy is strong, San Francisco is a desirable place to live in, and the population increases, rents, like real estate, will go up in San Francisco. At best, we can slow down these market forces and provide a helping hand to those less fortunate to ensure they have some support dealing with these changes.
Full disclosure: I work at Google. I wrote part of this on a Shuttle from the East Bay, and would still be driving if it wasn't available.
All future postmortems will now contain animations. Seriously though -- this is pretty detailed.. and a bit scary.
Originally shared by Ihab Awad
Entertaining failure chain. :)
Had brunch there this weekend. Great food, somewhat spotty service, but they're just getting going.
Originally shared by East Bay Express
How Oakland’s Barkada made a successful leap from bakery-cafe to full-fledged restaurant:
My new morning routine -- remove trash from West Oakland. Contrast that with the new defacement of West Oakland.
Somehow I missed that Klari Reis was posting a new Petri Dish painting every day for all of 2013. The entry for December 26th, Poinsettias at Midnight, really captures the season.
Much more at
I just powered off 64 monitors and 2 HD screens on my way out the door. Most monitors were in standby mode (~1.5w) about 10 were not (bad X config, dunno...)
Assuming that they stayed that way for 2 weeks that'd be 269 kWh.
That's ~ 7 of electricity or so just on my floor. Kind of a drop in the bucket, but still....
Couple more things you might want to look at:
** While testing I saw a few errors pop up when looking for the _escaped_fragment-= version of pages. Looks like this:
unknown domain:
** Your pages have a lot of boilerplate in them that can confuse things. Consider adding html5 header/footer/nav elements. or just getting rid of much of that from your server-side-rendered output. and....
** Seriously consider adding rel="canonical" -- it's the best way for Google to know the URL you want people to use and it helps to disambiguate your pages.
Regarding mixpanel you can see the unminified JS if you view source here:
Not a huge amount of bytes to be saved, but it can't hurt :)
Mini postmortem on apache mod_fcgid.
Notable because it showed up as a Recommended post for me....
Originally shared by Tracy Hurley
We ran into some unexpected server load issues that I tracked down today involving apache 2.2 mod_fcgid. Yay, troubleshooting!
Roo Roo and Tommy (the dog) on yet another trip out. This morning was brunch at the Universal Cafe with a side trip to Blue Bottle coffee.
A good meal was had by all.
Great read. I'd also recommend listening to the latest "This American Life" which discusses how your destiny is predicted by where you live. The details on the creation of the fair housing act and riots in the 60s were especially eye opening.
And all of this is especially apropos with the recent Thanksgiving holiday.
Originally shared by Ade Oshineye
"There’s an old saying: ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. There’s a degree to which it’s true, and it certainly seems that the current lot of powerful people are thoroughly irresponsible. I’d like to add another – though it’s deeply wishful thinking. With great privilege should come great humility. Those of us who are privileged – like me, and like Boris – should be able to find that humility. To know that we really don’t know what it’s like to live without our privilege. We can try to imagine – but we’ll never really succeed. And we should know that we’ll never really succeed – and be far, far more willing to listen properly to those who do know it. Most of all, though, we should know when not to talk as though we had all the answers. We should know when to shut up."
Dramatic rays over the Eames House numbers at Heath Ceramics.
Bonus: 20% off this weekend on everything.
Here's a quick tip I posted to the Developing with Google+ community. Plenty more good stuff there for publishers and app developers.
Originally shared by Paul Lindner
Youtube and Google+ Embedded Posts
If you embed Youtube videos on your web site you might want to take second look at the Google+ Embedded Post feature:
Instead of using a direct Youtube embed try creating a Google+ post that includes the video and your commentary. Embed that post on your site by following the instructions linked above.
People can still play the video in the page, but now they can also +1, Follow, and Reply to it. This engagement will make your conversation stand out in the new comments section.
Youtube and Google+ Embedded Posts
If you embed Youtube videos on your web site you might want to take second look at the Google+ Embedded Post feature:
Instead of using a direct Youtube embed try creating a Google+ post that includes the video and your commentary. Embed that post on your site by following the instructions linked above.
People can still play the video in the page, but now they can also +1, Follow, and Reply to it. This engagement will make your conversation stand out in the new comments section.
Hi widget lovers. You may have noticed a new look for the +1 and +Share buttons that are consistent with the Follow and Badge widgets. We hope you like them.
You'll also notice that they scale up beautifully. All of our buttons are now using SVG to render the iconography, and the Roboto font for text. There's even some SMIL animations hiding in there too. All of this is perfect for your new high dpi laptop, tablet or phone. ‡
Please let us know if they're working for you and if you have any suggestions. Thanks for using Google+ widgets!
‡ results may vary on IE8 and Gingerbread browsers.
Munchery delivers. Had a nice meal from them yesterday and noticed that they're also here on Google+.
Even if you can't get them in your area you can admire their fine food photography. This attention to detail pervades the rest of the experience, including thoughtful packaging, high quality ingredients, and artful presentation. Highly recommended.
Originally shared by Munchery
Heading to the park this weekend?
Pro-tip: Bring Allison's Zucchini-Nut Bread ➞
I have one invite left for purchasing Google Glass for the first person that wants it. Remember the requirements are:
- be a US resident
- be 18 years or older
- purchase Glass
- provide a U.S. based shipping address OR pick up the device in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles
Originally shared by Google Glass
Wow, lots of questions! We'd rather "show" than "tell" so here you go: the mono earbud, and the Glass that Explorers will be getting when they swap later this year.
Edit: More questions! The earbud plugs into Glass, so you can choose whether to use it.
Originally shared by Pic Scanner app (iOS)
Earlier this week, the number of +1s on my G+ page suddenly and inexplicably dropped from around 5,000 to approx. 800. I complained to Google 2 days ago but so far those haven't been reinstated, and it seems Google doesn't know where they went.
Did the NSA steal those, too?
Originally shared by E John Feig
Anyone else have this issue with Google+ badges? It cut off the last letter in my name! When I look at the source, I can see that the 'g' has been converted to some random unicode character. What's even more annoying is that when I go into my dashboard in tumblr to try to change this, it shows up correctly. The only place it seems not to work is when viewing the page. =/
Highly recommended. This is an electronic/noise remix of the P.O.S album We Don't Even Live Here by experimental group Marijuana Deathsquads.
The folks at Rhymesayers Entertainment are doing a great job showcasing the creative forces of the Midwest. Definitely worth following here on +
h/t San Jose Mercury News live blog:
Bring on the #heirloomtechno from Information Society No autotune modified organisms here. I've been having a great time exploring the back catalog on Google Play including a superb live album that recently came out [1].
Then again I think I'm required to enjoy any group that puts out tracks like an actual data transmission in 300bps N, 8, I (Terminal Mode or ASCII Download) and the ode to TLAs in Where Would I be Without IBM [2]
We really need to get your playlists supported as proper embeds. We're already working on this for Youtube....
/cc Leo Deegan John Panzer
Originally shared by Brandon Bilinski
It's new Tunesday! This week features no marquee hip-hop releases but has more indie-folk than you can shake a banjo at:
- Avett Bros, Head and the Heart, and Cass McCombs all twang it out a bit
- Solid week for metal: New Red Fang, Pelican and Trivium
- We also have some new jams from established players: Paul McCartney, Pearl Jam and Dismemberment Plan (which on first listen is pretty blah)