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Wow, multi-day outage for temp badges.

I came in. Said I needed a badge. Wrote my username on a post-it and was given an E badge. I now have to tailgate (!) or ask people to badge me in.



So had a four hour power outage last night. Pretty sure we're down to 2 nines of availability for the year.

So had a four hour power outage last night. Pretty sure we're down to 2 nines of availability for the year.

You'd think with all the new Smart Meters that 

Pacific Gas and Electric Company should accurately know about power outages in near real time. Instead of alerting on their usage graphs it appears that the primary feedback mechanism is phone calls.

I've asked for a callback.  When I do I'll post it to the Postmortems community.  Ought to be interesting...



If you've ever suffered a large outage you've likely written a postmortem document.

If you've ever suffered a large outage you've likely written a postmortem document.  Post them here.  We can learn why things break so we can build systems that don't.



Internet Blackout 2007

Like many others (and Vox/LJ itself) Hi5 was affected by the power outage in Colo 4 in 365 Main.  We blogged about it over at the Hi5 Blog.