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Just heard Superfreak in La Place Cafe.

Was on the first cassette I ever owned. (First vinyl? Kiss Destroyer)

I wonder if people will remember their "firsts" going forward in a cloud based world....


Happy Holidays from the Google+ Death Star Project team and the Chewbacca family.


Got the Holiday Gift blues? Watch Robot Reindeer.

ROBOLIGHTS combines your two favorite things: Robots and Christmas into a 3 acre theme park of crazy. Visit it before the authorities shut it down.


Yes Virginia Eternabugs do get fixed!

Looking forward to real videos in presentations instead of animated GIFs..



I hope our Phoenix UX folks are keeping tabs on Imzy. Lots of interesting interaction twists going on. Things I like:

- Custom screen names per community.
- Responsive OneUp design shows post on left, comments on right.

...and is +116834966192427446812 moonlighting as their character artist?



Here's your friday lol, includes the extra special Google dis:

_You know rappers like to sell drugs_
_But you do it on the streets_
_And you deader than Google buzz or Google+_



Paging the Spaces team! Talkshow had some neat features that might be apropros. Controlling the "Microphone" was one of them..

+112802115175816406059 +114740374810943095093



Needed to fire up an Etherium test node so I thought I'd give Azure a shot since they have a nifty dev-labs tool built for it.

Pretty nice. I had a VM up and running with 00 credit in about 15 minutes, even with recovering my password account.


Weekly GFE pushes? What year is it?


As I said on http://g/opensource-discuss :

_We’re Google. The 10x solution is to replace DNS. (And I’m only half-joking.)_


Releasing this under Affero GPL LICENSE would have been an epic troll.


20% project Idea

Create Google+ Communities based on donation match data from

Then expand that further, let anyone make communities with a recurring membership fee, or private profiles with a membership. Sort of like Patreon.. but better.


Am I the only that's shocked that GFE pushes are paused for over a week?

If so I hope that people point out how much of a SPOF this is. [And maybe we'll finally be able to open the huge urlmap.production.any in cider without problems]


Found some weekend reading based on the abstract alone.

_Although it has been a part of the dark underbelly of the Internet since its inception, recent events have brought the discussion board site 4chan to the forefront of the world's collective mind. In particular, /pol/, 4chan's "Politically Incorrect" board has become a central figure in the outlandish 2016 Presidential election. Even though 4chan has long been viewed as the "final boss of the Internet," it remains relatively unstudied in the academic literature.
In this paper we analyze /pol/ along several axes using a dataset of over 8M posts. We first perform a general characterization that reveals how active posters are, as well as how some unique features of 4chan affect the flow of discussion. We then analyze the content posted to /pol/ with a focus on determining topics of interest and types of media shared, as well as the usage of hate speech and differences in poster demographics. We additionally provide quantitative evidence of /pol/'s collective attacks on other social media platforms. We perform a quantitative case study of /pol/'s attempt to poison anti-trolling machine learning technology by altering the language of hate on social media. Then, via analysis of comments from the 10s of thousands of YouTube videos linked on /pol/, we provide a mechanism for detecting attacks from /pol/ threads on 3rd party social media services._


All-in on Ubiquity

Turned off my HP workstation for the last time.

You can get 6CPU, 32GB mem, 300GB disk hosts these days. They're actually pretty decent for most work. You lose hyperthreading but you get 46MB cpu cache. I/O feel relatively snappy.

Get your own

Of course I look forward to the day when all of this runs on GCE and I can remount my block device on a n1-highmem-32 (32 cpus, 208GB memory !!)


New Kill Oz Theme songs.

Sadly out of print, but was able to buy this on vinyl over on eBay...


Me, At Conference. _*Oh, I work for Google*_ .... space time warps.

Next time I might just use a fictitious company. If we can agree on a secret name Googlers can just nod understandingly when I say "Oh, I work for Massive Dynamics".


Where's the markup? Where do I file bugs?

Guess I should just be happy that there's an RSS feed here...


I'll be at this thing today. Will take notes and have a post trip report.



Finding is somewhat ironic that the project to turn down Oz is called Deathstar. Past project G+ names included *MorningStar* and *NorthStar*

Oh and the follow on _Falcon_ project is aptly named, as you can see below...



Added a new ubiquity instance recently. I'm happy to say that I've moved my home directory to a git repo. For internal usage git on borg is a good choice.

gob-ctl create user/lindner/dotfiles
cd ~
git init
echo "*" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin sso://user/lindner/dotfiles
git push -u origin master

The trick I mention below for append only files also works for .dremel_history


Did Someone say *Megadeth*?

So I had to laugh at the Events Demo using Megadeth. Back in the day we used email to coordinate our outings.

\m/ forever!

Oh and I ended up losing my glasses and contracting a skin infection. Totally worth it.

_>From the farthest reaches of the net, said:_
_> so... dread is little more than 24 hours away. what are your bags?_

_Sorry folks, can't make this one, was really considering it, but......_
_databases calling and this other ton of work....._

_> let us move this email through, doodz, so we do not leave anyone out of_
_> this most excellent event (well, besides motorhead and metal church on_
_> the 4th of june at first ave, and the "clash of the titans" with
. slayer, megadeth, and anthrax on the 9th at Trout aire ;)._

_Say does anyone need a ticket to the clash of the titans. I bought_
_four, so far three are spoken for. Since it's general admission It_
_doesn't matter where you get your ticket, just as long as you get it._
_I also have room in my 79 Duster Partymobile for one more passenger._

_So who will it be? Who's brave enough to mosh it up with me?_

_See ya in the PIT!_



How easy is it to learn Verilog, VHDL and Lua? Only 3 languages until I hit Yoda.

[Oh and I have no idea what the Spitfire language is, but I'll take it...]


Ever wanted to send a postcard to a prod server?

*mdbsql*> select datacenters.region, datacenters.primary_purpose, datacenters.value,, buildings.streetAddress from datacenters, buildings where datacenters.building_id = an
d = 'US' and datacenters.state = 'active' and datacenters.primary_purpose = 'production';


_IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System_ - Research

Pretty well written paper that covers the basics of IPFS.


Best go link of the day:


a little humor softens the pain of having to regenerate those rpc logs....



I made a spelling error on a post... I think.....



First FinTech, now *AgTech*...

Another8 is a recruiting firm that partners closely with venture capital firms including Google Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Andreessen Horowitz and others. Our clients hire us as an in-house resource and also on a contract basis. After reviewing your LinkedIn profile we felt you could be a very good fit for a few of our clients. Your time at Google is very interesting.

See Jane Farm ( is a hyper-yield AgTech firm making amazing produce possible with a 99% smaller water footprint, 50% lower methane (greenhouse gas) and waste footprint, and a 350x leap in per acre yields.
- Over 5.5 million in first official round of funding
- Google’s kitchen was our first customer and has been using our produce for the past year
- We’re working to use 99% less water than the industry that now uses 70%+ of the world's water.


My credit union uses Broccoli Man for their credit card activation IVR system.


Don't forget to takeout your Orkut content. I almost lost my content way back and would have regretted that.

Takeout available until "September 2016".


ZeroTier looks really, nice. Sadly I suspect it violates many security kittens...



Chatbots? -- No they're basically Google Gadgets....

insight from http://go/ChinaRises


Spiffy Rails+Ember+Postgres discussion forum. May have to play with this...


Long, but thoughtful read on the state of funding open source and infrastructure.


I recommend reading Zuboff to get an alternate perspective on what we do around here. I also believe understanding her PoV can help you understand why Europe behaves the way they do.

I do think she is on to something with her concept of behavioral surplus. Google has succeeded in extracting knowledge from events in a way that while it does benefit people (free ad supported things!) also has downsides.

Also looking forward to her upcoming book, if it's like her others it will likely be prescient. (See _In the Age of the Smart Machine_ and _Support Economy_)


Stone Soup references are a popular theme at Blockchain Unconference


_If you create some content but there is no one to see it, does it exist?_

from +112427496122904544974


Blockchain based content publishing system is full of content about making money with content.


This talk by Kevin Kelly looks interesting...

Plus doesn't everyone need a stainless-steel engraved membership card?


ePub works quite well with Play Books. Recommended.

[Now if CACM would publish this instead of PDFs....]



In May 2017 Java classes will change to reflect the new Alphabet ownership structure, which will ensure that they appear at the top of the imports list (where they belong)

You should name your java classes with the following prefix:

instead of

A LSC and an increase in the max java line length will be done automatically. External libraries that are lexicographically less than will be eliminated (com.aardvark, etc.)


But seriously I agree with the import ordering change. It does simplify things at the expense of some piper history pollution.