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Just saw this guava witchcraft snippet in a code review today from @112047346673343275962.

In this case we wanted to sort by a primary, secondary and tertiary key.  However we only want to keep the first 'primary' entry found.

The magic is that ImmutableSortedSet throws away duplicates, and you can define duplication with the orderedBy() method (which should almost be renamed to .orderedByAndEquals())

sorted = primaryOrdering.compound(secondary)

return ImmutableSortedSet


Should we make a crowdsourced hashtag <--> freebase mid site?

Here's a stillborn site that would have been my first choice for a name...


Cloud based Music Queue sounds like an interesting idea.   Maybe you could 'fling' your queue to any screen....


Can someone help me decipher where this page is being generated?  I want to change it to pass in the rel="me" param to the ancient focus widget.

If possible I'd also like to see it use the G+ profile badge instead which is much much nicer.


In honor of C-Sprint - *Convoy* and *CB* radio.  And Rocketsled on rails, I don't care if it doesn't start with C.


*IDEA* Stubby no-op detector.

Stubby clientside code that tracks if the response code is always the same.  Found some RPCs today that were no-ops due to validation in another part of the system..  Would be nice if we could detect this and report it back.


Ads folks, good? bad? otherwise?

I want to align the widgets we support with common dimensions used in web layout.  What better place to start than the ad-units most sites use.

My goal here is to make widgets fit seamlessly into layouts and make widgets usable for ad campaigns - for example:
- Brand Follower Widget as an mrec.
- Community Widget latest posts with subscribe.
- etc.


If I could clone myself I'd spend all my time doubling-down on making Google *the* place for musicians and bands.  Between Play, Youtube, Search and Plus we have so much to offer, yet don't wrap it up in a pretty package like we should...


Why are we serving up the refresh images? Are the cache headers set properly?  I've been noticing this too on desktop and mobile.

Photos team -- any idea what's going on here?  @102367365652197389609?


Have ideas on how to improve Google+ widgets?  Add your ideas and up/down vote existing ideas here:

This uses Lightning which is a frontend to buganizer for ideas collection and management.  It's funny how a simplified interface can make such a difference.

Try it out!


DiRT idea -- push out a bad Android build to Googler Android phones that bricks 'em.  (ahem temporarily)


Today's a day when I wish I could type 20 ctrl-g in chat windows...

Guessing that's by design...


Is it time to stop domain-sharding for browsers using SPDY?

I notice that we're doing the right thing for images in the Google+ stream:

Guessing there's lots of other places where this pattern is used..


How did I miss this?  @110388429398517693608 -- how well is this supported?

Man I hope that we only need a style="display:block" tucked in there for converting links to widgets.


I'm a bit worried that some Googlers are getting a little obsessive with this game.  Not to name names but there are some people that have portals all throughout the googleplex in Mountain View and will take back anything that gets blown up in the matter of minutes.

I suppose it doesn't matter much now that the Resistance has taken over almost everything.  I'm not going to bother and channel my obsessive-compulsiveness into my job instead...


Everyone.  Please add sensible canonicals.
- Especially if you have a 'enable SSL' bit.
- or if you have content that spans multiple domains
- or if you respond to /foo and /foo/ without a 301 redirect on one of them.

I've noticed two canonicalization issues (project hosting and sites) in the past few days.  I'm guessing there are many more out there..


Anyone looked into this?  Happy to see alternates, but I am somewhat concerned about this quote:

_...there seemed to be little interest from Google in changing and extending GPB to address the performance related issues._


[ note -- this a test of how social actions increase the score you see on third party websites.  To see it in action:

1) Go to techcrunch and note the counter value.
2) Comment/+1 here
3) Reload the page after a few seconds to see the number go up.



This is pretty nifty.  Just need to wrap this in a chrome extension...


Begone vile techcrunch transparent image seen in too many shares..

See http://b/5827537 for more detail and to lament that this fix took a whole year..


Am I the only one watching the FB live stream and the OKR live stream?


*Suggest* -- _it's not just for search queries_

Is there a "Google Cookbook" resource for our customers on how best to use our plethora of services given a scenario?

The specific example I have is "opening a new restaurant".  Here's some of the steps I can see that we might want to suggest.

* -Sign up for a MapMaker account, add your Restaurant.-
  Oops, found out you can add your listing here instead:
* _.....wait for review of your edits...._ * Do not create a Google+ profile (yet) despite what you read at:
* Consider Apps For Your Domain
* Create a website for your business using Google Sites
  (Or maybe Google Drive?  Or just host it)
* Sign up for Webmaster Tools.
  - Verify website ownership via DNS or 'magic' file.
  - Set your geographic target.
  - Set up sitelinks for directions/menus
  - more?

* Sign up for AdWords.  Set your timezone forever and ever:
* Sign up for Google Analytics
* Sign up for Blogger, and create a blog.
* Add the following to your website
  - Google Analytics
  - plusone/share buttons

* Phew, -MapMaker- Google Local listing approved weeks later!
* Go to the Google+ Places page, and submit request for verification.
* _.....wait for postcard to arrive in the mail....._
* Start posting to twitter/facebook/tumblr/yelp in frustration.
* Get Zagat rated:
   email to
   [??? Is this obsolete information?]

* Hooray!  My business verification postcard has arrived.
* Verify my business!  Create my plus page linked to my Places page.
* [delete any plus pages you may have created before this point. so sorry!]
* Connect Plus page to my website
  - add magic <link.. tag> or a brand badge widget to verify.
* Add my Opentable link.
* Get interior street view for my business
* Add Blog/Social Networking links to my Plus page for authorship.
* Upload photos to my Plus Page.
* Get Followers for my Page and have them write reviews.
* Sign up for Google Offers
* Start an Adwords campaign.
* Post regularly to the PlusPage by setting a reminder email.

After poking around gathering these links it really makes you realize that our Org Chart is on display and how painful this is for users that just want to get things done.  I also realize that we've made great progress in unifying many services.

That said, there's lots that could be done.  Can we suggest the next step to a user?  Can we remove the speed bumps between products.  Can we infer customer intent? ("It looks like you're opening a restaurant, you might want to do A, B, C next.)


IDF needed: *Method of generating culturally non-offensive hash numbers.*

Requesting "Satan's number" removal from my profile!!
Jacob Ryan Hughes Jan 10 08:49PM -0800

I am requesting an *immediate* URL number sequence change!! The pattern in
my profile's number sequence has the following 3 in a row 6s, symbolizing
"Satan's number" in the Bible. It wasn't until today (01/10/2013) that I
realized that the number sequence had the following "symbol". I will even
pay for a shorter URL for the inconvenience! Please help me resolve this

Here is my profile


Meeting room occupied beyond the end time?  Try this:

1) Find the hangout for the meeting that's running over.
2) Join the hangout.
3) Add Youtube app.
4) Play annoying videos



Anyone have a copy of this lying around?  If not I'll expense a copy (or two).

A good chunk of it is in Google Books, but would like to read the rest of it.


Anyone opposed to making a postmortem community on public G+?  Obviously it would only have public information.  The Github writeup was interesting and there are plenty of other writeups that one could chat about.


A little something shared with me by my former colleagues at LinkedIn.


The secret truth -- the ITU wants deep packet inspection to fix their Content-Type charset headers..



*Hidden Riches!*

From java-libraries-dev

ImmutableMultimap has an inverse()  method, so it's really also ImmutbaleBiMultimap.


Count -all- more of the +1s !!!

And we can even beat twitter when the article isn't being reposted by tons of bots, like this:


Pasting in my sell-my-soul listing.   Please bid -- at 4.50/hr this is technically illegal for California minimum wage laws....

Is your code tired, riddled with lint and deprecation warnings? Send it off to my exclusive day spa for 8 hours of luxury. My special treatments include:

- Lint detox -- remove all subdermal lint errors found with -v
- Dependency liposuction - run reducedeps on your tired BUILD files.
- javascript manicure - buff and polish with fixjsstyle.
- Hot stone deprecation massaging.
- Dead code exfoliation using scythe.


*LTBD* - Little Things, Big Difference.

Last week I had a very satisfying LTBD moment.  I discovered that many webmasters were double escaping url params in their +1 widgets.  Fixing this little thing caused a noticeable boost in +1 renders and creations and a big big drop in error logs -- big difference.

2 years ago when I was at LinkedIn this was a formal policy direct from Deep Nishar, head of PM.  Each engineer was supposed to tackle an LTBD item for each sprint.  These are the little things that make the product easier to use, clearer, or fix annoying bugs.


I wish I could add communities to circles.  Would help make targeted consumption and noise controls so much easier.


The horror -- no portals near offsite location...


Pennies from Verizon prepaid 3G bandwith.  I find it fun to see how badly people implement their payment systems.  Worried a little bit that end-users won't.

[note: 1st attempt was with wrong zip code]


If you're going to do a hangout on the shuttle wifi you can at least ask the person on the other end to not move that much.


Music appropriate for



Anyone work with reverbnation?  Would be nice to get them supporting Google+

They're probably already using our APIs since they target Youtube.  They also have one of the larger mappings of social media links I've seen.


People keep endorsing me for _REST_ on LinkedIn.  However I'm really only an expert in telling you why REST sucks for most things you want to do.



Curious if anyone's done any work on recognizing URL redirectors where the  target is embedded inside the link?

It seems like we could derive some significant benefits by knowing that links like this go to the eventual target.

I did find go/linkdoctor but that's not quite right.

Also @114489135332974198500 for this weird-ass snippet that came from this link..


New spam vector:

1. Buy spammy press release on prweb (Only 59!)
2. Wait for press release to be republished on thousands of news sites (see below).
3. Bot page views like crazy
4. Wait for article to appear in 'trending/what's hot/most read'
6. profit!

Anything we can do about the spammy site originating this?


Forget  vs  ..

we have robots vs gfs

And the robots are going to win



What's the state of the art for publishing bloom filters in these parts?

_Problem_: need a way to identify if a URL is a Google+ plus page without sending an RPC all the time.  It's acceptable if recent plus pages are not included.

There are any number of MRs that iterate over the all gaia-space that could compute this and put it someplace.

Anyone with good examples of this in practice?

Is there a super-secret bloom filter publishing service that I'm not aware of (and if not, maybe there should be?)

[Obviously once I have the persisted bloom filter then I can play around with doing incremental updates from a subscriber to a goops feed and all that.]


Since some folks have never heard the expression....


When things go pear-shaped..

Given recent events I'd like to reminisce on one of the best pro-customer things I've had the honor of being involved with.

When I worked at Six Apart in 2005 we let the customer decide how much pain they felt, and let them choose how much they want to be compensated. I'd love to see this replicated for N4 customers by offering them 5, 10 or 20GB of free drive storage.  Or none, if they so choose.


Thanks in advance for an ingress invite.  I'd love to see if there are G+ integration possibilities.  (And I will totally rule the SF East Bay...)


Loose lips...

This weekend I was at a restaurant in the Mission and learned the following information about Facebook:

* They have a team of 6 people working on App Ranking.  That's ranking Applications in the stream and in their new ad system.

* Their shuttles don't have wifi, but you can expense a data card.

So the next time you're at a restaurant or bar, remember, someone might be listening.


Kennedy Offline Gmail?  Yes indeed!