thats @lindner :) Lots of good info on wave there. Digesting this during the demos.. re: http://
Hope to see plenty of people at GTUG tonight, Google I/O in the next two days, then Community One next week.. http://
hi5 has a deep bench, so a few of the current people will be pitching in. Also have an open req to backfill me! re: http://
@markitecht hi5 has a deep bench, so a few of the current people will be pitching in. Also have an open req to backfill me!
Last day at hi5, working for LinkedIn starting monday.. Leaving a job you love for new job you know you'll love is... http://
tivo hd all the way, dual tuners and many extras, plus it's only a little bit more than the hd box rental. re: http://
Answer by for Handling and syncing own custom version of an open source library with SVN http://
Follow in my footsteps at hi5 and help them continue to build a great platform --... http://
yes, it sure sucks when the bug you were trying to fix was a bug in firebug, that's why I've been using webkit... re: http://
@chanezon yes, it sure sucks when the bug you were trying to fix was a bug in firebug, that's why I've been using webkit more these days.
I'm looking for openweb+java talent for an amazing opportunity.. DM me if interested. http://
Enunciate framework v1.11 is out, with #openid support! http://
@ssethi For #opensocial you'll find that hyves, netlog and other sites in europe are adopters, plus there are some shindig devs in EU
Finally found a few spare moments to write up some of the cool things I've been able to do on the hi5 platform:... http://
Fixing CVE-2009-1255 in Fedora -- come get your new 1.2.8 memcached rpms everyone! http://
watching now... nice to keep up with all this stuff when deadlines are looming.. re: http://
This is only somewhat true. Akamai has great performance worldwide and $/Gbps are even less than tier1... re: http://
Watching a blue jay and squirrel battle for control of the bird feeder -- blue jay coming out ahead! http://
true, true, at the time my treo didn't support 9600bps, had to put my SIM card in the old nokia.. re: http://
When I used that software I used this combination--> Parallels on Mac--> Serial Port redirection using... re: http://