*Suggest* -- _it's not just for search queries_
Is there a "Google Cookbook" resource for our customers on how best to use our plethora of services given a scenario?
The specific example I have is "opening a new restaurant". Here's some of the steps I can see that we might want to suggest.
* -Sign up for a MapMaker account, add your Restaurant.-
Oops, found out you can add your listing here instead:
* _.....wait for review of your edits...._ * Do not create a Google+ profile (yet) despite what you read at:
* Consider Apps For Your Domain http://deployment.googleapps.com/Home/small-business
* Create a website for your business using Google Sites
(Or maybe Google Drive? Or just host it)
* Sign up for Webmaster Tools.
- Verify website ownership via DNS or 'magic' file.
- Set your geographic target.
- Set up sitelinks for directions/menus
- more?
* Sign up for AdWords. Set your timezone forever and ever:
* Sign up for Google Analytics
* Sign up for Blogger, and create a blog.
* Add the following to your website
- Google Analytics
- plusone/share buttons
* Phew, -MapMaker- Google Local listing approved weeks later!
* Go to the Google+ Places page, and submit request for verification.
* _.....wait for postcard to arrive in the mail....._
* Start posting to twitter/facebook/tumblr/yelp in frustration.
* Get Zagat rated:
email to [email protected]
[??? Is this obsolete information?]
* Hooray! My business verification postcard has arrived.
* Verify my business! Create my plus page linked to my Places page.
* [delete any plus pages you may have created before this point. so sorry!]
* Connect Plus page to my website
- add magic <link.. tag> or a brand badge widget to verify.
* Add my Opentable link.
* Get interior street view for my business
* Add Blog/Social Networking links to my Plus page for authorship.
* Upload photos to my Plus Page.
* Get Followers for my Page and have them write reviews.
* Sign up for Google Offers
* Start an Adwords campaign.
* Post regularly to the PlusPage by setting a reminder email.
After poking around gathering these links it really makes you realize that our Org Chart is on display and how painful this is for users that just want to get things done. I also realize that we've made great progress in unifying many services.
That said, there's lots that could be done. Can we suggest the next step to a user? Can we remove the speed bumps between products. Can we infer customer intent? ("It looks like you're opening a restaurant, you might want to do A, B, C next.)