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BayXP next Wednesday

Been pretty busy lately.  However I did manage to get Hi5 to host a meeting of BayXP. So come on down and enjoy some pizza, learn something about Agile methodologies and see where Hi5 lives and breathes!

February 28: Slava Imeshev, Continuous Integration: Benefits, Challenges, and Best Practices, at Hi5 Networks6

Slava Imeshev is the founder and CTO of Viewtier Systems, the software build management company. Slava has over 15 years of experience as a software engineer, an architect and a technology executive. Being an XP adept since its inception, Slava promotes practices of Continuous Integration and Agile software build management. You can reach Slava at [email protected].

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
7:00pm to 9:00pm
(pizza and socializing at 6:30pm)

Hi5 Networks
455 Market Street, Suite 910
San Francisco, CA 94105

Software is a risky business. Most of the software projects fail because they miss deadlines, cannot stay in budget, or are unable to meet the requirements. Breakage of the code base cause delays and overspending that increases risks of project failure.

Continuous integration helps reduce risks of such project failures. In this talk we'll understand importance of a software build, introduce Continuous Integration and benefits it provides, discuss ways to avoid challenges associated with bringing it into a software organization and give tips on how to get most from this useful practice.