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SF District 6 - Vote in Rob Black or Matt Drake

I know that many folks in my vox neighborhood are registered to vote in District 6.  If you are I'd recommend that you give your vote to Rob Black orand Matt Drake and not mark any portion of the ballot for Chris Daly.

I've lived in this neighborhood for seven years, six of which have been under the leadership of District Supervisor Chris Daly who I voted for in the past. Back then he had ideals and seeked to right injustices.  Now it seems that he's gotten so caught up in his own hype that he's ineffective and become that which he abhors -- a self-centered politician.

Luckily there are two great alternatives.  Rob Black has gotten many an endorsement from people that want to see true progress in District Six.  He's a good guy leading a low key campaign -- lots of house parties and person to person campaigning.  Since he's the front-runner he's also getting support from every anti-Daly group which has resulted in some nasty independent advertisements.  In spite of that he's quirky smart and just the kind of leader that San Francisco can use.

The other candidate that I can get behind is Matt Drake.  I like that he has a science and law background which is unusual for a politician.  He has some great ideas on tidal power and I believe he would take an empirical approach to dealing with District 6's problems of crime, business climate, and quality of life.

As far blogs go, here's the rundown:

  • Chris Daly - faux blog on the taxpayer's dime, weird blog on the campaign site (only comments on the current entry?  huh?)
  • Rob Black - Hasn't updated since August, uses ... Wordpress.
  • Matt Drake - Most prolific of the bunch on his Blogspot blog.

So, please read up on these great candidates.  Please vote for both of them, since you can with Ranked Choice voting.  And leave Daly off the list because we can't survive another term with him at the helm.