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Just got an email that Plaxo is discontinuing bare OpenId support and only allowing Google/Yahoo/Hotmail/Facebook...

Just got an email that Plaxo is discontinuing bare OpenId support and only allowing Google/Yahoo/Hotmail/Facebook for login. Despite OpenId's shortcomings it's sad to see things regress.


Hello from Plaxo,

In an effort to improve our login experience for users, is simplifying and standardizing our sign in options. As such, Plaxo will discontinue support of generic OpenID logins as of 08/23/2011. Instead we're offering login via Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, or Facebook oAuth -- or you can, of course, create a Plaxo specific account.

How will this affect me?

If you use a Google, Yahoo, Hotmail or Facebook openid to login, just click the appropriate button when signing in. Plaxo will ask for permission to use your account credentials; click accept/grant and then go on using Plaxo as you normally would.

If you use any other openid to login, please visit our Forgot Password and follow the instructions for Reset Password, which will create you a Plaxo specific password.