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I see dead screens...

When I walk into the office I see row after row of screens, empty and lonely.  I want to change that.  I want a world where ambient passive consumption helps eliminate the blank screen.

Solving one piece of this puzzle is Malika's intern project.  It starts with rich, compelling, G+ Android Daydream support.  If time allows we may be able to add interesting things like:

* Interactive hooks, voice action (Choose your own adventure!)
* Whisper/Copresence support
* Kiosk mode, add QR codes or NFC support
* Vendor support,
* Rich Video/Audio

If you're looking into something like this we'd love to hear more.  (I did some searching and didn't turn up much other than http://go/showy ) If you have specific features you'd like to see in such a system leave 'em in the comments.  Maybe we can add it!