End of day #1 with Known. I'm quite pleased with the results.
Good Stuff
- brid.gy is awesome. Having +1's, likes and comments consolidated is so nice.
- Webhooks! I'm thinking of writing one to automatically archive pages to archive.org.
- PuSH appears to be fully working. Again, could extend things there..
- Google+ renders images well.
- The editor saves drafts.
- Lightweight page editor should be useful.
- AMP support is there (add ?_t=amp to any page) Some validation issues, but works.
- Real anchor tags and hyperlinks. No more writing [1] [2] in posts with multiple links (like lynx)
Rough Edges
- The built-in Photo type doesn't send the permalink to Twitter, so now I have a weird post without context. Flickr, Facebook working perfectly, might try another setting.
- I need to get to writing a Google+ outbound connector. I'm doing those by hand now.
- TInyMCE sucks. It has always sucked! If only Medium would open source their editor. At least markdown is an option.
- Looks like syndicated Google+ links are using profiles.google.com instead of plus.google.com.
- Some profile pics cloned from G+ are coming back with size 0. This shows as broken images.
- Long status posts have extra long permalink URLs.
- Built-in analytics are weak. Would rather avoid using GA for that.
- Limited import options. Will need to convert Typepad export file to Wordpress format.
- Bulleted lists line-height is tight, tight, tight.
Overall I'm pretty happy and excited about getting more content in place.
And who knew that a post on SSL/TLS certs would be soooo exciting?
Tagged: #indieweb
@lindner Congratulations!
For extending things a bit, be sure to check out: http://docs.withknown.com/en/latest/plugins/community/ so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
One of the things that made using my Known site much more addictive was being able to do so more easily on mobile. I wrote up a few thoughts here that you might appreciate: http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/sharing-from-the-indieweb-on-mobile-android-with-apps-and
If you don't like the writing interface you might consider using Quill https://quill.p3k.io/ which uses micropub (already included in the core of Known). Micropub is now a W3C candidate as of yesterday. Alternate posting clients may be found at https://indieweb.org/micropub#Clients. In particular you might like OwnYourGram or OwnYourCheckin for Instagram and Foursquare if you use those.
You'll find lots of fellow devs and users of Known at https://indieweb.org/Known
Good luck and let us know if you need help!
Chris Aldrich, Aug 18 2016 on stream.boffosocko.com