This is an experiment. Can I take control of my online life and move it to a place where I have more control? Can I pull my content out of multiple silos? And can I import existing content from other platforms and keep it (somewhat) synced over time so I have a full record of my public online life?
We're going to find out..
The trigger for me was an article about my early days working with the Internet Gopher Community. I had saved most of the email from back then and it was quite easy to reconstruct and remember what happened. I don't think I'll have the luxury for much of what's happening recently. The digital ephemera is spread out too far and wide to reconstruct and reflect.
To get there I'm experimenting with the hosted version of Known, a publishing platform that supports the things that matter to me. I like that it's open source, interoperable and respectful of human effort -- it also supports a number of Indieweb technologies out of the box like WebMention, and to pull back content from the Silos.
So.. you're going to see more content in more places as I'll be syndicating out to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. And I'll be sharing more as I document this process.
Silos by Doc Searls / CC BY 2.0
Tagged: #indieweb
For what it's worth - I look forward to hearing what you have to say about this experiment. I've also been searching for alternative ways to use our interconnectedness to share information in different ways - denser - less distractions - respectful of our time, privacy and removing the need to be callously monetized for few bytes, perhaps a single MTU of text. Take care - Dan
Dan Mack, Aug 18 2016 on