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Algedonic Meters? Real time citizen feedback? For Chilean people? Looks like Cyberfolk 2019!


@mulegirl I also sent a copy over to the Cybernetics Library in NYC. (@cyberneticslib) Check them out at

aside: ... thanks for all the superb @muledesign work for Six Apart back when..


@mulegirl if anyone wants to buy this book you can get it direct from the author

Let's start the Cybernetic Renaissance -- anyone up for organizing a 2020 Macy Conference?


Title: Quantum Supremacy, An Outsider's Perspective

This was a good overview of the recent quantum news.


Do other people get random job seekers emailing them CVs and cover letters?


procedure Hello is

A few days late but Happy Ada Lovelace Day to one and all.



@bentarnoff The Team Human podcast (@teamhumanshow) by @Rushkoff is left oriented and covers varied topics including platform coops, media, climate and how technology affects society.


@n_srnck @bentarnoff also check out the @giunitpod episode with Logic contributor Wendy Liu (@dellsystem)



Wow, multi-day outage for temp badges.

I came in. Said I needed a badge. Wrote my username on a post-it and was given an E badge. I now have to tailgate (!) or ask people to badge me in.


Technology and Defense (Minnesota Edition)

This is an amazing history of technology in Minnesota. The rise and decline can be traced directly to military expenditures.

It also goes into the fascinating connection between the declining streetcar industry and how those engineers created the first disk drives using electric motors and spinning wheels.

Also tune-in for the coverage of Oregon Trail and of course Internet Gopher....


Technology and Defense (Silicon Valley version)

An interesting read on the rise of SV and the role that the military-industrial-complex played in that.

Who can deny that today’s commercial Internet has largely fulfilled this cyberpunk nightmare? Someone should ask Gore what he thinks.


Platforms made of Quicksand

2 months notice for the death of Yahoo Groups. Google Group folks take notice, this is not acceptable for preserving the history of the internet.


Did you know your hard disk is descended from a streetcar? Learn how in "Solid State: Minnesota's High Tech History". Also includes Cray, the Oregon Trail and yes, Internet Gopher.

via @tpt


New comment by lindner in "Solid State: Minnesota's High-Tech History"

This is a lot of history crammed into an hour. Goes from the early code-breaking work and the development of Drum Memory at Engineering Research Associates.

ERA merged with Sperry/Univac/Remington and then begat Control Data, Cray, Unisys and many others.

Also tune in for some history of the Oregon Trail by Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC) and how that ties into the rise of Internet Gopher.

Oh and disclaimer: former Gopher Dude here.


Day 1 Home DiRT IRL

A few hiccups but finally have something that's stable..

Power Sources:
- Battery: B Class with 36kWh battery and 400W Inverter
- Sun: Solar with up to 1500W
- UPS: 1500W, 900Wh APC

- Refrigerator ~100-150W while running 250W peak
- Internet: 15W ONT+Router
- Electric Blanket 60W
- LED Lamps ~15W
- Laptop w/85W or 45W charger
- cords, lots of cords

I charge the car battery @1000W during the day with other loads. Using Inverter at night.

The APC UPS was supposed to provide stability, but it kind of sucks:
- slow trickle charge
- Can't charge off the inverter most of the time.
- Has a bad odor.

For now I just use it for the fridge when I have to run errands


Apple: Introducing Dark Mode for iOS 13
Android: Try our new Dark Theme in Android Q


Expect outages of my @withknown host due to @PGE4Me power cuts.

My low-power home server, solar panels, and batteries are pretty solid. ISPs? Not so sure....


So looks like PG&E will be draining my home metro because their infrastructure causes wildfires.

Looks like my fridge draws 100 to 160W. My solar system has a backup outlet with up to 1500W so maybe I can work out a battery system before tomorrow


This is wild...

Individuals are therefore defined in terms of ongoing, bounded information processing units rather than lists of static features or conventional replication-based definitions which tend to fail in the case of cultural change.



Does our ads matching algorithm do substring matching? Or does YSL have an eau-de-napalm? (As in smells like freedom...)


120 Cell

Some extreme geometry to start your day...



In case you missed it...

"In case you missed it..."

(Seen in discover feed today)


Chrome GPU process is taking up 3GB of memory on Mac, even up to 8GB once. Help!

I tried looking for a way to report this and found some stale things on crbug. Anyone know how to address this?

I know about chrome://gpuclean but that doesn't do much. chrome://gpu doesn't show anything actionable afaik.


10 Years ago today: Sundar tells you why SideWiki is cool.


10 Years ago today: Sundar Pichai tells you why SideWiki is cool.



Like the fish that cannot see the water...There are times when the only way to perceive the system from within it - - is when it cracks. The fissures and fractures are coming fast now. -- Nora Bateson


Whoa... Cheap q-bits would be a huge game changer...


This is the good stuff

Many AI ethics talking points aren’t specific to AI. They’re about technology in general and they’re nothing new.


Full Circle Leadership

I hate Myers-Brigg, Colors, all that nonsense. However this framework speaks to my inner Optimizer without going full-on Holocracy.


Cheap Fakes #2

There's an episode of Columbo where the villain uses a photo of a face and a speed camera to establish an alibi.

Columbo enlarges the photos and finds that the shadows are inconsistent. He is able to do this because the photos are ordered by time on a single a roll.

Parallels to blockchains are pretty obvious. Each photo is directly linked to the previous/next photo and there are timestamps involved...

Images from


Cheap Fakes

Unintended consequences of Google Image Search.

THE VCE exam body has been left red faced after a doctored artwork depicting a huge robot helping socialist revolutionaries during the Russian Revolution was accidentally included in this year’s year 12 history exam taken by 5700 students.

You heard about Young Karl Marx, but have you heard of VI Lenin Evangelion ?



Android Q disabled the m App on upgrade until I launched it and confirmed permissions.

Lost a couple days scrobbling :(

BRB gotta finish rebinging the Plasmatics back catalog...


Attending Category Theory Bootcamp today.

Live stream is available. Live blog


All Tech is Human

""All Tech Is Human: San Francisco is an all-day ethical tech summit with 175 technologists, academics, advocates, students, org leaders, artists, designers, policymakers, and YOU. Join us for an impactful mix of lightning talks, topical panels, strategy sessions, tech/humanity art performance, and meeting others in the thoughtful tech movement!"


mv plindner /google/teams/trustandsafety/johnhenry/

I joined the http://go/johnhenry team a few weeks ago. Finally getting a chance to post about it after an exciting

Excited to be team building again and really excited about the possibility of bringing systems thinking at scale into Google. Looking forward to how our first partner http://go/delavega uses our Societal Topography and Societal Context Repository to bring ML Fairness to display ads.

So much to learn and many challenges ahead.


@textfiles when I lived there 20 years ago the cool folks hung out at L'Usine



Bootloops? Bad Batteries? September 3rd deadline approaches..


Gus and Ellie

Great Pyrenees and Maremma chilling at Flour and Water Pizzeria.

Gus is a but you'll have to see him in SF on Valencia Ave on Saturdays. Too big to sneak onto BART :)


Ruha Benjamin presented this 1957 robot future by SuperGirl creator Otto Binder today. Prescient and horrifying at the same time and brings to mind Graeber's take on flying cars.

@ruha9 @davidgraeber


Societal Context Summit

*** This is Happening Now ***

There will be two great talks tomorrow on the intersection of technology, society, and justice. I highly recommend catching these talks if you are able! Details below:

Livestream link:



Ruha Benjamin (9:45 - 10:30am)
Anna Lauren Hoffmann (9:45 - 10:30am)

Speaker bios: is an Associate Professor of African American Studies at Princeton University, founder of and the author of two books, and Ruha teaches and speaks widely about the relationship between knowledge and power, race and citizenship, health and justice and at Princeton her main focus is on the social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine. is an Assistant Professor with The Information School at the University of Washington working at the intersections of data, technology, culture and ethics. Anna has written many on issues in information, data and ethics, while especially to the ways discourse, design and uses of information technology work to promote or hinder the pursuit of important human values like respect and justice.

Rooms for livestream:

DUB-1GC-1-Dracula (8)

DUB-1GC-3-Golden Grove (7)

LON-123-1-New Forest (12)

SVL-MOT1-5-Triskelion (8)

NYC-9TH-14-F-324-Uptown Training (16)



Only 50ish versions behind on this public terminal at the vet...



Where'd my efficiency gains go?

The AI for Climate Change talk mentions Jevons' Paradox, which explains why efficiency gains actually increase usage of a resource. describes how one might use intervene. Interesting reading.

It concludes with:

Findings from the modeling highlight the need to implement
a system of interventions that can influence the strength and
direction of each of the feedback loops within the system being
intervened with, if CE are to be more reliably reduced than
they are at present. Single interventions are much less likely to
succeed and are, in fact, less efficient at producing the desired
results. Further, because the system is constantly evolving,
intervening with it requires a responsive, holistic approach, while
maintaining focus on a long-term goal.


Gapi rides again

...then Google said "Let there be iGoogle"; and there was iGoogle. And Google saw that the javascript was good and separated the gadgets from the container origins....

Fast forward over 10 years and this serving system is still the underlying force keeping light from darkness. After a good run in Social it was exiled to an uncertain fate with the ever faithful +111756696344385606909 and other true believers keeping it alive.

Exiting the wilderness between PAs it finally found a new home with +109533200203018540387 and +111563624442337972165 into a reliability reset fueled future.

But Gapi needs your help. Please help it find an L5 so it can grow and thrive as it fully migrates to new infrastructure



Somewhat amazed that 'Carbon Copy' (Cc) lives on in the email vernacular given that most people have never had to deal with the physical version...


Kent Beck would not approve of calling hot desks "Agile Seating"...


10 Years Ago....

Someone's going to eventually make a Google Duplex version of this...