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Culture and Information Flows

This article covers medical organizational contexts. I believe the information flows and how it relates to culture are transferable across industries and disciplines. Also relevant in the need-to-know world we find ourselves in..

From the Conclusion:

The culture, then, represents those habits of thought and action by changing the culture, virtually everything can change—trust, openness, confidence, and even competence. A generative culture will make the best use of its assets, a pathological one will not. This is what the theory predicts, and what the case studies show. But it still remains to be determined whether culture has systematic impacts along the lines we have sketched on a broader scale.If it does, then we need to pay more attention to the forces shaping the culture of our medical teams and medical organisations. We need the benefits and relative immunity that a good human envelope implies.


Local Grungy People

This post below is a copy of a Sep 17, 2014 post from the internal Google+ Team community.

I'm reposting it because today I published an Obituary site that includes some of these discussed here. What I wrote today is just as import
ant today as it was back then.

Mediating and initiating local and human connections are needed now more than ever.

[I'd also say that we need preservation too, I'm fortunate to be able to relive these memories, compared to MySpace or Snapchat users.]

Anyway, here it is after 5 years....

Subject: Local Grungy People?

...and the importance of serendipity, locals and shared interests.

warning longish philosophical post ahead...

I thought the pre-TGIF Social Presentation was weak, but it did contain one very important quote there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet. If I were presenting I'd dump almost all of the mechanics about how we suck at onboarding and just tell a story about that.

Tell a story about how we go from sharing an interest to sharing your entire life together. Tell a story about how we're going to help users with this basic need to connect, and how Google can use technology to mediate this. Tell us how Google can provide just the right amount of serendipity that helps people connect on a personal level. (and then provide the rest of the infrastructure to do the private/personal thing too.)

Because that's my story. It's how a shared interest became love and a wonderful life spent together, due to mailing list: GRUNGE-L

Back then there were no profiles, but there were .signatures. So serendipitously I found myself discussing bands with someone a few miles away. Until one day I made the personal connection and sent the following email.

The rest, as they say, is history

Date: Wed, 8 Jan 92 13:04:43 CST
To: [email protected]
Subject: Local Grungy people

Hey, are there any other people from Minnesota besides you and myself
on the wonderful grunge-l mailing list?

I'm always interested in putting a face onto an e-mail address. I'll
probably be at the Babes in Toyland Show saturday, and the Local Band
showcase on Monday.


| Paul Lindner | [email protected] | "You have to Spit
| | Computer & Information Services | to See the Shine" --
| Gopher Dude | University of Minnesota | Babes in Toyland
///// / / / /////// / / / / / / / / //// / / / / / / / /


@zshapiro @StarTribune @sfchronicle @PB_News Thanks Zack, many good memories of our time together at hi5.

Also that job meant we could afford a house in Oakland, which make Julie very, very happy.


@mkruz @jflindner Thank you, I was very fortunate to have someone that helped me find the beauty that exists in people and everyday objects.


@alexhanna @metavivor @BCAction Thank you, it's hard to express how much good she brought me and the people around her.


@metavivor @BCAction Check out Julie’s follow list if you want to get some of her style in your feed, including Dog, Design, Lit, or Minnesota Music Twitter.

Thank you for bearing witness to Julie’s life, for the condolences and for honoring @jflindner's memory.

Paul & Gus.


Instead of flowers Julie would want you to support your local live music or arts venue and the artists they serve. Donations should go to your local animal rescue group or metastatic breast cancer organizations like @METAvivor and @BCaction.


Julie is survived by her husband Paul, her parents Al and Yoma, her brother John and aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends and family too numerous to list but not forgotten.

DM me to learn more about celebrations of life in Mantorville and Minneapolis at @BryantLakeBowl


Julie always kept her connection to the Minnesota music scene and loved the new wave of conscious hip-hop personified by @doomtree, @yeahrightpos, and @dessadarling. To the end she never missed their live shows.

[and proudly wore gear]


@BNPPARIBASOPEN Despite the side effects she managed to reunite multiple dogs with their owners, sponsored the @Milo_Foundation Horse Sanctuary, and made sure abused animals got the surgery they needed at @Friends4Lifeorg @nationalpyr and other rescue groups.


In 2015, Julie was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. Through the treatments she focused on spending quality time with family and friends. She took trips to where she enjoyed the warm weather, modern design and tennis tournaments.



In 2008 Julie made the trip across the bay to a tranquil, midcentury-modern house in the Hills. She tastefully restored the house and filled it with her own unique, quirky, minimal style. Tommy, and then Gus, became fast friends with the deer, turkeys and neighbor cats.


@MontreuxJazz @LeZooUsine Arriving in in 1999 Julie embraced the industrial live-work aesthetic at her new home in the Lighthouse Lofts. Her passion for local organic food and agriculture would find her at Farmers Markets and dining al-fresco with her adopted Great Pyrenees Tommy.


The next few years Julie explored the world. Trips to Ecuador found her hiking the Andes and dancing on bartops. With cats stowed in carry-on she started life in Geneva, enjoying music festivals, @MontreuxJazz and modern design. Fondue, and shows at @LeZooUsine became the norm.


After meeting at a @FirstAvenue New Band Showcase they could be found regularly at The Uptown, 7th St Entry, the 400 Bar and other venues sharing their passion for local music. In between shows Julie expertly restored their craftsman house in Southeast Minneapolis.


In 1992 she married Paul Lindner, having met on an email list devoted to “Grunge” music six months prior.

[ the full story about how Paul & Julie met on GRUNGE-L at ]


Always a friend of animals in need Julie rescued her beloved kittens Doc and Gordo, found Peach on her doorstep and adopted the elder angora Boz.


Having landed in Minneapolis she immersed herself in the local art and music scene, lived in Uptown and followed the burgeoning careers of @Prince @TheReplacements and @TheSuburbsBand


In 1977 she graduated Kasson-Mantorville High School. She went on to explore her love of Russian Literature at @MNSUMankato, @UMNews and @StKate She was married to her first husband Sam Lucast and would turn heads in her distinctive Victorian garb.


Julie was born in Mantorville, Minnesota to Allen and Yoma Colburn. She enjoyed a childhood of reading books, climbing trees, rescuing bunnies, petting horses, and riding bikes. A natural explorer, you’d find her up north camping and on cross-country road trips.


I want your hair
to cover me with maps
of new places,

so everywhere I go
will be as beautiful
as your hair

– Richard Brautigan

** thanks to @ianthe12 for use of "Map Shower" From "The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster".


A five year struggle with metastatic breast cancer took Julie’s life, and at first, all her hair. Undefeatable, it grew back more beautiful than before, just like one of her favorite poems:


Julie passed away Decemeber 12th, 2019 peacefully in her Oakland home. One of her favorite Sycamores songs was playing, softly. Her loving husband Paul and dog Gus were at her side.


My wife Julie passed away from last month. Today I published her obit in @StarTribune @SFChronicle @PB_News and at

We knew right away that we completed each other and fell deeper in love for 27 years. She meant everything to me.


Here's my bittersweet for the week.

This reproduces a mixtape from the early 80s. I took some liberty of substituting some live performances of the Suburbs; which is another only-on-Youtube thing...


What I need right now is a way to sort Google photos by image similarity. Appears that thumbnails and minor metadata updated versions were uploaded over the past years.

Or can you search by filename? Bunch of them begin with "thumb_"


A Gopher interface to relational databases

Pretty sure I was aware of good ol' Bobby Tables back then too.


@dietrich Looks like @AudiusProject is funded by VCs who will want a return on their investment. Seeing very little about governance on their site.


Trying to plug a four year hole of missing data when my wife ragequit G+ in May 2016 after we hired moot of 4chan fame. Lots of 1:1 posts gone :(

Luckily she didn't downgrade Hangouts, so I still have those 28k messages between us.. (Many of which are "the gbus is running late, again")

We did migrate to that month and I do have all of that...


Is there something like this, but for hardware or software?


Spent some time updating bugs/feature requests related to how we handle end-of-life.

The ability of Google to understand how to interact with death and dying is important as our userbase ages. Eventually we will have more deceased users than live ones.

I have suggested adding a date of birth/death to contacts and I think that should also be available for People&Pets albums that Photos generates.

If you are interested in doing something about this I would be happy to coordinate, as I have suffered a loss recently and would like to see our products handle these situations with more compassion..


Silver Linings

I wanted to use the Richard Brautigan poem I posted last week, so I sought out the rights-holder to get permission. Turns out it's his daughter Ianthe. We've been exchanging emails. What a fabulous person.

If you don't know about Richard Brautigan he was a popular SF writer. If you haven't already please scroll down and read his 1967 poem All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace. It's over fifty years later and it still resonates, especially as we enter the realm of automation, AI and a completely technology-mediated world.

This poem is one of the first uses of a copyleft license. You can copy it, but only if you give it away for free.. More info at Wikipedia

All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace

I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.

I like to think
(right now, please!)
of a cybernetic forest
filled with pines and electronics
where deer stroll peacefully
past computers
as if they were flowers
with spinning blossoms.

I like to think
(it has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.




It is with sadness that I am officially retiring the _Healthy Stuff Collection_. It was a good place to post without [CW: cancer] before collections were deprecated. Thank you to everyone for their kindness and support for these past four and half years.

I do hope that my experience can inform others. If you are going through something similar please realize that:

- you can be vulnerable.
- you must take time for caregiving.
- you can get support.
- and you should take the time to cherish the ones you love.

Finally, metastatic breast cancer is really tough. It may have Julie's life, but it could only take her hair for a short period. It regrew more beautiful than ever and always reminded me of her fave Brautigan poem:

I want your hair
to cover me with maps
of new places,

so everywhere I go
will be as beautiful
as your hair

–Richard Brautigan

If you want to honor her memory a donation to your local animal rescue group or one of Julie's preferred charities ( or would be welcome.


Save. Your. Stuff.

If there's one thing you do over the upcoming break consider archiving your precious and mundane moments with the ones you love. You'll thank me in a few decades.

Right now I'm reading passages aloud from an mbox file from 1992. Reliving a courtship, engagement and marriage that happened all over 2000 emails. A whirlwind of bands, poetry readings, witty .sigs and much more as the end approaches.

Oh and if you're a designer make sure your products can easily archive. (Hey I'm looking at you Android Messages)

Also lament the content that never made the jump from tape to digital. Let's not fuck up Youtube's essential role in preserving this. For example this one is not available on CD


HIPAA violations

I almost wish I had not invested in Nest cams so much. I was able to use a Chromebook as the source in the hospital room since it handles captive portals..


A benefit for US Googlers I wasn't aware of until I was searching for advice internally:


Lehman's laws

Love this definition from the original paper:

... any program is a model of a model within a theory of a model of an abstraction of some portion of the world or of some universe of discourse.


Change isn't a sprint
Change isn't a marathon
Change is a relay race

-- Yancey Strickler, cofounder Kickstarter

Good episode. And looks like an valuable framing tool..


In the interests of bringing you a G+ that's not gloom and pitchforks I present to you the 10 minute version of Devo and Neil Young performing Hey Hey, My My.

I saw this, so now you have to as well. Those are the rules.



CW: health issues

It's 2:30am 4:00am and I've just spent an hour talking and consoling my wife through a manic episode caused by brain metastasis. I sit down, exhausted and peer through the rain spattered window. I see the homeless encampment in Mosswood park with dozens of ramshackle tents.

It is with gratitude that I have the benefits as a Googler to spend time caregiving through four recent hospitalizations in the last month.

I still feel the guilt of being so less productive at work. I still feel sad that those below likely won't get the same level of care.

Care for and support those close to you and everywhere around you.


Achievement Unlocked..

Used up my FSA and hit my out-of-pocket max on the same day.


Android Phone Transfer thread

Not sure where to file feedback about things, but my Pixel 2XL screen started to fail so got a Pixel 3 XL (want to keep fingerprint sensor, plus way discounted and pink!)


Anyone worried about AI apocalypse stories should just point a nest camera at a TV and chuckle..


Not all medicine comes in bottles.

Location Kaiser Oakland

Caption: Large white great Pyrenees with a hospital bed in the background.




A reminder that the thing with two arrows is TAB.

Oh and this is an EKG, so yeah, nothing life-or-death about confusing software.


John Henry Short Term role

Looking for a break? Want to improve fairness for Google products? Have a supportive manager? Then check out this short-term opportunity on the John Henry Team:

So what exactly would you be doing you might ask...

- Work with a system that pulls all the term lists used for blocking through Google and properly categorize them based on identity facets.
- Work with research/product partners to apply this merged, vetted Societal Context dataset. Help remove bias from underlying systems and ML algorithms
- Build tools that will help us develop System Dynamics as a common practice in policy making and the product design process.
- Have fun!

Our environment is Java+Spanner with a goal of migrating to GraphStore in 2020.

Happy to chat about this opportunity or the project as a whole.


TGIF and Variety

There's a JFK quote that goes like this:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

Now substitute internal dissent above and think about the changes that have happened in the past year. Paradoxically increasing the domination of communication channels doesn't remove the dissent, it only displaces it into channels where it is much harder to control.

This follows which states that a stable control mechanism contains as many states as the system being controlled. Recent moves like removing live questions, less TGIFs reduces the variety of the control system. Sadly it appears that to make that work we are reducing variety of the system being controlled by pushing out "troublemakers".

My suggestion? Embrace dissent. Make peaceful revolution possible. Recognize and absorb that variety instead of shunting it aside.

A really simple way is having a strong Ombudsman or employee representative. This provides a mechanism to peacefully handle the dissent and channel it towards solutions instead of revolt.



Foone had a great article about the device. So I made a joke that today they'd have your allowance on the blockchain, with an Alexa "CleanRoom" Oracle that rewarded you with "ChoreCoin".

Turns out someone beat me to it....


Wow, the Rosenham work might have been fake...