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Stadia and Digital Preservation

[crosspost from industryinfo..]

One thing we at Google could do is advocate for a scheme for Games.

- Game publishers would put their games in Escrow when they publish.
- Google could publish a spec on how to interpret the game contents.
- 'Orphan' games would actually be preserved.
- Users that purchased the Game would then be entitled to a copy of the escrowed item, plus the design on how to run them.

This, combined with an export of user-generated data would allow for usability after Stadia or the Game Publisher sunsets the service/game.

And TBH I'd love to see this extended to all Online "Stores" that don't let you export usable contents.

Barring something like that Google could enter a with our users if we're serious about the long-haul.. For each purchase a user makes put 10x in a locked escrow fund. When the service cancels that money can be used to migrate the games to a new provider or payout back the user.

- If Stadia gets few users it's not a lot of money to exit and actually would increase satisfaction.
- If Stadia does get popular then there's an explicit feedback loop that reinforces the durability of the system and alignment of interests.

Evernote announced something like this, but never really followed through. A small company called actually does have a preservation fund that is purpose driven.



And yes some of these games are lost forever...

But one good idea is the magazine to build community.


John Henry Project

Happy to see this project. Looking into ways to support it, because they face a steep climb.

Inspired by the folk hero John Henry....Because, despite intelligence, physical strength and an incredible will, (1) he lacked a complete understanding of the system he was challenging, (2) he struggled alone, and (3) he struggled with outdated technology.


Project Idea:

ML Dogwhistle Detector



This is at least a graduated response, wonder what changed in the last 12 hours?


At Risk User(s)

Today I attended the "Designing for At Risk Users" course. I find it incredibly galling to hear what Youtube did today given the targeted harassment and doxing.

It flies in the face of what was taught and own standards about giving targets the means to "make it stop".

While anyone can experience a privacy or security event, at-risk users face a variety of life circumstances that might put them at unusually greater risk:


Who they are: Anyone could be targeted at some point in their lives simply based on a personal characteristic such as age, gender, ethnicity, reputation, financial stability, sexual orientation, or education.


Active Event

Where possible, users should be able to quickly and easily access practical guidance as they experience a privacy or security event, such as cyberstalking, online impersonation, surveillance, spear-phishing, or account hijacking. Users will likely want to understand what is happening and take steps to respond. They are likely to feel high levels of stress in this state, so easy-to-use designs will be especially helpful.


I'd even settle for notifications that chimed between songs TBH...


Students must bring own whiteboard and Cracking the Code Interview textbook




state of denial


TODO(lindner): attend tech debt conference



Your periodic reminder to reread 10 things. Not sure this is linked from anywhere but it still exists.

I'd like to see a required online course for history, philosophy and ethics on equal footing with "You Said What" and other legal mandated training.

Is this even covered in Noogler training?


Login Keychain Problems? Try this one trick!

Updated to latest MacOS. Yay!

Repeated prompts to "unlock keychain". oh no!

I was determined to not reset my login keychain, because then you lose the TouchID gnubby and have to reimage the whole laptop. (May only apply to santa exceptions, maybe not..)

I finally got lucky and found a way to work around it. (and yes, I've let Techstop know about it)

1) Open Keychain app.
2) Click on login item in left pane.
3) Right click on login item, select 'Change settings for Keychain "login"'
4) In my case the Lock After setting was checked and had a large number
5) Change the timeout value and save.

You'll need to enter your keychain password a few times. But once you're done the keychain will possibly be updated and uncorrupted.

To verify you can run the gcert command in your terminal. You should not be prompted to unlock the keychain and touchid should be requested.

Theory: changing the expiration setting forces the keychain app to rewrite the keychain data structures fresh.


Martin Fowler with the hot takes. I for one hope that we can get away from the speed vs quality arguments that always pop up..

The building blocks of software development - languages, libraries, and platforms - change significantly every few years. The equivalent in the physical world would be that customers usually add new floors and change the floor-plan once half the building is built and occupied, while the fundamental properties of concrete change every other year.


Looking for a convenient place to repair my pixel 2 XL screen in SF/East Bay.

Looks like all the ubreakifix outlets are south of here (Fremont, Santa Clara..)

Screen is starting to shed glass shards so it's probably time...



BRB ... bringing Enron style accounting to the resource economy...


Just got the password notification email on my personal dasher domain.

**hugs** to the teams dealing with unencrypted passwords.


Privacy Preserving Ad Click Attribution


Of course you have to trust your User Agent (Browser) to keep your browsing secret..


I finally finished the very long Anyone else?

I have opinions, but I don't think I'll write them here... However reading the background on B.F. Skinner brought up childhood memories of coin operated "chicken playing tic-tac-toe" at the County Fair.


My fear is that the solution for data labeling is the Apps Flexible Orgs project which is all about implementing silos within a dasher domain. For example: large customer wants union vs non-union workers kept in separate Org Units and unable to communicate.

I'd link it, but I'm not sure if it's need-to-know or not...


“Instead of i7 they should have called it Pentium Pro MAX 8.”


Requesting some additions to the Noogler curriculum:

2. aka "bikeshed"



Undocumented Codebase

[actually it's the exploded wiring cabinet for my neighborhood that's transitioning to AT&T fiber...]


Happy that I was finally able to donate some vacation time. [Of course between the time I applied and the time it was used I was no longer maxed out...]


Arrived Sydney, Australia.

Smells like wild fires.


Sydney I am in you this week for Arcs Meetup.

Sadly smells like wildfires.


How long before Javascript starts looking like Perl?



Alt Text in Action

Would be nice if all of our products supported Alt text as well as Mastodon does...

And if sharing with Louis Gray I'd say "Image of a rack mount server with long fsck times"

Rack Mount Server with long fsck times


Red Hat, 20 Years

Red Hat turns 20 so they asked former folks for their memories. Here's something I dug up that might be of interest to folks 'round these parts..

... I never got a response on this email; but that might be because Red Hat was always late paying Google Invoices..

Looks like Joan is still here. Ray does not show up in Epitaphs.

Notably, people who got Pixel 1XL phones will only get 0. In retrospect giving those phones out was a great investment...


'stories' from 'Github'

"stories" from. "GitHub"

In the developer ecosystem, branch conflicts are considered especially heinous.

On Github, the dedicated developers who resolve these vicious conflicts are members of an elite squad known as the Special Merge Unit.

These are their stories.

Dun Dun


Some days it feels like our whole industry is built on quicksand...

Also hope that Play Books folks are finding ways to help these folks transfer purchases over...


Press '+' to Pay Respects

Goodbye Google+, thanks for trailblazing tech, good times and connections made.

Please donate to @internetarchive to support the upkeep of the (finally real) Google+ Ghost Town.


Tempted.. Nora Bateson takes the of her upbringing and takes it to a whole new level.

Cc +106683584710120301522 since posting to G+ collections are removed from my App..



I can't seem to create a post using the FAB on Web (Chrome Stable). Also if you make the window narrow the FAB button goes under the Posts.

[Also what is the experiment I can turn off to disable temporarily?]


News Archiving

""What we found was that the majority of news outlets had not given any thought to even basic strategies for preserving their digital content, and not one was properly saving a holistic record of what it produces.""


""What we found was that the majority of news outlets had not given any thought to even basic strategies for preserving their digital content, and not one was properly saving a holistic record of what it produces.""


G+ Museum Pieces...

Before we bury G+ it might be worthwhile to collect some memorabilia...

Marc Weber from the Computer History Museum asked if we wanted to contribute Google+ artifacts to CHM. They don't care about swag, but I could think of a few things that they might be interested in:

- The Obama + Dalai Lama framed print.
- The Buffalo? (Too big?)
- The Emerald Sea painting (did anyone save it?)

Open to suggestions....

[Too bad the Apiary whiteboard is long gone....]


Circles Circles Circles

So I thought I'd write an apps-script macro to help find Twitter profiles of my G+ circled people. [I'm assuming these contacts will go away on April 2nd, right Greg Wolfe ?]

Code works, but App Script barfs on the Twitter javascript used to render the follow buttons. So I just grabbed the html output and stuck it on a server and clicked the follow bu

If someone wants to poke at it and/or publish it (I have no time for either) have at it...

You can access it here:

And the xss-riddled code looks like this:

function doGet() {
var html = '<!DOCTYPE html>';

do {
var pageToken;

var connections = People.People.Connections.list('people/me', {
pageSize: 100,
personFields: 'names,urls',
pageToken: pageToken

connections.connections.forEach(function(person) {
// Skip people without URLs in their profile.
if (!person.urls) {
person.urls.forEach(function(url) {
if (url.value && url.value.match(/ {
var name = url.value;
if (person.names && person.names.length > 0) {
name = person.names[0].displayName;
html += '\n<br><a class="twitter-follow-button" href="' + url.value + '">';
html += 'Follow ' + name + '</a>\n';
pageToken = connections.nextPageToken;
} while (pageToken);

html += '\n<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>'
var output = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html);
output.setTitle('Google+ Follower Finder');
return output;


Moved my G+ following graph to Twitter more or less..

Wrote a hacky script to grab twitter URLs using the Google People API. Fed that into a web page with follow widgets

Hope to find more folks in the Fediverse


Happy to see Uranium Club show up on @resonatecoop this morning.

Always nice to see good stuff come out of Minneapolis.



A Poem for Code Red and Google+ turndown:

Here, in the melting structures of obsolete systems, is the fluid of possibility. It’s sticky with confusion, it smells like pain, & it stains the past w/ dyes of remorse. There is no blissy workshop to take to avert the discomfort. There is no formula for success. Just show up.


In June 1995 I presented "Using Gopher with the World-Wide-Web" at GopherCon 95.

""Together the strengths of Gopher and WWW create a better, more integrated information system.""


Elizabeth Warren was secretly trying to tell us that we need to "break up" the global blobstore Spanner DB.



Orkut Community Archive

Whatever happened to the Orkut Community Archive?

+116817942633187704506 ?