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History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure rhymes.. Back in early 2000s Microsoft temps were organizing against the raw deal they were getting** They won, but that then led to the onerous, exclusionary caste system we have today instead of more full timers.

The really sad part is that many advocacy groups turned towards reactionary, nationalistic, anti-India racism. (see if you can stomach it.)

I hope that this time will be different and better outcomes are the result.

** which is now



A group of dependencies is called 'a liability'


Would love to see the Ads team run retro banner/video ads on April 1st.

Or offer this as an option in Google Contributor...


@SarahJamieLewis The @worldbrain Memex system is working well for me. Full text index of all the pages I visit. Injects search results in Google/DuckDuckGo. Recommended. (


The @worldbrain Memex system is working well for me. Full text index of all the pages I visit. Injects search results in Google/DuckDuckGo. Recommended.



Tentpole moments per Quarter

Though I prefer ntpm/s. (nano tentpole moments / second)


about fashion filter masks.




Testing this fancy extension on my non-corp browser. (Could possibly be used on corp since it stores all data locally.)

I've always wanted to search the documents I read and this does it very, very well. Full text search, annotations, notes and more.


Bay Area Haze

View from the 37th floor of SFO-1MST


More than smoke in my eyes...

Thank you Louis Gray for giving this horrible fire a human perspective.

and hey Googlers: there's still 60k of funds for the matching at



Targeting, segmentation, and conversion oh my!

A good way to keep up with changes in the Ads/Sales part of the org is via go/saleshub -- click the gear icon and enable 'Receive SalesBulletin'

This week contained a comprehensive overview of all the upcoming features.


Before there was Commons Clause or Affero the University of Minnesota Gopher team tried to license the server code with carve-outs for non-commercial use.


Before there was Commons Clause or Affero the University of Minnesota Gopher team tried to license the server code with carve-outs for non-commercial use.


So in these trying times it's always good to celebrate -- those little things that make life good.

My moment of joy is recently finding Computher and 8 Bit Weapon in my music stream.


go/tacotown is now deprecated code wrapped in a dead product (Buzz) and contained in another deprecated product (consumer G+).

content warning: excessive food.

And I sure hope it doesn't get wrapped in a big Apps deprecated blueberry pancake.


Why America needs, but cannot have, corporate democracy.

This is an older paper (1983), but it's very spot-on showing the power dynamics that exist at macro/micro level that predate technical solutions. Recommended.



Sit back a spell and let me tell you a story about the Association of Concerned Employees (ACEs).

Back in 1991 the academic computing teams at the University of Minnesota were set to be laid off and we could "apply" for a job with the new quasi-private sector outfit the "Minnesota Supercomputer Center" (MSC).
So none of us liked that.  Over 300 of us set up an effort to stop it.  The VAX/Unix/MVS/Unix/PC/CDC units stopped fighting for crumbs and joined forces.  Letters to the editor were written, politicians where contacted, petitions were circulated.

Mailing lists, and even a BBS were put into use to coordinate.

Even, ahem, a listening device was placed in the Board of Regents office.

We were not in a union but AFSCME supported our demands and upped the pressure.

The efforts worked.  The privatization was called off.  There were job losses, but we had a voice that we used to make the best of the situation.  We had input into how we could reorganize the units and better support the students and faculty.

Oh and we finally got the audit of the corrupt MSC a few years later:

`U' backs off of plan to privatize computer services
Published: October 23, 1991
By Jim Dawson; Staff Writer 

Intense pressure from many of the 330 civil service employees who
operate the University of Minnesota's computer systems apparently has
forced school officials to back away from a plan to privatize computer
services and place them under the Supercomputer Center.
Ettore Infante, vice president for academic affairs, who
announced the privatization plan last week met with computer workers
      He told them that because of concerns regarding his
original plan, a reorganization of computer services would occur
"without the involvement of the Minnesota Supercomputer Center or a subsidiary of it."
    Instead, Infante said, an outside consultant will be hired to
 determine the best way to  consolidate and reorganize the university's
several computer service centers.
  About half of the 330 computer specialists would have been laid off at the end of the year under Infante's privatization plan.
       There will probably be layoffs under any new plan, but how many and when hasn't been determined.

  Infante's privatization announcement caught the computer
specialists by surprise last week, but they quickly used a computerized
electronic mail network to organize their opposition.
    Their main objection focused on the involvement of the Supercomputer Center.
       The center, a quasiprivate corporation partially owned by
the university, is not subject to public accounting.  Gov. Arne Carlson
recently cut $8 million in state funding from the center's budget, and
many of the computer specialists believed that Infante's move was simply
 a way to funnel new funds into the center.
    Infante denied that charge and cited the inefficient,
outdated computer systems and networks throughout the university as his
reason for consolidation.
    His move yesterday was welcomed by most employees, but many remained skeptical of his motives.
       "I was encouraged that they seem to be backing down," said
 Cheryl Vollhaber, a specialist with academic computing services.
    The employees demanded to be involved in the planning for
consolidating the computer systems, something most agree is badly
      However, Infante was noncommittal about employee participation.
    The computer specialists said that they have been calling for
 a consolidation and reorganization of computer services for a long
time, but that the administration has ignored them.   They are
frustrated, several said, because although they are the computer
experts, they are not being consulted.
    "Our focus will be having an employee representative on the
planning board," said Stephen Collins, of the university's
micro-computer center.



@BrokeAssStuart @Benioff @markpinc @zynga I'll never forget when High-level Zynga folks bragged about the 1247830millions they made from the "Tip the Dealer" feature on Texas Hold'em.

That was in 2008 -- so yeah, sorrow all the way down.



320 pages that say "spam address books"



A seat at the table

I'm seriously thinking about starting a shareholder initiative to add employee representation to Alphabet's Board of Directors. We'd at least have an elected board rep that could be accountable for bad decisions.

In the long run I also believe Alphabet is going to need to think long and hard about their governance structure. My hope is for something durable, similar to the Bosch/Zeiss model.



Digital immortality: How your life’s data means a version of you could live forever

Some interesting takes here, including this:

Should we treat digital remains by the same code that museums use for human remains? Doing so would severely limit the ways in which companies can use (or exploit) our data. If digital remains are like “the informational corpse of the deceased,” they write, they “may not be used solely as a means to an end, such as profit, but regarded instead as an entity holding an inherent value.”

Of course mentions the Black Mirror episode. However I always go back to the original Max Headroom episode: Deities



This is a key insight from Nathan Schneider.

We should also ask ourselves "How do we make Google's hardware, software and services more Accountable." (and also find a metric that describes this...)

We should care less about whether something is centralized or decentralized than whether it is accountable. An accountable system is responsive to both the common good for participants and the needs of minorities; it sets consistent rules and can change them when they don’t meet users’ needs.


"Turns out G+ was a load-bearing member holding up YouTube"



Mixing Humans and Nonhumans Together: The Sociology of a Door-Closer

A little gem from 1988 talking about automation, way way before self driving cars...

It is at this point that you have this relatively new choice: either
to discipline the people or to substitute for the unreliable humans a
delegated nonhuman character whose only function is to open and close
the door. This is called a door-closer or a "groom." The advantage is
that you now have to discipline only one nonhuman and may safely leave
the others (bell-boys included) to their erratic behavior. No matter
who they are and where they come from-polite or rude, quick or slow,
friends or foes-the nonhuman groom will always take care of the door
in any weather and at any time of the day. A nonhuman (hinges) plus
another nonhuman (groom) have solved the hole-wall dilemma.



A radical proposal for Consumer G+ preservation.

I've been involved with a number of turndowns, Buzz (1st time, and then the double-tap project). Orkut, Hangouts on Air, Google+ Stories, +1s on the web and more. As stewards of user data I would like to propose that we do something different this time.

While we can't keep the service active we can at least do something useful with the output and give back agency to the users that created the data. So here's my proposal.

1) Create the Plus Cooperative(*), owned by the users of Google+. Each post you made prior to a cutoff date gets you one share in the new entity. Decisions are one-user, one-vote.
2) Transfer the domain over to this new entity or redirect to a new domain. Generate a static dump of the public** contents and transfer that to new infrastructure run by the Plus Cooperative. In addition Google provides a full dump to the Internet Archive.
3) Google funds the organization for at minimum 10 years off a one time grant.
4) Google publishes a set of identifiers/claims that would allow a user to gain access to the public data in question. The user could choose to remove data from the domain or add their own redirect (a super idea suggested by +104122652599862501408)
5) The Plus Coop would be governed by it's user-owners and could choose how to invest in their infrastructure/product. They could create migration tools, publishing tools -- they could even revive the service starting with the seed data.

To me this is full-on "Respect the Opportunity". There are enough passionate users out there to keep the spark of G+ going; let's not get in their way.

And let's not 404 8 years of cultural history.

* There was an attempt to transform twitter into a Co-op, so this idea is not really my own.
** We could conceivably export private data if it was suitably encrypted and a user could claim it at a later point. But that's very much a stretch goal.
*** I also think that all products should buy Bonds that would fund a similar data preservation effort upon failure/cancellation.

cc: +110664632946820915121 / +115753604102260948135 / +101587921131889992978 / +110940801340246898787 / +115283013747081617765


Reviewing a doc and looking for suggestions on an evocative way of conveying non-technical user of a product? Here's the passage I flagged:

And not just a lot of people, but everyday people -- people like our mothers, our gym-buddies, that one friend that DMs you all the funny tweets.

I didn't see any specific replacement suggestions on:,_your_mother_could_do_it


I Still Believe (in Google+/Connect)

There's a lot that I'd like to share about recent Google+ developments, but.. cannot.. due to... reasons..

What I can do is reaffirm my faith in the team that is now running Google+. They are are smart, determined and working with a limited set of resources towards a crazy ambitious goal to improve workplace communications.

Now if I was someone like Vic I'd trot out some parable about the arch-angel Gabriel or Buffalo facing the wind... But that's not me. So I'm going to give you a few lines of the ever inspirational I Still Believe byThe Call.

If you see or work with the G+ team tell them you still believe. In their Mission; in their Work; and in the Impact they can make on the world.

But I still believe
I still believe
Through the shame
And through the grief
Through the heartache
Through the tears
Through the waiting
Through the years
For people like us
In places like this
We need all the hope
That we can get
I still believe


So yeah, SSDs can die too...


Hello Seattle!

Here for the rest of the week...



Move into new office space -- find DoubleClick Posters that go against YSW training...

[see official logo in the lower right corner]


Backup and Sync at 1-2 file/sec after deselecting a large folder.

filed details b/111688571

Try harder lil' ChangeBufferPersisted.GetEntriesWithDirectionAndAction, you can do it!


With Inbox out of the way Hop might gain traction.... (and then will likely be acquired by the Assistant team /s). That said it's amazing what .5m in seed funding can do these days. Pretty impressive given those constraints.


This is a fascinating discussion between Danah Boyd and Douglas Rushkoff. It Covers:

- "Amplification, Freedom of Speech and platform paternalism.
- Networks vs Groups/Community and how to stop tribalism.
- Why Media Literacy isn't enough to combat fake news.
- Google's Original Sin:

Actual interview starts around 13 minutes in.


Short writeup of the dweb summit. Dragonfly makes it a bit too easy for reporters to draw contrasts.


Javascript module loading is giving me deja vu for the old a.out vs elf vs.coff..

The solution then, as now. Statically link everything...


A ton of great content here including Vint's talk on Digital Preservation.

As a Googler you'll want to have a thick skin and open mind for many of these.


The feature that Facebook shipped in response to G+ is being retired...


The Talk: "Internet Infrastructure Challenges with Decentralized Web" was really quite good. The associated article that goes with this is also worth a read, especially as 5G arrives and ISPs try to become "The Cloud".


Lotus Concept Video (2014)

Missed this one the first time..

I do have some issues with this. I agree with the goal of having technology help us be more human. However to achieve the goals of this system one would have to restructure our lives to have most activities be technology-mediated. That means conforming our norms to the technology platforms which makes us less than human.

Oh and it was a pre-Uber world....



about git worktree -- super useful, but I must resist writing a g4d equivalent....


*Fearless Cooperation: Giving eval() to your worst enemy for fund and profit*
_Tidbits form the Decentralized Web Conference 2018_

Brian Warner described a new Javascript Secure Execution Environment from Agoric.

"Imagine if you could have safely executable json"

This is based on early Caja work done at Google by many folks. Looks pretty interesting:

Looks like Mark Miller left Google to work there too...


1 vs 5

Zero Rating comes to payment platforms...


@YellzHeard @codecooperative Donated. Might be interesting to connect these coders to the new @codeforamerica "Clear My Record" project that @lourmoore is running. (


@SIMSdoomtree I'd love to see you and the rest of the @DOOMTREE collective on the @resonatecoop streaming service some day.