Better than replacing Cloud with Butt.
Human, Dustcake, Engineer
Doing my best to make the world a little better every day.
❤️ J9
I had forgotten how I signed up for eMarketer which actually dumps some useful analysis in your inbox. I didn't find the original eMarketer info but I did find this roundup of valuable external data sources (which does include eMarketer)
Maps and GBUS work pretty well split-screen, especially useful to know if you're going to get to the stop on time.
Hired to work on web protocols. Immediately detoured to the needful work of building a social network. Learned a lot along the way.
I don't have a lot of sage wisdom to offer other than be humble, humane, and empathic. That goes a long way.
That and banjo. Always have banjo.
Looking forward to 7 more years of causing trouble with you.
Maps and GBUS work pretty well split-screen, especially useful to know if you're going to get to the stop on time.
Curious if our sales teams pitched Walmart?
In any case keep an eye on FB. We should be aware of their moves. A lot of it is more in the Slack/Dynamite area, but there are significant crossovers into Plus.
We should all be up on https://www.facebook.com/workplace/
Google Assistant as envisioned from 1973's "Designing Freedom"
Much of what we implement today was predicted then. We also forget that people once derided and feared "The Computer".
This work is quite accessible and reading it gave me a better understanding of complex dynamic systems, relaxation time, variety, Ashby's Law and the nature of bureaucracy. Also originally broadcast on the CBC as a lecture series:
Everything you ever wanted to know about robots.txt and then some.
_Then in 2007, they announced that all three of them would support the Sitemap directive in robots.txt files. And yes, that important piece of internet history from the blog of a formerly 125 Billion dollar company now only exists because it was archived by Archive.org._
I ordered the _"Designing for Trust: The Data Transparency Playbook"_ ebook..
Gives me hope that all this GDPR work will pay off.
It's such a simple concept that makes sense.
_...for every factor outside of your own control that can have a positive or negative influence on your ability to meet your goals, you need to put a compensatory control in place to allow you to respond._
Gaia service bits, D3 policies, gSuite vs Identity only -- the number of states for an account is dizzying. But by Ashby's law if we don't have mechanisms to absorb that variety bad things will befall the control software and we'll be unable to achieve homeostatis or even viability.
Found some research around measuring User-Trust.
• First, developers can learn that trust concepts can be operationalized into specific attributes or questions that can be examined in research and designs.
• Second, one of the key findings is that trust seems to be related to beliefs about another’s ability, integrity, and benevolence.
• Third, trust and risk are related concepts, and factors that reduce risk perceptions, such as reducing uncertainty, can be beneficial for increasing trust or decreasing the need for trust.
• Fourth, ease-of-use characteristics, such as the ease of finding information and completing transactions, can affect trust.
• Fifth, external factors or context that may seem to be unrelated to the situation can affect trust, such as the characteristics of the truster and the type of risk involved in the transaction.
• Finally, trust probably develops in stages. In the first stage, superficial interface properties, such as colors and designs, can have a large effect on initial trust decisions. Later, users may make trust decisions based on more reasoned analysis of information. Eventually, long-term trust decisions are based on direct experience and personal service.
Surprised it took this long for an article about this to come out...
Greetings Area 120. Google Forever has also made it to the final pitch round.
We have plenty of opportunities for people to pitch in on sustainable bizdev models, decentralized engineering and more. But one role we'd love to fill is a UX/Design/Frontend leader. Here's our job listing. Please reach out if you're interested!
Are you interested in building user experiences and critical user journeys that work for generations? Do you want to help people preserve their most important digital memories?
Consider joining the Google Forever Project. We're a proposed Area 120 project that's already made it to the final pitch round and we need you!
Our project is creating the software that will power a business and ecosystem that will last for decades and centuries. We're starting with a way to preserve the world's most valued Photos in an easy, simple sustainable way.
As a lead/founding frontend member of the team you will have considerably freedom to set the direction and tech stack while working with our passionate engineering and business teams. You will also be able to explore experimental user interfaces and user experiences that might be used in the far future.
If accepted to Area 120 you will have the chance to work on this full time. We also will accept any and all people who want to help us achieve our vision!
or contact Paul Lindner to discuss how you can contribute.Aaron Swartz Day 2017 has a nice lineup of speakers.
Also watch this if you haven't already:
Federated social networking is relatable to dasher...
Seems like it might be interesting to provision following for new users.
_5. To improve the experience of brand new users, we’ve added something in the old tradition of MySpace Tom — except instead of following some central Tom, new accounts will start off following their local admins (this can be adjusted by the administrator). That way, on your first login you are greeted with a populated home timeline instead of an empty one._
GoogleCloud asks: *What was the first program you wrote that you were proud of?*
_Please include what language it was written in and a brief description. Feel free to go out of bounds if you have a creative answer!_
My response:
At age 17 I was published in Compute!'s Gazette. The small utility, named ML Runner, is tool written in Commodore 64 Basic and 6502 Assembly. It converted machine language binaries into easy to use BASIC programs. The result was a better, easier way for users to execute code.
You can see the actual short code on page 98 in the June 1987 Issue here:
Anyone know if there are projects inside Google to standardize on data models for Intellectual Property Rights?
DNS still kinda sucks, despite the billions of revenue collected by ICANN and registrars..
Stumbled on Jostle.me, a new Enterprise Social Networking company. Some good takes on why this stuff is important. Also includes elements of gThanks, teams and more.
Pack it in folks, I think we've reached peak ICO insanity.
[email is already decentralized!]
This looks good. Added to my to-watch list.
h/t to the creator of X-Plane, which is a pretty awesome flight simulator.
Hi Last-minute 120ers.
Here's the pitch deck for *Google. Forever.* Still looking for UX and BD team members.
The memo damage has been done and now we're left with the mess. Here are some ideas on how to make amends:
- Everyone ever interviewed by Damore is offered an onsite interview.
- Everyone peer-reviewed for promo is given an automatic appeal.
- Everyone peer-reviewed gets their previous calibrations revisited, and comp retroactively adjusted.
_Just move on up_
_Toward your destination_
_Though you may find, from time to time, complication_
Complicated week eh? Just remember we have each other and when we work together we can make the world a better place!
And thanks to the brave souls that communicate wisdom. (especially since I've been a bit absent from these discussions)
So decided to finish "Kill all Normies" to get my head around "what hath the internet wrought" and how technology has affected society.
The book is a little shallow, especially if you were paying attention during gamergate. Read on if you want a sickening tour of the worst that's out there.
Given Techs great power I believe it behooves us to expand our concern to the outsized level of influence we have. We all built this platform. Behold. (Including what may be the weirdest set of recommended books from Play.)
Susan from March 2017. I prefer this positive response to the corp-speak one that was sent out.
I hereby pledge to double-down efforts in this area and widen my circle of influence to to match my circle of concern.
Want week numbers in your calendar? Read on.
Saves you a trip to http://whatweekisit.com
BRB reading whitepaper. Happy that it's not yet another ethereum smart contract.
[also have you noticed that having a whitepaper is a prereq for startups these days...]
Now if only I could go back in time and reshoot my high school photos...
_“We’ve had high school students take their senior pictures with it and we even had someone take wedding photographs in front of it,” Horn said. “A lot of people contact me through its Facebook page (The Tardis) for scheduled photo shoots. I built it to make people happy, so we don’t charge for photographs with it.”_
So the +1 button on the web is riding off into the sunset. But you can still make good use of the data that you've collected over the years via Google Takeout! I like to keep my bookmarks in Pinboard, so here's how I did it and you can too.
1. Visit
in your browser. You'll see something like this:2. Click Select None, then click on the checkmark next to +1s.
3. Scroll to the bottom and click Next
4. The next screen has some choices for file format. Change if you want, but the defaults should be fine and will email you a link to a zip file you can download.
5. You'll receive an email with a link to the zip file. Expand the file and you'll find something like this:
Now that you have the +1s.html file you can import it to Pinboard. (Or other sites that support the Netscape Bookmark file format)
1. Pinboard 'tags' imports with the name of the file. I wanted to use the tag 'plusone' so I renamed my file from +1s.html to plusones.html
2. Next visit the Pinboard settings page, then click import (or just click on this link) You'll see something like this:
3. Click on the Choose File button, select your html file (in my case plusones.html) and click upload.
4. After a little bit of time Pinboard will have your imported bookmarks! You can then view all of them based on the tag (plusones). Click on the tag and you can browse/clean them up. Woohoo!
Once you have the exported bookmark html file you can also import to other products.
Contact me if you have more. I'll add them here!
Now playing in the G MinusOne war room. 10% 10% ! !
I read that we were going to participate in Net Neutrality protests today. I loaded up google.com to see if we were doing a home page promo. I didn't see the logo load and thought that this was a very sublime way of calling attention to content blocking. So I waited for a spinner and call to action...
haha; no. Instead it was this super heavy doodle that took forever to load over GBUS wifi.
Ah well. Looks like we're sending an "email" to our "listserve" (itsthe90s.gif) of committed diehards, and posting a video playlist hidden somewhere on youtube (couldn't find it, can you?)
Paul here from the Superfund Squad, where we're getting rid of the infrastructure you love to hate and paying off unfunded mandates with technical debt. And digging up the History of Google's Social Efforts in the attached collection.
I've been cranking at this social thing for almost 7 years at Google on Google+ and a long time before that at places Six Apart (home of Typepad and Livejournal), hi5 and LinkedIn. I did a lot of work on OpenSocial and other standards back then which is a big reason I'm here today.
Oh and this enterprise thing isn't my first rodeo. Way back at Critical Path we provided hosted email, calendar and tasks for Italian Telecoms, Major Universities *and* the Kiss Army. And at Red Hat we sold shrink wrap and services to all sales channels.
But I'm most proud of the work I did at the UN on telecom standards, relief efforts and publishing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 500 languages. (And the site is still standing to this day!)
And finally before that was the Internet Gopher.. Me, with Heavy Metal hair:
Beyond all this tech I enjoy life in Oakland with my fabulous wife Julie and our Great Pyrenees Gus. You'll find us exploring the parks of the East Bay, checking out obscure music or cruising the rapidly gentrifying Valencia street in the Mission. I'm also heavily interested in building software and systems that last the long term. I'm a member of the Long Now (
) and I have a 20% project called Digital Vellum ( )Happy to be here with y'all and looking forward to our next adventures!
Just put it together that you are the plinder I know from #IndieWeb IRC..not sure how I never put this together.
Greg Mcverry, Feb 13 2019 on plus.google.com