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Given recent Inbox instability I decided to try out some native mac email apps.

- Airmail 3
- Spark

So far so good. These apps both have snoozing and pinning. Folder support is still a bit off; but nothing too difficult. Might as well start getting used to no Inbox now.

[And sadly I can run two native apps in the memory used by inbox on chrome..


go/rulesofthumb doesn't account for GDPR fines.



*And you may ask yourself, well*
*How did I get here?*

_The Stanford Integrated Digital Library Project (SIDLP) - is to develop the enabling technologies for a single, integrated and "universal" library, proving uniform access to the large number of emerging networked information sources and collections. These include both on-line versions of pre-existing works and new works and media of all kinds that will be available on the globally interlinked computer networks of the future. The Integrated Digital Library is broadly defined to include everything from personal information collections, to the collections that one finds today in conventional libraries, to the large data collections shared by scientists. The technology developed in this project will provide the "glue" that will make this worldwide collection usable as a unified entity, in a scalable and economically viable fashion._


Investing in a better Internet: Resonate, a music coop

Do you want a better internet?  One that balances the needs of creators and consumers?  A more democratic internet?  I do.  That's why I'm investing in a music coop: Resonate.

Stream to Own

I've been a member-owner of Resonate for a while, and listen every day.  It provides an eclectic mix similar to a high quality college radio station.  At first glance Resonate is a streaming service like Soundcloud or Spotify.  But dig deeper and the you'll find major differences:

  • You only pay for what you listen to.
  • Each listen debits your balance a small amount.
  • On the 9th listen you own the track. 

This tiered pricing model incentivizes discovery.  Owning actual tracks helps fans develop deeper ties to the music they love.

Stream to Own Model and Graph 

And I own more than just tracks.  My member share means that I own a portion of Resonate, I can vote on how the business is operated and at the end of the year I can share in the profits.

Over the past year Resonate has added more content, more features, and most importably a sustainable organization where fans, musicians, employees and labels can work together towards common goals.   This is the kind of “cooperative internet” that I always imagined would emerge back in the pre-web era.


“Purpose above Profits”


"Purpose above Profits" was the slogan at REI as I shopped for the holidays.  It’s a reminder that the REI is a Member Cooperative.  With my $20 lifetime membership I get dividends based on my purchases while supporting outdoor and environmental causes.  In 2016 REI gave back 70% of profits.

This is but one example of how Coops can offer sustainable services for the communities they serve.  Growing up I had electric power from an Coop.  When I lived in Switzerland there’s a huge retail chain literally named “Coop”.  I currently use and support my Credit Union.

Overall Coop businesses are more sustainable, and are oriented to the long term interests of their member-owners.

But the growth of the Internet and the Web bypassed the cooperative model.  This despite the fact that open source and much of the shared internet infrastructure are structured like coops.  It wasn't until 2014 that the concept of Platform Cooperative was coined.   The rise of pseudo-"sharing" platforms like Uber and AirBnB and the rise of decentralized technologies like blockchains were two key reasons that many now embrace the concept.


Early Stage Capital

But a problem emerges, how do you bootstrap a Cooperative where there are significant barriers to entry?  That’s where Supporter Shares come in.  Anyone can invest in these shares.  Each year the co-op sets aside 10% of profits and issues dividends to Supporter Share owners.

Resonate Voting Diagram

But remember that Supporter Shares don't get you extra voting power.  A cooperative is still one-person, one-vote.  The upside is that there are no leveraged buyouts, no dual share structures or non-voting shares.


The Future Internet

The Internet I want is a democratic one where creators, consumers, supporters and employees can work together towards common, sustainable goals.  By using and investing in Resonate I hope to advance those goals.  Liz Pelly captured the sentiment in "Protest Platforms" that "Resonate is particularly interesting for the way it advocates for broad decentralization of data, power, and money in music".

The Resonate Project Map details where the project is going and the plan to achieve it.  I’ll admit that the content catalog is small, (but growing!) and the technology is very beta (but improving!).  I still use and enjoy it every day.

I hope that you'll consider joining the coop as a member owner and see for yourself.  If you want to accelerate this type of work consider purchasing Supporter Shares.

And finally, I hope that you'll consider supporting a new generation of online platforms that include the same kind of values that Resonate promotes.  All while listening to and supporting the artists we love.


plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose....

But seriously -- I'll see if I can find out what happened with ES. It was quite a thing a few years ago...



So what phone should I buy now that Nexus Support has basically told me to pound sand and I'm off the Nexus/Pixel train? Had every phone since the G1.

I think of the amount of money spent on wall-to-wall Pixel TV ads and wonder how a small amount of that would have helped placate our most loyal customers...



6p Bootloop

Nexus 6p Bootloop :(

And we're not making it right for users and sending people to Huawei, who are now closed. And all my spare phones are micro-sim.

The playbook for the people on the phone is a depressing read:

We have a huge hoard of cash, surely we could do right by our users?

Oh and this is my 4th 6p...


I'd use my Google Home more if it supported a MovieFone voice..


Jeff Dean's Britney Spears wonderbug:

[Also check out the hotlist this is on for other amazing bugs.



Received a travel pillow as a gift. "for when you're tired on the shuttle"


New comment by lindner in "The Californian Ideology (1995)"

If you want some more depth to the Californian Ideology critique consider watching the Adam Curtis documentary "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace."

Hypernormalisation also covers some of the same ideas and is more recent.


I'm supporting Perkeep on OpenCollective.

I'm especially excited about using this for infrastructure libraries since we now have a way for project-to-project contributions to flow down the dependency tree.


@bradfitz @Patreon @opencollect I suggested OC instead of Patreon because it's more aligned with open source community needs vs Patreon. Corp sponsorship, one-time payments and full transparency are important for long term viability. Looks like you can contribute anonymously with a throwaway email too..


Story of your life

Well worth watching. The blog->book is an interesting thing I didn't know about and I found the email -> blog solution for communicating with her future grown-up children clever.

Slides are here:


Seeing Whole Systems

Nicky did a great talk at Long Now called Seeing Whole Systems. Would anyone be interested in screening it here?

But for now revel in visualizing the prisoner's dilemma. Also check out loopy


self-owned mdb groups are aptly named.


rpc side-channels were a mistake.


Reminder that SoCal wildfire donations are being matched.

There's a tile memorial at Rockridge Bart for the Oakland Firestorm. Gets me every time.



Reminder that SoCal wildfire donations are being matched.

There's a tile memorial at Rockridge Bart for the Oakland Firestorm. Gets me every time.


New comment by lindner in "Patreon’s new service fee spurs concern that creators will lose patrons"

No one has mentioned ?

They seem to deal with this problem by letting you fund a donation account and then disburse funds on a periodic basis. This is also similar to donor advised funds so I'm not sure why Patreon is doing this when other alternatives are available.




Looks like G+ sharing was added to gThanks in

But the shares it creates now are pretty bare-bones and you have to really hunt down that G+ share button...

Oh and big congrats to all the people getting Kudos and PBs lately. Y'all are awesome!



Lightspeed Ready!

Inside an AT&T pedestal cabinet in Oakland...





The .io domain is an abbreviation of Indian Ocean.


We play both kinds of Javascript here: Fast and Precise

Paging +116010686905328984286

Interesting stat:

_The main internal repository at Facebook contains around 13M LoC of JavaScript, spanning about 122K files._


Twenty Eight Bucks

It took a bit of searching to figure out why I received a check for 8. But if you get one here's why:

This is a wage and hour PAGA action arising from Defendant's failure to pay wages in a timely manner at the end of each pay period. Labor Code § 204( d) requires employees to be paid out by the seventh (ih) day following the closing of the pay period if employees are paid on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Defendant, who paid its employees on a bi-weekly basis, had a consistent policy of paying the wages of its employees on the eighth (8t11) day or later following the close of the respective pay period, and thus, beyond the time periods as allowed pursum1t to Labor Code § 204. This PAGA action is being sought on behalf of Defendant's other aggrieved employees.

In addition to the PAGA action, Plaintiff also asserts individual claims for wrongful termination in violation of public policy. Specifically, Plaintiff engaged in protected activity by removing alcohol from the workplace (due to fear for her personal safety and the safety of co-workers), and to prevent sexual harassment. However, by exercising such rights, Plaintiff was terminated from her employment.

Defendant's Position

Plaintiff was employed by Defendant from approximately January 27, 2015 to April 12, 2016 as a Program Manager. In late March 2016, a Google employee reported that several personal items had gone missing. Google's asset investigations team confirmed through video evidence that Plaintiff had taken the reported items. During its investigation, Plaintiff provided inconsistent accounts of her actions, which Google deemed to lack credibility. As a result, Google terminated Plaintiffs employment for violation of company policy and the dishonest conduct she exhibited.

Google denies that its payroll schedule was inconsistent with section 204 of the Labor Code. Moreover, Plaintiff cannot show that she or any of the members of the group she seeks to represent were aggrieved. An award of civil penalties under PAGA would result in an award that is unjust, arbitrary, and oppressive


Have you heard of NetzDG? Here's some really good background on why we're working so hard.


Aaron Swartz day is upon us... Looking forward to this panel.


Imagine a PBS version of Black Mirror.

Oh wait, there is..

Happy Friday everyone... and back to the GDPR grind..


Starting a GDPR Playlist

Suggestions welcome. So far I have:

- Der Kommissar
- The Pink Panther Theme
- The Final Countdown
- URL Badman
- Private Eyes


*Feature Request:* Implement _laws_and_regulations.gcl_


Oh hi Epona...

I wonder if there's a canonical source that describes every single state an account can be in?

The fact that our systems are not tested against the full set of account variations scares me.

Adding new Account Variants that means that every single system needs to be adjusted to handle it. This is just not scalable.




Name your band *P.O.P.* - confusion galore results.

- Bunch of sites drop the final dot *.* (dos based web server?)
- Youtube and Tunecore groups this with an older group named Pop! from Australia
- Play Music groups a bunch of stuff into Pop, Indonesian Pop, Rap etc.
- Amazon does the worst. Click through on P.O.P. and they serve up groups starting P.O, like P.O.D. etc.

Luckily a fave of mine named *P.O.S.* has managed to cross the SEO chasm.


California Fires

Two new local charities available for gift match for California Wildfires so it's not just the Red Cross now:


Still *0k* to match.

Also I learned that Google Docs has a 'mobilebasic' suffix which generates a simple lightweight doc. Many of the emergency resource docs are using this:


Librem 5 met it's funding goal with 12 days to spare. Also built on Matrix which makes me happy.


Anything Google specific going on to support people affected by Wildfires in Northern California? Facebook has already pledged m. Where we at?

I've only begun support:

- Already donated to various animal shelters in the area.
- Going to drop off supplies at 1-2-3-4 Go Records tonight, they're sending critical items to victims.


The Ethical Regulator

[Part of a new Collection for Cybernetics as I explore this fascinating discipline..]

Hey there, it's the trolly problem again...

_Ethics modules can be treated like *ethical device drivers*, so that to be fully operational, a hypothetical gun-carrying, tax-advising robot that can drive on roads requires valid ethics modules for gun-law, tax-code, and traffic-rules. Without all necessary modules for the appropriate legal jurisdiction, the robot’s gun, tax advising, or driving capabilities are automatically disabled._


Google Now Everywhere - 2012

Not strictly "social" per-se, but there were a number of cross overs from iGoogle. Also relevant as Now is undergoing some historical changes of it's own..

- Pixie Labs ended up moving their games to Google+ Games (remember Farmville?)
- The gadget infrastructure from iGoogle (GGS) was used heavily for the +1 button, OpenSocial, PeopleSense and others. +103390686048441232976 might even still carry a pager for this old infrastructure...



Google is both a particle (consumer) and a wave (enterprise). We need some kind of general product relativity instead of a newtonian model...

... or quantum mechanics vs classical physics, you get the idea...


*Q4 OKRs* - Mandates... Mandates Everywhere




New comment by lindner in "How the Catalan government uses IPFS to sidestep Spain's legal block"

First install ipfs

then run:


and wait for a large amount of data to be pulled in....


Interesting update on the situation in Catalonia plus some dodgy crypto.