Digging into some Sharing patterns wrt to Reddit.
This reddit thread:
Posted by some random user:
Contains a link to a post by an Android Police author and prolific G+ user:
That link in Reddit was clicked on 28k times (probably much more since these logs are only web requests..)
select top(request,15) as h, count(*) as c from
gfstmp_oz.tmp_oz_fe_weblog.20150927 where AppsFrameworkExtension.action_class = 'PermalinkedUpdate' and referer like '%reddit.com%';
| h | c |
| GET /+ArtemRussakovskii/posts/T9fdFDBp1fd HTTP/1.1 | 28917 |
| GET /+ArtemRussakovskii/posts/hpc36iQuRSR HTTP/1.1 | 3665 |
| GET /u/0/108441771977176576567/posts/QQNFtAeEjTY HTTP/1.1 | 2088 |
| GET /100098741112799154035/posts/Lavu4mVTvpX HTTP/1.1 | 1899 |
| GET /+ArtemRussakovskii/posts/bA4ryjrT9MJ HTTP/1.1 | 1827 |
*Someone send Artem a cookie, or some G+ swag...*