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Anyone have scripts they use to manage non-filer-based homedirs?

I already put my git clients in /usr/local/google, but having homedir outage on my ubiquity box made things painful.

Also seems like citc clients were offline, probably because of my missing homedir...



Feature request for @109934384945258289269

Near the end of the meeting start showing a video game style countdown timer and shut down the monitor at the allotted calendar time.

Optional: add a coin slot to allow for paying to extend the meeting.


Remember -- _it's not the users problem it's Google's problem_

Posting from

ronald leslie Feb 09 10:02AM -0800



The CLs on the bus go 'round & 'round...


Hey instagrammers -- anyone know what the canonical web presence for Instragram is? I see that they link to on the offical Instagram blog, however it's not 'official'..

@109016304695129264328 @110242419133439594545 know anything more?

@106853593867879252009 - who's looking into expanding image social search corpus...


To further google memeification I just added and igraph rules.

Anyone know the folks that run these fine sites so we can kindly ask them to support authorship markup?


Embeds United!

I'm somewhat alarmed that there really isn't a "Life of a Widget/Embed" that has best practices on how to embed Google Content on third party sites.

Has anyone tackled this before? Obviously +1, adsense, youtube, maps, analytics and others all use their own mechanisms.

Is it time to consider deploying common infrastructure for these use cases? Especially for systems that require the ability to identify a Google user?

So here's my proposal.

* Use oauth2 semantics everywhere: tokens and api requests.
* Use a single bootstrap system to identify js domain, collect API keys as needed.
* Generate two new types of OAuth tokens that do not contain user info.
- 'Anonymous-by-domain'
- 'Anonymous-by-domain-by-api-key'
* Allow an account widget that can move you from anonymous -> identified -> authorized. (including multilogin, signin and account registration)

If all the various embeds used this common system we'd have a way to enable personalization on third party sites more easily and provide a clear way to go beyond.

Am I barking up the wrong tree?




Anyone else receive an email from Reid Hoffman asking to enter contact info into a Google Docs form?


.. random ES thought on content-based circle classifications..

Imagine if we could infer the type of circle based on either the content you post there (via NLP), the linguistic name, or user specification?

We could:
-- boost/dampen the volume of a post based on circle matching:
I have you in my _Photos_ circle, you share to your _heavy_metal_ circle == dampen.
-- You post your high scores to _public_ + _chess_, I follow you in a circle named _games_ == boost.
-- My wife posts to _family_, I have her in _family_ == boost
-- My wife posts to _Tennis_ and public, I don't have her in a sports circle == dampen.

The reason I've been thinking about this is another what-if --
-- what if Apps had a one-to-one relationship with a plus page?
-- When I add an App, it can circle me back.
-- If I perform an action on the third party site the app can plus-mention me, or it can group together users into relavant circles to send updates.

-- I can put noisy apps in a circle and lower the volume.
Note that App could be a Game (like Angry Birds), an App (like Remember the Milk) or even a web site (like 8tracks or Soundcloud..)

Maybe this is stretching the model too much, but it's certainly fun to ponder!


Anyone looking into this? On your radar @103217625524699361065 ?

Oh and can someone tell Danny Sullivan that he should properly link his accounts on his profile?


My openvpn disconnected and wouldn't reconnect.

Switching to the Council Bluffs VPN server ( and now I'm back on..






These are not the Guava you're looking for..

[fun stuff from the interests pipeline]

Otherwise pretty accurate, if a bit heavy on my youtube viewing history...






oooo.. my ubiquity instance was just upgraded. seems snappier already.

3x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5679 @ 3.20GHz

I/O seems a *lot* better. Builds are almost as fast as my desktop.

Congrats team.


I just updated my profile link to Google+ so authorship annotations can work.










After almost a month our Flume MR is finally running again. The mystery of the broken shard has been finally solved!

*shard (n.)*
a piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass or rock typically having sharp edges.

*sharding (v.)*
dunno… but you will likely wound yourself and you get to keep all the pieces.
— Theo Schlossnagle

 -- now with rel="me" on profile links. It's a start!




It's one of those "You have to spit to see the shine days"...






Anyone know the folks at Soundcloud? Love to chat with them about XFN and markup..

Michael Winton -- maybe you know?


So looks like I'm on call for microsoft APIs as well.. Their SSL support for went _poof_ at 4:30 this morning -- connection refused on 443.

Almost approaching 5h of downtime. They're definitely not getting their third nine this year..


It's all fun and games until git autopacks the repository...


Just registered for this event with the hope that I'll be able to get OAuth or XFN support in MediaWiki. Sadly EventBrite has every share mechanism except the +1 button..


Once it's prod-ready my chromebook will be one kick-ass oncall device.


It's gawker, so take it with a hefty grain of salt.



Fun to be oncall for services that page when twitter goes down...

Received response 1:\nHTTP/1.1 504\r\n\r\nDate: Wed, 14 Dec 2011 22:21:02 GMT\r\n\r\n\r\n\n


Spotted -- the rarely seen MySpaceID login widget.... Federated login done wrong.

Found on the company that just acquired hi5:

Beware the ghosts of connect buttons past...


tmux FTW

If you're still using screen or byobu you might want to take a look at tmux. I finally took the plunge after some weird screen session deaths.
Anyone have some googler tmux.conf's? Mine is still pretty bare bones so far -- I'm going cold turkey tmux (except for my prefix key which I've always set to C-z)


Orkut contact import for Google+ was soft-launched this week for people in India and Brazil.

We're not promoting this externally, but I feel the need to give big props to Michael Sindelar, Eduardo Thuler , Victor Ribeiro , Paulo Golgher, and Diego Fernandes for making this happen.


Do you participate in the mediawiki open source project and want to help authorship at Google? Let me or @102662722116509970382 know, we'd appreciate any assistance.


This is the proposed new Opensocial Mission statement. What do you think? Let me know by wednesday's Opensocial Board meeting.

_Believing that people are the bond of interactions on the Web, the mission of the OpenSocial Foundation is resolved to fundamentally changing and advancing the social Web. We aim to foster a dynamic, participatory ecosystem that is open to all, ensuring the free and transparent development of a diverse set of community driven specifications and an honest and open exchange of ideas._


Anyone have a spare tenergy charger + batteries they'd want to part with? They're backorderd till January!


Bye bye OAuth-Wrap!

The Hotmail account feature in Google+ now uses OAuth 2.0 to fetch your contacts. Looking forward to talking to more OAuth 2.0 enabled endpoints (ToS/BD willing!)

Congrats to Yaniv Shuba and the rest of the team!


byobu as my login shell is getting weird on me now... I suspect kinit/nfs oddities..

Anyone seeing this? Or are all the cool kids using tmux these days?


Lost in the noise today --> Import your photos from Orkut. Congrats Orkuteers on the launch!


Testing out a sweet new integration. (no, this did not get shared from youtube :)


Well played, very well played.

Now please request that they send invites to all their fans _using the product_.

This has the potential to be a major traffic mover.

And Google Korea -- see if SNSD will do the same!