Looks like I'm the latest to suffer from the 6p rapid battery drain hardware defect... :(
Human, Dustcake, Engineer
Doing my best to make the world a little better every day.
❤️ J9
Just heard Superfreak in La Place Cafe.
Was on the first cassette I ever owned. (First vinyl? Kiss Destroyer)
I wonder if people will remember their "firsts" going forward in a cloud based world....
Happy Holidays from the Google+ Death Star Project team and the Chewbacca family.
Got the Holiday Gift blues? Watch Robot Reindeer.
ROBOLIGHTS combines your two favorite things: Robots and Christmas into a 3 acre theme park of crazy. Visit it before the authorities shut it down.
I hope our Phoenix UX folks are keeping tabs on Imzy. Lots of interesting interaction twists going on. Things I like:
- Custom screen names per community.
- Responsive OneUp design shows post on left, comments on right.
...and is +116834966192427446812 moonlighting as their character artist?
Still riding the blindfolded roller coaster with my wife and her metastatic breast cancer. We got a good 18 months from the 1st treatment. Fingers crossed that this new wonder drug will be even better.
I had a whole rant queued up about cancer drugs, Google's specialty pharmacy and Pfizer pricing Ibrance at 0k/month. Alas, MacOS+Chrome ate it.
Instead you can read this article and understand how we end up with ridiculous 80 monthly ransom payments copays. (Seriously life-and-death isn't subject to price elasticity of demand!)
Dyn acquired by Oracle?
I've been wanting to move my secondary DNS off them for a while. Recommendations anyone?
#til about hash array mapped tries
Here's your friday lol, includes the extra special Google dis:
_You know rappers like to sell drugs_
_But you do it on the streets_
_And you deader than Google buzz or Google+_
YUDA - great logo, even better tool.
Oh and I'm already #34 on the scoreboard.
Subject: Greetings from Dropbox; Yes, I'm working on a weeknight :)
Hi Paul,
They say, "The early bird gets the worm," well this early worm would really enjoy a conversation about your skills, goals, and interest. To be brief, you have an excellent educational and technical background and I'd enjoy the opportunity to discuss your expertise a bit further (Not tonight of course).
Listening to DEF CON soundtracks today, including what must be the only song ever written about ssh...
Paging the Spaces team! Talkshow had some neat features that might be apropros. Controlling the "Microphone" was one of them..
+112802115175816406059 +114740374810943095093
Vint Cerf speaks today at noon! Via VC or in MTV-1950
_We create digital content in enormous and growing quantities every day. Much of this content requires software to be displayed (images, videos) or manipulated (e.g. spreadsheets and text documents) or executed (e.g. video games). In some cases, specific operating systems and hardware are needed for support. We face a challenge to preserve digital content over periods of hundreds or years because the software and associated hardware may no longer exist. There are legal issues associated with copyright of content and licensing of software as well as business models that must somehow be sustained for long periods of time. This talk will outline some of the challenges and possible solutions._
Location: MTV-1950-1-Bodega Bay Tech Talk
Reserved VC rooms:
RES-EXPL-10-Mount Rogers
NYC-9TH-15A239-Raft of Otters
This talk will be recorded
Needed to fire up an Etherium test node so I thought I'd give Azure a shot since they have a nifty dev-labs tool built for it.
Pretty nice. I had a VM up and running with 00 credit in about 15 minutes, even with recovering my live.com password account.
As I said on http://g/opensource-discuss :
_We’re Google. The 10x solution is to replace DNS. (And I’m only half-joking.)_
Yeah, I was there... Back in May of 2006 Typepad, LiveJournal and TuCows got taken down by a massive (at the time) DDoS. I recall it was 2-4 GBps of reflective DNS traffic. Scott Berinato covered it pretty well in the Wired article Attack of the Bots.
For the record we were able to get back up using Akamai DNS Hosting, MCI/UUNet DDoS mitigations, and a cleverly placed GRE tunnel. Oh and a bunch of great Ops work from Lisa Phillips, Matt Peterson, Peter Wohlers and others. I think I still have the commemorative t-shirt we did with TuCows.
And here we are 10 years later. Same stuff, yet in many ways worse.
It's high time we get to fixing the underlying protocols and infrastructure to make these types of attacks a thing of the past. It's time to Redecentralize.
[Fancy graph from: Netcraft, Blue Security Shuts Down, Citing DDoS Attacks]
Releasing this under Affero GPL LICENSE would have been an epic troll.
20% project Idea
Create Google+ Communities based on donation match data from https://give.corp.google.com/b
Then expand that further, let anyone make communities with a recurring membership fee, or private profiles with a membership. Sort of like Patreon.. but better.
Would people be interested in attending a *Google Talk* about the *Long Now* projects 10,000 year clock[1] and Rosetta disk[2]? I'm in touch with their staff and they expressed interest and I'd like to know if it's worth my time to organize the event...
Also I recommend joining and attending their events. Lots of interesting people and viewpoints that you normally don't get inside the tech bubble. Plus it feels like you're a member of a secret society and their bar _The Interval_[3] serves up damn fine cocktails.
Am I the only that's shocked that GFE pushes are paused for over a week?
If so I hope that people point out how much of a SPOF this is. [And maybe we'll finally be able to open the huge urlmap.production.any in cider without problems]
Found some weekend reading based on the abstract alone.
_Although it has been a part of the dark underbelly of the Internet since its inception, recent events have brought the discussion board site 4chan to the forefront of the world's collective mind. In particular, /pol/, 4chan's "Politically Incorrect" board has become a central figure in the outlandish 2016 Presidential election. Even though 4chan has long been viewed as the "final boss of the Internet," it remains relatively unstudied in the academic literature.
In this paper we analyze /pol/ along several axes using a dataset of over 8M posts. We first perform a general characterization that reveals how active posters are, as well as how some unique features of 4chan affect the flow of discussion. We then analyze the content posted to /pol/ with a focus on determining topics of interest and types of media shared, as well as the usage of hate speech and differences in poster demographics. We additionally provide quantitative evidence of /pol/'s collective attacks on other social media platforms. We perform a quantitative case study of /pol/'s attempt to poison anti-trolling machine learning technology by altering the language of hate on social media. Then, via analysis of comments from the 10s of thousands of YouTube videos linked on /pol/, we provide a mechanism for detecting attacks from /pol/ threads on 3rd party social media services._
All-in on Ubiquity
Turned off my HP workstation for the last time.
You can get 6CPU, 32GB mem, 300GB disk hosts these days. They're actually pretty decent for most work. You lose hyperthreading but you get 46MB cpu cache. I/O feel relatively snappy.
Get your own https://portal.corp.google.com/
Of course I look forward to the day when all of this runs on GCE and I can remount my block device on a n1-highmem-32 (32 cpus, 208GB memory !!)
New Kill Oz Theme songs.
Sadly out of print, but was able to buy this on vinyl over on eBay...
@NLAPandora @internetarchive Thanks to @jgoerzen there's a 2007-era archive of gopherspace at https://t.co/2CtFKcT5LJ
Code Next Opens in Oakland, creating diversity through Constructionism
"From a design point of view it is a truly unique experience that very much leans on an educational theory known as constructionism. This codified curriculum will soon be available to the entire world as an open source."
Reading this passage from Ready Player One1 I was reminded of a major influence that I had all but forgotten:
It was a Friday night, and I was spending another solitary evening doing research, working my way through every episode of Whiz Kids , an early-’80s TV show about a teenage hacker who uses his computer skills to solve mysteries. Ready Player One, Ernest Cline, Chapter 18.
So I was prepared when I was recently asked "What brought you here?" (in relation to technology). My answer? ... The Whiz Kids. I can directly trace my interest in online services to that white-hat hacking, war dialing, speech synthesizing, BASIC programming gang of kids2. I can only hope that today's teens have something as good or better.
Trying to find the video also made me realize that Youtube is providing a vital preservation service. You see the Whiz Kids episodes were never released, not on DVD, not even on VHS. You won't find them in any library. Anywhere. But there it is, in 10 minutes chunks3, captured and uploaded off a grainy, noisy videotape recording.
Cultural Artifacts, preserved... for now.
Of course I couldn't have done it without the entire teams that wrote the code and these specific products:
Firefox Toolbars
Google Gadgets, iGoogle, and OpenSocial
Google Buzz and the entire Focus Frontend
... and Oz
And big shout outs to abandoned experiments, never completed features and my agent, Klippy.
Me, At Conference. _*Oh, I work for Google*_ .... space time warps.
Next time I might just use a fictitious company. If we can agree on a secret name Googlers can just nod understandingly when I say "Oh, I work for Massive Dynamics".
Where's the schema.org markup? Where do I file bugs?
Guess I should just be happy that there's an RSS feed here... https://blog.google/rss/
Attending the Long Now Member Summit today #longnow20 https://longnow.org/events/02016/oct/04/long-now-member-summit/
I'll be at this thing today. Will take notes and have a post trip report.
A reminder from Vint Cerf about the importance of digital preservation
It seems inescapable that our society will need to find its own formula for underwriting the cost of preserving knowledge in media that will have some permanence. - vinton cerf - We're Going Backward
I've seen this firsthand. Albums from some lesser known bands I listened to in the 90s are not available in digital format. When the CDs finally bit rot the music will be gone forever unless someone rips and uploads them. Some content never made the jump from VHS, also at risk of loss when the tapes degrade.
Support the Internet Archive and other efforts if you value this. Also work towards a future self-archiving decentralized web where content can live beyond the data silos they currently occupy.
Important article by Vint Cerf in the latest CACM.
My new favorite way to manage home directories with git
And you can avoid merge conflicts by adding entries to your .gitattributes file:
.bash_history merge=union
Added a new ubiquity instance recently. I'm happy to say that I've moved my home directory to a git repo. For internal usage git on borg is a good choice.
gob-ctl create user/lindner/dotfiles
cd ~
git init
echo "*" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin sso://user/lindner/dotfiles
git push -u origin master
The trick I mention below for append only files also works for .dremel_history
Did Someone say *Megadeth*?
So I had to laugh at the Events Demo using Megadeth. Back in the day we used email to coordinate our outings.
\m/ forever!
Oh and I ended up losing my glasses and contracting a skin infection. Totally worth it.
_>From the farthest reaches of the net, [email protected] said:_
_> so... dread is little more than 24 hours away. what are your bags?_
_Sorry folks, can't make this one, was really considering it, but......_
_databases calling and this other ton of work....._
_> let us move this email through, doodz, so we do not leave anyone out of_
_> this most excellent event (well, besides motorhead and metal church on_
_> the 4th of june at first ave, and the "clash of the titans" with
. slayer, megadeth, and anthrax on the 9th at Trout aire ;)._
_Say does anyone need a ticket to the clash of the titans. I bought_
_four, so far three are spoken for. Since it's general admission It_
_doesn't matter where you get your ticket, just as long as you get it._
_I also have room in my 79 Duster Partymobile for one more passenger._
_So who will it be? Who's brave enough to mosh it up with me?_
_See ya in the PIT!_
SimpleDNS is alright.
Bob Aman, Nov 21 2016 on www.facebook.com