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Uninvited Guests

*Uninvited Guests* - Human Agency[1] vs Machine Agency.

I found this gem via a CHI paper. I think it covers a number of pitfalls that can be avoided by insuring that we're designing products that emphasize Human Agency. It also underscores how privacy (especially between the device owner and the device user) is critical.

Also consider if instead of grandchildren the devices were provided by the NHS or Medicare.


Ultimately it is our intention that this, at times comedic story, plays on and gives form to some of the growing tensions between human and machine agency. And in doing so, provoke questions about how we want to live and grow old in an increasingly technologically mediated word.



Interesting ideas that protocols can be monetized thus leading to more diversity.

I'm not sure I agree with the premise. Large players have many more levers to get their protocols adopted and defend their turf.

There's also the risk that all new protocols will _require_ monetization so governments and internet infrastructure orgs can extract rents/taxes from the activity on the network.

On the other hand if the Gopher Protocol was monetized I might be sipping drinks on the beach instead of toiling in the protobuf mines...



Radical UX'ers

Also there's this: _Diverse teams that design for themselves are able to address the needs of diverse audiences, as opposed to teams that design for ‘the other’_


I recommend reading Zuboff to get an alternate perspective on what we do around here. I also believe understanding her PoV can help you understand why Europe behaves the way they do.

I do think she is on to something with her concept of behavioral surplus. Google has succeeded in extracting knowledge from events in a way that while it does benefit people (free ad supported things!) also has downsides.

Also looking forward to her upcoming book, if it's like her others it will likely be prescient. (See _In the Age of the Smart Machine_ and _Support Economy_)


Stone Soup references are a popular theme at Blockchain Unconference



Current status: detangling legacy code that uses fava extensions, modules and services wrapped in factories.



Lots to think about today:
- Everyday uses for the Optimal Stopping problem.
- Application of Ad Algorithms for Exploit vs Explore. [1]
- Sorting algorithms for unreliable comparators
- AI Ethics: Paperclip Maximization[1] and the Repugnant Conclusion[3]

All after watching this:

And I now have yet another book to put on my reading list....



_If you create some content but there is no one to see it, does it exist?_

from +112427496122904544974


Blockchain based content publishing system is full of content about making money with content.


Search, Results

Saw this generated byline recently and it really rubbed me the wrong way. It devalues Laurie as an artist in her own right and is certainly not how people present oneself to one another.

The byline is also unnecessary, the information is listed below in a more neutral way.

Reported at http://go/bad Need to also file a bug on the inability to report feedback on this text.



*Mightybell*: It's Ning for Mobile

About the only thing Recruiters are useful for is notifying me of the latest VC funded startups...

fyi to Steve Hardt


The Red Queen Principle this place it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place._

If a Google project doesn't have enough headcount to keep up with the constant churn you can bet that it will eventually go extinct.

[Also of note, suboptimization[1]; given our recent strategy with messaging clients...]



This talk by Kevin Kelly looks interesting...

Plus doesn't everyone need a stainless-steel engraved membership card?



*Updates* - Indieweb

And since Ade mentioned IndieWeb, here's a good writeup of what's going on in that community.

I did get to chat with Tantek a bit at the Decentralized Web conference. We bemoaned the lack of UX voices.

Fun fact: My first project at Google was supposed to be a SWAT0 implementation.


Dweb Reference

This is a good primer on technologies used to turn centralized into decentralized.


Dweb Critiques

An insightful read. Interesting commentary too.

_Stripping out the “smart” aspects of a Smart Contract, it is still a contract, albeit wrapped in a new-and-improved packaging of object-orientated programming and cheap, distributed computing power. Contracts are not new. And neither are their limitations._


ePub works quite well with Play Books. Recommended.

[Now if CACM would publish this instead of PDFs....]



In May 2017 Java classes will change to reflect the new Alphabet ownership structure, which will ensure that they appear at the top of the imports list (where they belong)

You should name your java classes with the following prefix:

instead of

A LSC and an increase in the max java line length will be done automatically. External libraries that are lexicographically less than will be eliminated (com.aardvark, etc.)


But seriously I agree with the import ordering change. It does simplify things at the expense of some piper history pollution.


Layer 8

One of my favorite terms. Assumes knowlege of ISO Networking Layers. Also for a future


Big Ball of Mud

A classic worth revisiting occasionally...



*Feedburner* on the chopping block? Surprised it lasted this long.

The code is oooold, I tried upgrading it's usage of Apache Commons v2->v3 a while ago and owners were reluctant to allow even that level of cleanup....


I'd like to buy this on Play, but it's not available in my country... AND the Web UI does not show this.

Took a long time to even figure out how to file this bug.


Thinking of reading this next. If you have just curious if it's worth the time. [My to-read list is just so long right now...]

Plus it appears that the author spoke in CAM recently.


Oz Deprecation

☠ Annoying Oz Deprecation warnings coming soon. ☠

1. Gather list of build targets used outside of Oz.
2. Write witty sayings
3. Pipe targets to buildozer shell script

while true
read line || exit
buildozer "set deprecation ☠\ \ Quitting\ Oz\ Now\ Greatly\ Reduces\ Risks\ to\ Your\ Code\ Health\ ☠\ "
read line || exit
buildozer "set deprecation ☠\ \ Oz\ Causes\ Code\ Bloat and May Complicate Pregnancy\ ☠\ "
read line || exit
buildozer "set deprecation ☠\ \ Oz\ contains\ Carbon\ Monoxide ☠\ "


*Research* - Privacy/Anonymous User Reputation Scoring

Looks interesting, going to have to spend some time wrapping my head around these concepts.


Decentralized Web Summit Trip Report - June 8-9, 2016

It's been a week, so time for a writeup of what went down at DWS. The press below covers some details, but I'm going to talk about the _feels_.

tl;dr - Electric atmosphere, technology on the cusp, very unclear future.

I found out about this too late to attend the first day, but I followed along via the live stream while reading up on the underlying technologies and chatting with attendees using federation features of Slack.

I went in person for day 2 and immediately felt the deja vu. O'Reilly FOOCamp meets early Google I/O meets the original GopherCon. You had wise sages (or as Wendy Hanamura put it _Orignal Gangstas_) working side-by-side with the new blockchain Gangstas. The only thing missing was a game of werewolf.

The breakout sessions were tech heavy but the crowd didn't need their hand held to pull down git repos and run/modify code. Many quick demos were created.

Lightning talks (available online) had thoughtful live questions and were broad enough to cover both the underlying technology and the potential results of applying it to society. I appreciated the inclusivity and diversity.

That said the ghosts of breathless tech conferences past were all there:

*Mobile* No real demos on phones. Many talks started with 'enter this on the command line'. That said most of the p2p systems on display have really good mobile properties: eventual consistency. offline sync, etc.

*UX* Little to no focus on UI/Usability problems. There was some discussion on the "Why PGP failed" talk, and passing references here and there. But very little about how this tech would be better for users.

*Economics* This new tech is competing with dirt-cheap VPS hosts out there and a generation of software designed for centralized client-server. Privacy and long-term effects on the ecosystem are low on users feature list. With the fintech bubble about to pop, who's going to fund the development; let alone the ongoing governance. Will new bitcoin funding models be the solution? Will the incumbents embrace or reject?

*Complexity* writing cryptographic serverless code is difficult and it's easy to make mistakes. libp2p is a good start, but the tooling isn't there yet.

Despite these serious issues this is the most excited I've been about our technology space in a long time. The electricity and optimism about what might emerge from this soup of technologies was palpable. I have hope that people won't want to repeat past mistakes, and that the new stack can achieve some 10x gains. Here's some initial thoughts:

- What if your phone could pull down entire sites for use offline and have deltas propagated when connected?
- How about having all of your physical devices syncing between themselves instead of up and down to the cloud.
- How about a better UI for managing your identity public/private keys?
- What about your OnHub being your persistent home on the network?
- What about being able to archive and 'play back' entire web sites like you would a git repo?
- How about having easy micropayments as a way to break free from our current ad-supported mess?
- How about Android APKs that travel from device to device with the security of knowing that you're running the exact same code as everyone else.

... more to come.


Technology - Webtorrent

Go ahead and load up and amaze at what WebRTC in the browser enables.

Paul Kinlan's article shows how you can roll your own serverless podcast site using WebTorrent. Of course there are serious privacy, legal, and wipeout issues involved to consider. Will talk about those in future Policy posts.


Highly recommended watching.

Highly recommended watching.

Hyperbolic discounting of future costs and Ulysses pacts are apropos to many situations. For example, technical debt.


What's the G+ tagline? Shouldn't we let users know?

How about +103403111903646616992's idea _"You are what you create"_




Comcast called me. Said I was running UDP portmapper on my external IP. Oops.

This was leftover from an experiment running NFSv4 across the net. [it sucked, used sshfs instead]

Also for those who've never experienced a reflection attack it's NASTY. Attacker sends forged source-address UDP packets so all responses go to the victim host. In the past NTP and DNS provided the vectors. Back in 2006 it was PharmaMaster and Blue Security:


Instead of "Don't be evil" --- "Can't be evil"



Hyperbolic Discounting

So here's my small request to all Googlers, watch this. Then think about all the benefits that you're discounting hyperbolically[1].

For example, technical debt is hyperbolically discounted compared to immediate features/launches.


Anyone from Security team want to sign on to this? Cory Doctorow asked me to send it onwards.



This feels like something Google would have created back in the day. Impressive.

- Cross Platform
- Interoperable
- Clients on Web/iOS/Android



Verifying that +lindner is my blockchain ID.


Attending day 2 of the Decentralized Web Summit. Hope to see some familiar and new faces.

Attending day 2 of the Decentralized Web Summit. Hope to see some familiar and new faces.


Decentralized Web Summit

Attending the Decentralized Web Summit day 2. Hope to see some familiar and new faces.



If your lucre feels filthy... drop it here.


So who made the decision to support TPP? I'm guessing the decision making process was done in secret, just like the TPP negotiating process.

The ISDS sections of this flawed trade agreement are reason enough to take a pass.


Who's involved with this? Might go just to catch up with TBL and Brewster...


*GopherLeaks* - Gopher @30 and Email Retention...

I'm working with a journalist writing a long-form Gopher article. I have every. single. email. from the 90s. It was incredible and allowed me to get some facts straight, relive some past glories and groan at some bonehead moments.

So I'm sad that Googlers will never get to have the same experience 30 years from now. With our 18 month retention policy and corporate ownership you'd better start keeping a [paper] diary..

[_And wow, I sure was a cocky mf back then._ and here's a Stevens reference since I was a metalhead unix programmer back then..]



People on the outside asking me about this. No clue.

Of course Incendiary Device could be a zippo for all we know...


Best typo found today:



uiconfig.textproto + boqlet.manifest

It's basically struts.xml

At least it's not Spring's applicationContext.xml (yet...)


ML Chip?

I wonder why we don't have custom ASICs for oh say -- Protos?

Or even better a *Guice Machine*

Of course then we'd need a special Guice keyboard. Extra @ signs, and a @Provides button.