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Enjoying "Stafford Beer and AI as Variety Engineering"


Who's a fan of Scala around here?


If you go here you'll be surprised with the amount of activity Facebook/Instagram tracks. You can turn it off.


Going into a leadership interview today and revisiting my favorite mental model for that:


This reminds me of the time I heard a social games exec brag about how much money they made off their Texas Hold 'em "tip the dealer" feature!


Next time you want to stream check your public library for options. Burbank supports Kanopy and it's full ln indie, ad-free, awesomeness and has rarities like Four Rooms


Replied to a post on :

Instead of a follow button I'd love to see a slider that allowed you to go from 'nuke this account' to 'always notify me', with various states in between.



Replied to a post on :

Ah yes, didn't look at the byline -- eek.

tl;dr: Facebook sees a threat and systematically attacks it. Beware.

Here's a broader article that goes into a lot more detail about failing to compete with Facebook. Also various HN threads go into details...


Replied to a post on :


Bluesky Community Standards

Bluesky Community Standards

As an experiment I fed the Bluesky Community Standards into a GenAI cloud worker powered by  To start I chose a description of the user and the comment being made.  So far?  Pedantic, but promising.  It lacks a lot of context (source target user, etc) to properly evaluate the rules.


Replied to a post on :

If you had it only accessible via a BBS you'd then have three layers of tech nostalgia!


Indeed... Having this data sent and stored without making it visible via UI or API makes it surprising to me. Plus would be nice to have it for and not just Google...



Replied to a post on :

Also using Cogent for fiber is always a fun ride. If they start using Internap we'll have to consider it LJ reincarnated, lol...




2.31GB of uncompressed Location Data Json!?

Also broken takeout at this stage of the game, yikes...


Yes! Gemini is the new Gopher

See the comments on the most recent blog post that showed up on Hacker News


Being a glutton for punishment I converted the Dawarich docker compose config to quadlets using podlet. I still run my Fedora home server that I've upgraded in place since 1999...


Confirmed! I was a big metalhead \m/ and was responsible for all the Unix-y things and spent a lot of time maintaining the community.

Other hostnames we had from bands and SciFi

huskerdu / nirvana / supernova / arcwelder

hafnhaf (big bonus points if you can figure this one out, lol!)

ashpool / tessier / joeboy / countzero


Tonight's project, save a decade+ of Google Location data. Be warned the deadline is coming fast. At the very least get your Takeout data....


Replied to a post on :

I contributed time and money to Known and am still using it in 2024. I'd love to see a new version that leverages the new techniques and tools we have today!


I'm at DWeb Camp this week, wish you were here! In an increasingly monoculture world we need these tech mammals to take over when the next comet hits and takes out the tech dinosaurs. If you're burned out in our current regime, join us and the movements across the world.


Uncharted Territory

... wherein I embrace the unknown future

I'm part of the April 2024 Core employees Google decided to part ways with. I'm taking this opportunity to take stock, embrace my purpose and chart a new path in these uncertain times.

To say that we're at a crossroads is an understatement. Cherished ecosystems are threatened. The Web itself has an uncertain future as it's moved from a global library of knowledge to an app/ads delivery channel. Open Source faces funding pressure and uncertainty about viable business models. Knowledge itself has become fluid and commodified as it's fed to global AI models. Even the once resilient systems that power society are at risk from demagogues and ill-conceived technological mediation. [*]

Yet, amidst this upheaval I see opportunity. I have a chance to embrace this uncertain future and add another technological impact to my life story.

While I'm exploring impactful possibilities within Google until June 24th I'm confident my skills can make a positive impact in many places. The world needs solutions and I'm determined to contribute to a better future!

If this resonates reach out and let's see what's possible!




New Adventures await!

My role was eliminated at Google and I have 60 days to find a new one or find a new adventure! I'm confident I'll find something new and exciting and this isn't the first time surviving this situation (the post 9-11 downturn was really scary). So do reach out if you're interested in what I have to offer. If you've been impacted, I'm also happy to offer pep talks


Another year younger and my best birthday ever (so far)!

The path forward never looked so good!


Another year younger and my best birthday ever (so far)!

The path forward never looked so good!

A whole year of my life with the ever talented and beautiful @ninersj789 - what a joy! She is the best partner and wife I could ever imagine!!! And then... an actual birthday party for both of us and @amandamnevarez ? Inconceivable?! A whole birthday weekend of dancing, friends and good times with Art Cars in the Desert at @teleportartcarfestival? With a pirate ship by So. Much. Fun.

And of course there was Cake, and Audrey, and we started off with the @broken_compass_tiki and a fun play with Josh, Jenny, and @phylistine.etienne

The one thing I know is that things keep getting better and better. My love for Janine grows stronger and deeper; I'm becoming a better parent; I feel loved and supported by friends and community in a way I never felt before. I feel up to life's challenges!!

Thank you to everyone that wished me well for my birthday and appreciate me. I am so grateful to be on this journey with you all!!


It's interesting that this article didn't mention Gopher, which was developed at the University of Minnesota. Jean Amour Polly would have definitely known about it, as back then the Gopher Team was all about creating Digital Libraries.

And Mark McCahill was a ardent Windsurfer, which resulted in this shirt, designed by his partner Wendy Jedeckila, way back in 1991!


Lol, with my 5th dose I hit the Trifecta of Covid shots: Moderna, Pfizer and J&J



Janine, Gus, Audrey and Me

Janine, Gus, Audrey and Me

My Happy Family!



Achivement Unlocked: Got mistaken for Danny Elfman!


Neotropolis 2023

Neotropolis 2023

Cyberpunk Neotropolis 2023, with Google Glass and my fiancé J9 was fantastic.  Used my non-implant Google Glass to capture many visual bits!


Leaving Montclair...

So many memories at 2 Saroni Court. The location, house, and neighbors were spectacular. But now I'm creating an amazing new life in Burbank, so I hope the next family enjoys this gem!


Thanks for supporting all these years! Twitter has ceased to be a platform I really interact with. It had a good run... Here's to a federated future!





The 1st of the month is always a day for transformations with my forever love Janine!


History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme! Deb Schultz lays it out...


Valentine's Love

Valentine's Love
Valentine's Love
Valentine's Love
Valentine's Love
Valentine's Love
Thank you to my fiancé Janine for helping me find and experience a love that is so intense, varied, strong and enduring! I cherish and celebrate you today and every day forever more!
I am feeling ecstatic, loved and in awe of your deep mind, endless beauty and kind soul! Together we'll dance and explore the rest of our lives!
I love you!!!



When you know, you know! Engaged and we just moved to Burbank! Come find us!



New Years Love

New Years Love
To my love Janine:
3 infinite months, my world transformed;
a year ahead, bursting with possibilities, fresh and new;
a kiss, commitment and undying love, we thrive!
a lifetime of synchronized breaths and waking together.

One of my 2023 Resolutions is to embrace change. I love how the Year in Search video captures the sentiment!



Sometimes love finds you in unexpected ways and places.

When I met Janine at Wasteland Weekend I knew we'd be friends forever.  We quickly found that we have amazing connection, attraction and chemistry.  Our love blossomed slowly, then quickly with an intensity that takes my breath away.  The last couple months have felt like years!

I feel so lucky to have Janine as my devoted friend, partner, lover and companion.  I'm excited for you all to see her kind spirit, stylish charm, deep mind and playful curiosity.  I love her!

With her I am loved, valued and appreciated for me, just as I am and I am able to embrace and experience the present moment, embracing an amazing and exciting future!

Paul and J9





After months of waiting and a customs seizure my Flipper has arrived! Let the RF hacks begin!




Sooo much happiness the past two months.  Passionately embracing the amazing future!


Enjoyed this Atlantic article by Kaitlyn Tiffany that teases apart from the movement. And great to see Mai Sutton, Compost and Danny O'Brien get some space!

// @TheAtlantic @kait_tiffany @maira @COMPOSTmag @mala @GETDWeb


Dirt Blading!

Dirt Blading!

I'm back from dirt blading at @wastelandhq  Thanks to @mullingitover for capturing this special moment!

Also on Instagram


This totally feels like a Web 1.0 playlist!

Mars FM was a short lived LA radio station I just learned about. Those beats.. they are biiig