T-Mobile USA folks -- consider signing up for this beta program.
T-Mobile USA folks -- consider signing up for this beta program.
The odd things you find on Netflix.... Searching for more info didn't bring up much except for this quote from a press release:
"`Nancy Drew' and `The Hardy Boys' will move smoothly into the modern age with great adventures and mysteries using modern day products like cell phones, CD-ROMs and modems to continue their young adult sleuthing."
Had to watch three episodes to fully appreciate how bad it was.
I highly recommend that everyone check out the rich snippets page.
- Have a Google+ account? Try putting your other profile links in there to see if you have things all linked together. (See http://blog.inuus.com/vox/2012/01/social-search-part-1-connect-all-the-accounts.html for more on this...)
- Webmaster? See how Google parses your site. You'll also find some good examples of how you can markup your pages to be better represented in Google+ and in Google search results.
Happy to help webmasters implement this -- leave me a message on my profile.
Originally shared by Ade Oshineye
Have you tried: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets ?
What did you think of it?
BTW the help page is here: http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=173839
Until everything in the world is in the cloud this works well for getting the bits from the linux file server in the garage to the Google TV in the living room.
Plus it uses freebase.com data to enhance your content in new and interesting ways.
Breezy day at the market. Parking meters are now $4.25/hr.
Bumped into Benjamin Trott which was nice.
Confirm receipt?
Hi Evan -- pinging you here just in case you didn't see my note about starting on SPYW...
Some good thoughts from James about the standards process.
(Oh BTW, I have opened an issue to get full Activity Streams conformity.. Mostly this was just a disconnect of developing the APIs while the standard was baking..)
Originally shared by James Snell
Just some basic thoughts on standards development...
Really happy to see IBM moving forward with this!
I wonder if there's a professional version of this? Interesting idea..
Originally shared by Guy Kawasaki
(Wed04) Was getting in touch with my metrosexual side on Pinterest and came across this pin:
Which lead me to this:
Which is something to buy for sure! You can get it here for $34.95, but all the colors are sold out except purple.
Just have to share this page since this is the first instance of a company putting a link to their plus page in an email that I've seen. They said:
We'd sure appreciate a +1! Click here to see what we're talking about.
Oh and they do make some pretty nice doors too...
Decided to dust of my Typepad Blog for a post on how to help make your Social Search experience even more awesome.
For part 1 I focus on linking your accounts together. This is key to being able to personalize content that does not live in Google+.
If you have a deep link to a site settings page that offers a way to link to Google+ let me know here or over on the blog.
And we must give credit to Amit Singhal who shared this first!
Stay tuned, I'll have some tips on how to make sure your content gets included in social search later today.
Originally shared by Amit Singhal
Today we are introducing Search plus Your World, a new Google search experience centered around people. For the first time ever, you will be able to find personal results from your world -- your photos, your friends, your stuff -- in search.
It's rolling out today and should be available in the US for all signed in Google users over the next few days.
Social Search is getting a huge upgrade today! Your +1s, your posts and your content now matter more than ever.
Do you create content on the web? Do you want to make that content eligible for inclusion in Google's new social search? Of course you do!
Read on for the first part in my series of tips and tricks on how to make social search work better for your content.
Social search uses your Google identity plus your extended social graph to help you find personalized content. The extended social graph is found via links everyone adds to their Google+ profile. More links means more personalized data.
Connect and Verify the accounts you use across the web on the Connected Accounts settings page. Then add these and other profile links on your Google+ profile. Remember to add links to accounts across the web, places where you actually create content: your postings, comments, photos, videos and so on.
The best results come from two-way links so consider adding links back to your Google+ profile. For best results paste in your Google+ profile and remove the /u/# and suffixes. Your profile link should look like this:
I recently added links to my Google+ profile on these sites. I've included the direct link so you can too. I'd love to know about more, just leave the site name and link in the comments!
And for those of you self-hosting your own blog or site you can manually put a link back to your Google+ profile by editing your HTML markup to include a link to your Google+ profile. Here's a simple example:
<a rel="me" href="https://plus.google.com/117259934788907243749">
My Google+ Profile
The important part is the rel="me" That tells Google that the linked page is your profile.
That wraps it up for Part 1 -- stay tuned for Part 2 where I go over how to mark up authorship for your content! Thanks for plussing!
Here are my new years thoughts on the social web platforms. I've been pondering what the world can do to get ourselves out of this one man/one graph/one api situation we find ourselves in and what Google can do to help.
Facebook the product and Facebook Connect/APIs have sucked up most of the social web oxygen. Open efforts have largely failed -- the Google-led consortium OpenSocial has been relegated to niche usage like enterprise or contextual gadgets, OpenID use is declining, Webfinger never took off, oEmbed has murky IP, even RSS and Atom are use is declining.
In particular OpenSocial is now paralleling a different OSF -- the _Open Software Foundation_. Remember that? DEC/IBM/etal banded together to fight off a common enemy (Solaris/AT&T or Windows). There was some decent output from it (I loved me some Tru64 OSF/1 Unix) but in the end it was Linux that disrupted and became the server standard while Windows claimed the defacto client standard. Today both OSFs are in decline and don't define the market.
So what to do? Here are a few of my ideas, what about yours?
* Obviously getting market share for Google+ the product and Google+ the platform helps, it provides an alternative. However if we're not careful we end up with a Coke/Pepsi duopoly, since much of our growth will come at the expense of the wider ecosystem before it starts to take from Facebook.
* Try to build on open standards where it sees broad based usage. OAuth 2.0 is something that everyone (including FB) has actually implemented. Activity Streams and schema.org are ascending. Add social to these where it makes sense.
* Try to nurture the next disruptor and be prepared to jump on it when it comes. Any technology that Google promotes as "open" will likely meet the similar fate as OpenSocial. (And I hope schema.org is the exception here...)
* Do something about the Terms of Service encumbered internet that's slowly taking off.
Hopefully sometime in 2012 there can be a way for everyone to work together on social. I hope to live to see the day that Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and a hundeds of smaller players can do something that lifts all our boats and benefits users.
Roo update..
No problems, she's been on plenty of long walks in the area parks and can now claim to have visited Rockridge, Sibley Park, Jack London Square, Sausalito and parts of Berkeley.
People still keep asking what her mix is...
Hope everything is going well in Texas and we'll see you sometime friday morning..
Round Top Sunset..
Caught this reflection in the water tank while walking the dogs in the Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve. (http://www.ebparks.org/parks/sibley)
Round Top, one of the area's highest peaks, is made up of lava and volcanic debris left over from a 10-million-year-old volcano. During the past 10 million years, massive tectonic forces on the Hayward and Moraga earthquake faults uplifted the Berkeley hills, folding bedrock formations and tilting the Round Top volcano complex on its side.
Gift of the magi.com?
Did everyone else get a nice letter from Karthik about hi5 shares? I suppose I should resign myself that my few thousand shares of hi5 are not going to be worth the hassle.
The odd thing is magi.com is registered to some place in Canada:
Uniserve Communications Corp.
610 6th ST
Suite 200
New Westminster, British Columbia V3L 3C2
Both Amazon and iTunes are failing Dr Who fans. Neither of them has posted the Christmas episode. Normally they have these the following day. To make matters worse Amazon screwed up and made the 2 minute prequel a paid download which resulted in everyone who had a season pass getting charged.
After seeing a few episodes on BBC America I know that I can never go back to watching these episodes with commercial interruptions. It's just too jarring to switch from Cybermen to M&M ads.
Roses blooming in the Oakland Hills.
Here's a photo uploaded directly via Eye-Fi. I'm still working out the best way to use this with G+, but so far I'm pretty impressed. The geotagging was pretty accurate and I'm always happy with the quality of the photos from the Lumix.
Currently I've just set this up to upload to the machine at home with iPhoto and also upload to Picasa. I've yet to experiment with the Android app and Wifi-Direct, but that seems a bit complicated -- I might just turn on wifi tethering when taking photos instead.
Anyone else using a setup like this? Any hints?
Roo update day 2.
Everything is in order, she's eating her food, and getting along with Tommy.
Went on a nice long walk this morning. I was worried that those little legs couldn't make it up the hilly terrain, but she did fine.
Christmas came early for me courtesy of T-Mobile!
They powered up a new cell tower a short way from my house. Now I can finally get rid of my erratic cell-boster, and I have decent coverage throughout the neighborhood (which is challenging given the hills and trees).
Hi Remi, I work on site integration for the Google+ team here at Google.
If you're interested I have a number of recommendations that will help 8tracks perform better on Google+ and Google social search. Let me know if you're interested -- I can be plus'd here or you can email me at [email protected]
It's #musicmonday and #mashupmonday
This just passed by my #mashup live stream. You get a years worth of pop music in six minutes. solid.
I just filed http://b/issue?id=5777937
Google Offers needs it's own Google+ Page, and we should be promoting it in the daily emails we send. This twitter stuff is so last decade...
Glad that we have the white hats keeping things safe. It's amazing the crazy things you have to do to securely pass data between sites.
Okay, one more holiday song. Electric Six really captures the spirit of this song.
Well now, that's different.
Though it brings to mind potential sequels. And Chester Arthur would make a great sidekick.
Originally shared by Laughing Squid
http://status.twitter.com/ -- powered by Tumblr?
Totally unexpected. Then again, hi5 is a much different place these days.
A world where anyone can be a major broadcaster with the people that matter. (And face-tracking antlers)
Originally shared by Vic Gundotra
Google+ Hangouts: Going beyond the status update
One of the most intimate forms of human connection is eye contact. Our digital tools have given us new forms - text messages, email, status updates - but nothing compares to the richness and intensity of looking into someones eyes as they talk.
Our emphasis on face-to-face-face group video communication has lead to some amazing experiences. By giving this away for free, we've enabled people around the world to see into each others eyes and share discussion and laughter in new ways.
Today, we improve the service significantly.
1) We are enabling you to hangout on any post.
2) We've reached an important milestone for "Hangouts on Air". Hundreds of people (who we have whitelisted as part of our trial) can now broadcast their hangouts to the entire world for free completely self-service. Our goal is to enable this for everyone on the planet.
3) We are making it possible for you to start hangouts from messenger on Android or iPhone devices.
4) You can call any phone number in the world and conference in anyone.
5) We threw in a reindeer :-)
It's not the holidays without The New Standards! They do a great set of live holiday shows every year and cover all the classics.
I like that this song brings to mind those lazy winter days when the snow plow couldn't get the job done. That and it's a seasonal song made in within the last decade. Hope you enjoy it.
[Oh and there's plenty more including a wicked xylophone version of Hey Ya at http://www.thenewstandards.com/]
Gingerbread marmalade -- Just in time for the holidays! Highly recommended. Also check out Blue Chair's other flavors. They make the best artisanal jams and marmalades.
I've been lucky enough to live through spikes like this. At Typepad we had cuteoverload, and gofugyourself, at hi5 we had the Romanian DJ phenomenon which resulted in 20% penetration in a months time...
In both cases the small teams had to scramble to deal with the load and focus on features was suspended.
I'm so stoked to see what we can do with the infrastructure of Google behind us.
Can you guess the top goog.require() calls in google3? Comment below (no peeking!) (props to @103827306991532885669 for the idea)
*Edit* - new list by using new custom closure gsearch
9069 'goog.dom'
5440 'goog.array'
5364 'goog.events'
3887 'goog.style'
3762 'goog.string'
3337 'goog.dom.classes'
3119 'goog.events.EventType'
2661 'goog.debug.Logger'
2625 'goog.ui.Component'
2573 'goog.events.EventHandler'
2424 'goog.object'
2160 'goog.testing.asserts'
2113 'goog.testing.jsunit'
1968 'goog.events.EventTarget'
1929 'goog.asserts'
1920 'goog.testing.MockControl'
1845 'goog.Uri'
1717 'goog.Disposable'
1693 'goog.events.Event'
1657 'goog.json'
1460 'goog.userAgent'
1328 'goog.Timer'
1184 'goog.structs.Map'
1139 'goog.net.XhrIo'
1131 'fava.delegate.Delegate'
1028 'goog.dom.TagName'
909 'goog.ui.Dialog'
841 'fava.component.DomServices'
792 'goog.ui.Component.EventType'
791 'goog.testing.mockmatchers'
779 'fava.services'
749 'goog.events.KeyCodes'
715 'goog.testing.PropertyReplacer'
690 'goog.functions'
648 'goog.math.Size'
605 'goog.math.Coordinate'
596 'goog.testing.events'
588 'goog.async.Deferred'
557 'goog.structs.Set'
530 'goog.ui.MenuItem'
495 'goog.Uri.QueryData'
472 'goog.dom.DomHelper'
468 'goog.uri.utils'
468 'goog.math'
462 'goog.dom.forms'
453 'fava.extension'
423 'fava.AppContext'
421 'fava.dom.SoyRenderer'
408 'goog.string.StringBuffer'
399 'goog.math.Rect'
397 'goog.module.ModuleManager'
395 'goog.ui.Button'
378 'soy'
378 'goog.positioning.Corner'
372 'ga.Component'
364 'goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat'
353 'crm.testing'
349 'pinto.core.Url'
348 'ga.report.States'
337 'jfk.Button'
329 'goog.net.EventType'
322 'goog.debug'
320 'goog.ui.Dialog.ButtonSet'
319 'goog.math.Range'
316 'fava.data.DataServices'
306 'goog.ui.CustomButton'
301 'goog.testing.MockClock'
301 'goog.debug.LogManager'
Do it yourself:
/home/build/google3/javascript/closure/bin/gsearch goog.require | grep .js: out| ^Crl -pe 's/^.*\((.*)\).*$//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn