Your investment in authorship continues to pay dividends. Thanks everyone for implementing -- it makes products like this possible.
Originally shared by AJ Kohn
Content Recommendations for Your Mobile Website
When you help someone find a great article on your site, you’re not only making them happier, you’re inspiring deeper engagement and loyalty. That's why today, we're bringing together elements of Google+ and Google Search to suggest the right content from your mobile website, at just the right time.
For example: Forbes visitors can now more easily discover other Forbes articles based on Search Authorship, signals and other articles with lots of Google+ activity (including +1's and shares). In all cases, recommended content is based on the specific page the visitor is viewing, to boost the relevance of recommendations. And they only appear when people tap for more, so as not to interrupt their browsing experience.
Very interesting on a lot of fronts!
#googleplus #content #authorship
#authorship #content #googleplus #gplus